After #165 #166 are done then @jlperla will
- merge in a version of Julia 1.9 support? With PrecompileTools? #156
- rerun everything with julia 1.9 (including data generation for anything @donskerclass wishes). This is necessary because the
are not portable between versions. - use the shell scripts end-to-end for the replication package
- upload the assets to the bucket and the figures/tables to the paper repo
Then @donskerclass can,
- make sure code to run the figures/tables works on his machine with downloaded assets
- go through the results one last time to make sure we don't need any other experiment tweaks
- move constants from the results into the CSV file
- last check on any visual changes to the figures, which he can then do himself given the tested setup
Then move to finalize writeutp.
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