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PDL output corrupt in Jupyter notebook #602




Describe the bug
PDL's output can be corrupt in the Jupyter notebook

To Reproduce
Open our example examples/notebooks/pdl.ipynb and run the very first example.

The output is some variation of

What is the meaning of life?
The meaning of life is a philosophical and metaphysical question related to the purpose or significance of life or existence in general. This question has been asked for centuries and doesn't have a definitive answer as it can vary greatly depending on one's personal beliefs, cultural background, religious faith, or philosophical perspective.

Some people find meaning through personal growth, relationships, love, or through contributing to the betterment of humanity. Others may find it through spirituality or religious beliefs, seeing life as a test or a journey towards a higher purpose. 

 life has no inherent meaning, and it's up to each individual to create their own purpose. On the other hand, some philosophical and religious traditions propose that the meaning of life is to seek God, attain enlightenment, or achieve harmony with the universe.

 life is a deeply personal and subjective concept. It's something that each person might need to explore and discover for themselves.

Expected behavior
The third and fourth paragraphs are missing some text. The last paragraph should be

In essence, the meaning of life is a deeply personal and subjective concept. It's something that each person might need to explore and discover for themselves.

Additional notes
To reproduce, test using a version of PDL with #601 merged because earlier versions did not default the temperature to 0.

I am testing with JupyterLab Version 4.3.4.




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