diff --git a/_sources/ibm_zos_core/docs/source/modules/zos_fetch.rst.txt b/_sources/ibm_zos_core/docs/source/modules/zos_fetch.rst.txt
index 7cdcabbd..23d58c86 100644
--- a/_sources/ibm_zos_core/docs/source/modules/zos_fetch.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/ibm_zos_core/docs/source/modules/zos_fetch.rst.txt
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ zos_fetch -- Fetch data from z/OS
-- This module fetches a UNIX System Services (USS) file, PS (sequential data set), PDS, PDSE, member of a PDS or PDSE, or KSDS (VSAM data set) from a remote z/OS system.
+- This module fetches a UNIX System Services (USS) file, PS (sequential data set), PDS, PDSE, member of a PDS or PDSE, generation data set (GDS), generation data group (GDG), or KSDS (VSAM data set) from a remote z/OS system.
- When fetching a sequential data set, the destination file name will be the same as the data set name.
- When fetching a PDS or PDSE, the destination will be a directory with the same name as the PDS or PDSE.
- When fetching a PDS/PDSE member, destination will be a file.
- Files that already exist at \ :literal:`dest`\ will be overwritten if they are different than \ :literal:`src`\ .
+- When fetching a GDS, the relative name will be resolved to its absolute one.
+- When fetching a generation data group, the destination will be a directory with the same name as the GDG.
@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ Parameters
- Name of a UNIX System Services (USS) file, PS (sequential data set), PDS, PDSE, member of a PDS, PDSE or KSDS (VSAM data set).
+ Name of a UNIX System Services (USS) file, PS (sequential data set), PDS, PDSE, member of a PDS, PDSE, GDS, GDG or KSDS (VSAM data set).
USS file paths should be absolute paths.
@@ -187,6 +189,24 @@ Examples
to: ISO8859-1
flat: true
+ - name: Fetch the current generation data set from a GDG
+ zos_fetch:
+ dest: /tmp/
+ flat: true
+ - name: Fetch a previous generation data set from a GDG
+ zos_fetch:
+ dest: /tmp/
+ flat: true
+ - name: Fetch a generation data group
+ zos_fetch:
+ dest: /tmp/
+ flat: true
diff --git a/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/release_notes.rst.txt b/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/release_notes.rst.txt
index 5d11476b..7c8c9577 100644
--- a/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/release_notes.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/release_notes.rst.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,43 @@
+Version 1.5.0
+* Added new roles for z/OSMF Software Management
+* Updated the z/OSMF Software Management roles from a previous release to support UUID
+* New roles
+ * `zmf_swmgmt_csi_query`_
+ * `zmf_swmgmt_system_uuid`_
+* `Automation Hub`_
+* `Galaxy`_
+* `GitHub`_
+Version 1.4.2
+* The README has been updated with a new template.
+* Fixed role `zmf_workflow_complete` which previously failed to return final_result.
+* `Automation Hub`_
+* `Galaxy`_
+* `GitHub`_
Version 1.4.1
@@ -265,6 +302,12 @@ Reference
.. _zmf_zmsc_run_management_service:
+.. _zmf_swmgmt_csi_query:
+ roles/zmf_swmgmt_csi_query.html
+.. _zmf_swmgmt_system_uuid:
+ roles/zmf_swmgmt_system_uuid.html
.. _Automation Hub:
diff --git a/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_csi_query.rst.txt b/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_csi_query.rst.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f87ec90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_csi_query.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+:github_url: https://github.com/IBM/ibm_zosmf/tree/master/plugins/roles/zmf_swmgmt_csi_query
+.. _zmf_swmgmt_csi_query_module:
+zmf_swmgmt_csi_query -- Query a SMP/E CSI data set
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+ :depth: 1
+- The \ :strong:`IBM z/OSMF collection`\ provides an Ansible role, referred to as \ :strong:`zmf\_swmgmt\_csi\_query`\ , to query a SMP/E global zone CSI data set directly or to query the CSI associated with a software instance.
+ Hostname of the z/OSMF server, specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: True
+ | **type**: str
+ Port number of the z/OSMF server. If z/OSMF is not using the default port, you need to specify a value for this parameter in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ | **default**: 443
+ User ID for authenticating with the z/OSMF server.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: True
+ | **type**: str
+ Password to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: True
+ | **type**: str
+ Name of the software instance.
+ A software instance name must be specified when a software instance UUID or a CSI data set name are not specified. If a software instance UUID is specified in addition to a software instance and system nickname, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ Nickname of the z/OSMF host system that has access to the volumes and data sets where the software instance resides.
+ A system nickname name must be specified when a software instance UUID or a CSI data set name are not specified. If a software instance UUID is specified in addition to a software instance and system nickname, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ A UUID of a software instance. A UUID is assigned to every software instance and can be obtained using the "List the software instances defined to z/OSMF" REST API.
