Code review to look for errors, mismatched filenames, labels in wrong order, using the wrong experiments, etc.
: Converts the output from the frequentist experiments into a format that can be used by the plotting scripts. -
: Converts the output from the dynare experiments into a format that can be used by the plotting scripts consistent with the Julia chains. -
: Generates all figures except for the RBC robustness examples -
: Generates the RBC robustness figures -
: Generates all tables except for the RBC frequentist tables -
: Generates the RBC frequentist tables -
Go through all figures to make sure we don't have major regressions in quality
The original code used
in a few places. For example and Go through and make sure you like when/where it uses the long one. I don't really care, so just change the referenced experiments if you prefer
Check SGU pseudotrues between julia and dynare:
James said that he thought something might have an error reordering at some point in the dynare vs. the julia code. Not sure if this is true or not, but created Verify SGU sampling of the last 4 parameters #167 to review the ideas. The density plots look bad, but it might be because the sampling si bad (or that it starts at a particular initial condition away from the pseudotrue, or that thepriors are wrong, etc.).
In review the pseudos and the
for display. Mess around with labels/figures/captions to your hearts content. -
In h make sure the number of particles is up to date. Otherwise everything should come from metadata
Verify psuedos/etc. in
Change the footnotes as you see fit in
- just verify thecode, look for errors, etc.
You will see that in the paper itself I added in the inferred shcoks of the SGU and the RBC SV. Remove those if you don't like them.
The new stuff with
is in theScaling with Sample Length
appendix. Check if correct then move around as you see fit. If you want other results, we can add them, but I think this proves the point on how performance scales with N. -
Similarly, there is only a subset of new material in the RBC with Stochastic Volatility section, so add things in as you see fit.
Figure 11 and 12 were moved to the appendix, as discussed. Feel free to change anything on those figures (e.g. can zoom in, change tittles, resize, etc.