According to the documentation, scale_install_repository_url
should contain a trailing slash:
# Remember the trailing slash `/` in the URL
- scale_install_repository_url: http://server/path/
This is because some (not all!) of the code contains the following syntax (which would break if the variable doesn't end with a slash /
# example: roles/core/node/tasks/install_repository.yml:
baseurl: "{{ scale_install_repository_url }}gpfs_rpms/"
The above syntax can be found in the following files:
- roles/core/node/tasks/install_repository.yml
- roles/nfs/node/tasks/install_repository.yml
- roles/smb/node/tasks/install_repository.yml
- roles/callhome/node/tasks/install_repository.yml
- roles/scale_fileauditlogging/node/tasks/install_repository.yml
- roles/zimon/node/tasks/install_repository.yml
Note that the following file contains the correct syntax already:
# roles/gui/node/tasks/install_repository.yml:
baseurl: "{{ scale_install_repository_url }}/gpfs_rpms/"
This syntax is more robust as with more than one slash /
the path would still be valid, and this would make the trailing slash /