For which schema is a change/update being suggested?
I would like to request an update to the specimen_from_organism.json
What should the change/update be?
I would like to change the user-friendly name of the specimen from organism schema to "Primary tissue" to more accurately describe that the specimen schema is to be used to describe a primary tissue sample taken directly from a donor/mouse.
Related to #389 which proposed to change the whole schema name (a major and disruptive change). This ticket is just for updating the user-friendly name of the schema.
What new field(s) need to be changed/added?
No new fields.
Why is the change requested?
I would like the Data Browser to be able to display the "type" of sample in a project as either "Organoid", "Cell line", or "Primary tissue", which are the 3 major categories of sample types we have. The terms "Organoid" and "Cell line" can be retrieved from the user-friendly term of the corresponding schemas, but for "Primary tissue", the schema name is actually "Specimen from organism", which is a bit confusing. Changing the user-friendly name of the specimen schema is a patch update that will provide a mechanism for the Browser to retrieve the standardized sample type names.