Exact deduplication transform identifies and removes identical documents in a dataset by comparing them hash-for-hash to ensure exact matching. Please see the set of transform project conventions for details on general project conventions, transform configuration, testing and IDE set up.
- Boris Lublinsky ([email protected])
This Python implementation of the exact deduplication transform uses "streaming" deduplication based on a central hash. As shown below, it relies on a distributed hash cache and data processors that read documents, generate hashes, coordinate with the cache to remove duplicates, and store unique documents in the data plane.
Mapping this model to the transform model is complicated by the need for a hash cache, which the transform model does not recognize. The solution is to have the transform runtime create the hash cache and pass it as a parameter to the transforms. The transform runtime handles hash cache creation and enhances statistics with details about cache size and utilization.
The current implementation includes snapshotting, where the hash cache is saved to storage (local disk or S3) at the end of execution. This enables incremental deduplication: you can run deduplication on existing files, save the hash cache, and later load the snapshot to deduplicate only new files, avoiding reprocessing the entire dataset.
Input Column Name | Data Type | Description |
Column specified by the contents_column configuration argument | str | Column that stores document text |
Column specified by the document_id_column configuration argument | str | Column that stores document ID |
This transform does not perform any annotations; it only filters out the documents that are marked as duplicates.
The set of dictionary keys holding EdedupTransform configuration for values (common for Python and Ray) are as follows:
- doc_column - specifies name of the column containing documents
- doc_id_column - specifies the name of the column containing a document id
- use_snapshot - specifies that ededup execution starts with a set of pre-existing hashes, enabling incremental execution
- snapshot_directory - specifies the directory for reading snapshots. If not provided, the default is
The following command line arguments (corresponding to the configuration keys described above) are available in addition to the options provided by the launcher.
--ededup_doc_column EDEDUP_DOC_COLUMN
name of the column containing document
--ededup_doc_id_column EDEDUP_DOC_ID_COLUMN
name of the column containing document id
--ededup_use_snapshot EDEDUP_USE_SNAPSHOT
flag to continue from snapshot
--ededup_snapshot_directory EDEDUP_SNAPSHOT_DIRECTORY
location of snapshot files
To use the transform image to transform your data, please refer to the running images quickstart, substituting the name of this transform image and runtime as appropriate.
Following the testing strategy of data-processing-lib
Currently we have:
Please see the set of transform project conventions for details on general project conventions, transform configuration, testing and IDE set up.
In addition to common ededup parameters, Ray implementation provides two additional ones
- hash_cpu - specifies amount of CPU per hash actor
- num_hashes - specifies number of hash actors
We also provide an estimate to roughly determine cluster size for running transformer.
To run the samples, use the following make
- runs dpk_ededup/ray/transform.py using command line args
This target will activate the virtual environment and set up any configuration needed.
Use the -n
option of make
to see the detail of what is done to run the sample.
For example,
make run-cli-sample
ls output
To see results of the transform.
When running the transform with the Ray launcher (i.e., RayTransformLauncher), these additional command line arguments are available the options provided by the launcher.
--ededup_hash_cpu EDEDUP_HASH_CPU
number of CPUs per hash
--ededup_num_hashes EDEDUP_NUM_HASHES
number of hash actors to use
--ededup_doc_column EDEDUP_DOC_COLUMN
name of the column containing document
--ededup_doc_id_column EDEDUP_DOC_ID_COLUMN
name of the column containing document id
--ededup_use_snapshot EDEDUP_USE_SNAPSHOT
flag to continue from snapshot
--ededup_snapshot_directory EDEDUP_SNAPSHOT_DIRECTORY
location of snapshot files
These correspond to the configuration keys described above.