+ A UUID can also be obtained using the zmf\_swmgmt\_zos\_system\_uuid Ansible role which retrieves the UUID for the software instance that represents the installed software for the specified z/OSMF host system.
+ A software instance UUID name must be specified when a software instance or a CSI data set name are not specified. If a software instance or a CSI data set name are specified, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ A global zone CSI data set to query when it is not associated with a defined software instance object.
+ A CSI data set name must be specified when a software instance or a software instance UUID are not specified. If a software instance UUID is specified in addition to a CSI data set name, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ The list of zones to be queried. You may provide one or more specific zone names, or any of these values:
+ GLOBAL (To query the global zone)
+ ALLTZONES (To query all target zones)
+ ALLDZONES (To query all DLIB zones)
+ \* (To query the global zone and all zones defined in the global zone's ZONEINDEX)
+ Zone names are accepted in mixed case and are folded to uppercase automatically. This list variable needs to be in following format: \ :literal:`'"GLOBAL","ALLTZONES","ALLDZONES"'`\
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: True
+ | **type**: arr
+ The list of entry types to be queried. You may provide one or more entry types, or asterisk ('\*') can be used to indicate all entry types will be queried. Entry types are accepted in mixed case and are folded to uppercase automatically.
+ Refer to https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/zos/3.1.0?topic=command-valid-entry-types for the list of valid types.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: True
+ | **type**: arr
+ The list of subentry types to be returned. You may provide one or more subentry types, or asterisk ('\*') can be used to indicate all subentry types will be returned. Subentry types are accepted in mixed case and are folded to uppercase automatically. If no subentries are provided, then only the entry name and zone will be returned for matching entries.
+ Refer to https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/zos/3.1.0?topic=command-valid-subentry-types for the list of valid types.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: arr
+ The list of conditions with which to limit the entries to be returned. A condition is in the form: subentry operator 'value' For example, FMID = 'HP10230' or INSTALLDATE \>= '23203'. The subentry type of a filter condition is accepted in mixed case and is folded to uppercase automatically. The value of a filter condition is case sensitive and is not folded to uppercase. If a filter is not provided then all entries of the specified type in the specified zones will be returned.
+ Refer to https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/zos/3.1.0?topic=command-filter-parameter-syntax for a detailed description of the syntax for the filter.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ The path to the file that will contain the results from the csi query operation.
+ The directory must already exist otherwise there will be an error writing the results to the file. If the file exists in the directory already, it will be overwritten by the new response when the playbook is executed. If the file doesn't exist in the directory, it will be created.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: True
+ | **type**: str
+ User ID for authenticating with a remote z/OSMF server. Used only if the csi data set resides on a remote z/OSMF server.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ Password for authenticating with a remote z/OSMF server.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ User ID for authenticating with an HTTP proxy server.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ Password for authenticating with an HTTP proxy server.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ - name: sample of querying a CSI data set
+ hosts: sampleHost
+ gather_facts: no
+ collections:
+ - ibm.ibm_zosmf
+ tasks:
+ - include_role :
+ name: zmf_swmgmt_csi_query
+.. note::
+ - The given example assumes you have an inventory file \ :emphasis:`inventory.yml`\ that contains the values for the variables described above, such as z/OSMF host server, userid, password, software instance name and system, and response file name.
+ - Command syntax to call a playbook using an inventory file: \ :literal:`ansible-playbook -i inventory software\_management\_csi\_query\_CICDtest1.yml`\
+ - Command syntax to call a playbook using command arguments: \ :literal:`ansible-playbook software\_management\_csi\_query\_CICDtest1.yml -e zmf\_user=zosmf\*\* -e zmf\_password=zosmf\*\*`\
+ - When the role is executed, a message shown in following example is displayed, \ :literal:`"msg": "Output filename= /tmp/xxx/csi\_query\_response.json"`\ . This message includes a file path and file name where the csi query information for the requested software instance is returned.
diff --git a/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_critical_updates.rst.txt b/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_critical_updates.rst.txt
index 0be88318..03a147cb 100644
--- a/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_critical_updates.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_critical_updates.rst.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_critical_updates -- Identify Missing Critical Softwa
-- The **IBM z/OSMF collection** provides an Ansible role, referred to as **zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_critical_updates**, to determine if a software instance is missing software updates to resolve PE PTFs, HIPER fixes, or other exception SYSMODs identified by ERROR HOLDDATA. It also helps you identify the SYSMODs that resolve those exceptions.
