Better instructions for: Cask xxx is unavailable: No Cask with this name exists. #71221
Description of feature/enhancement
what i do:
brew cask outdated
brew cask list
what i see:
brew cask outdated
Error: Cask 'betterzipql' is unavailable: No Cask with this name exists.
(all?) brew commands fail now
what i expected
- commands should work normalwly
- the missing cask should result in an warning but not breaking the command
- i miss an instruction or an hint or a link to an info page with a "How to resolve" instructions
- an way to remove the cask / program with the brew command to get brew cask working again
sometimes there is an cask deleted, and always people start to file an issue about this and they have no clue how to resolve this breaking the workflow
Example use case
betterzipql is removed and now i get the error messages above and can not use the brew command anymore