+- The \ :strong:`IBM z/OSMF collection`\ provides an Ansible role, referred to as \ :strong:`zmf\_swmgmt\_identify\_missing\_critical\_updates`\ , to determine if a software instance is missing software updates to resolve PE PTFs, HIPER fixes, or other exception SYSMODs identified by ERROR HOLDDATA. It also helps you identify the SYSMODs that resolve those exceptions.
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ zmf_host
- Port number of the z/OSMF server. If z/OSMF is not using the default port, you need to specify value for this parameter in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ Port number of the z/OSMF server. If z/OSMF is not using the default port, you need to specify a value for this parameter in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
| **required**: False
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ zmf_port
- User name to be used for authenticating with the z/OSMF server.
+ User ID for authenticating with the z/OSMF server.
This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
@@ -77,10 +77,13 @@ zmf_password
Name of the software instance.
+ A software instance name must be specified when a software instance UUID is not specified. If both a software instance name and UUID are specified, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
- | **required**: True
+ | **required**: False
| **type**: str
@@ -90,10 +93,32 @@ system_nickname
Nickname of the z/OSMF host system that has access to the volumes and data sets where the software instance resides.
+ A system nickname must be specified when a software instance UUID is not specified. If a software instance UUID is specified in addition to a software instance and system nickname, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
- | **required**: True
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ A UUID of a software instance. A UUID is assigned to every software instance and can be obtained using the "List the software instances defined to z/OSMF" REST API.
+ A UUID can also be obtained using the zmf\_swmgmt\_zos\_system\_uuid Ansible role which retrieves the UUID for the software instance that represents the installed software for the specified z/OSMF host system.
+ A software instance UUID must be specified when a software instance name is not specified. If both a software instance UUID and name are specified, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: False
| **type**: str
@@ -174,10 +199,19 @@ Notes
.. note::
- - The given example assumes you have an inventory file *inventory.yml* that contains the values for the variables described above, such as z/OSMF host server, userid, password, software instance name and system, and response file name.
+ - The given example assumes you have an inventory file \ :emphasis:`inventory.yml`\ that contains the values for the variables described above, such as z/OSMF host server, userid, password, software instance name and system, and response file name.
+ - Command syntax to call a playbook using an inventory file: \ :literal:`ansible-playbook -i inventory software\_management\_reports\_CICDtest1.yml`\
+ - Command syntax to call a playbook using command arguments: \ :literal:`ansible-playbook software\_management\_reports\_CICDtest1.yml -e zmf\_user=zosmf\*\* -e zmf\_password=zosmf\*\*`\
+ - When the role is executed, a message shown in following example is displayed, \ :literal:`"msg": "Output filename= /tmp/xxx/missing\_critical\_updates\_response.json"`\ . This message includes a file path and file name where the missing critical updates report for the requested software instance is returned.
- - When the role is executed, a message shown in following example is displayed, ``"msg": "Output filename= /tmp/xxx/missing_critical_updates_response.json"``. This message includes a file path and file name where the missing critical updates report for the requested software instance is returned.
+ - Refer to https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/zos/3.1.0?topic=services-missing-critical-updates for more information on the REST API's request and response JSON.
diff --git a/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_fixcat_updates.rst.txt b/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_fixcat_updates.rst.txt
index f264e16d..4db10f3f 100644
--- a/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_fixcat_updates.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_fixcat_updates.rst.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_fixcat_updates -- Identify Missing Fixcat Software U
-- The **IBM z/OSMF collection** provides an Ansible role, referred to as **zmf_swmgmt_identify_missing_fixcat_updates**, to determine if a software instance is missing updates for fix categories that might be applicable to the software instance. It also helps you identify the SYSMODs that resolve the missing updates.
+- The \ :strong:`IBM z/OSMF collection`\ provides an Ansible role, referred to as \ :strong:`zmf\_swmgmt\_identify\_missing\_fixcat\_updates`\ , to determine if a software instance is missing updates for fix categories that might be applicable to the software instance. It also helps you identify the SYSMODs that resolve the missing updates.
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ zmf_host
- Port number of the z/OSMF server. If z/OSMF is not using the default port, you need to specify value for this parameter in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ Port number of the z/OSMF server. If z/OSMF is not using the default port, you need to specify a value for this parameter in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
| **required**: False
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ zmf_port
- User name to be used for authenticating with the z/OSMF server.
+ User ID for authenticating with the z/OSMF server.
This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
@@ -77,10 +77,13 @@ zmf_password
Name of the software instance.
+ A software instance name must be specified when a software instance UUID is not specified. If both a software instance name and UUID are specified, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
- | **required**: True
+ | **required**: False
| **type**: str
@@ -90,10 +93,32 @@ system_nickname
Nickname of the z/OSMF host system that has access to the volumes and data sets where the software instance resides.
+ A system nickname must be specified when a software instance UUID is not specified. If a software instance UUID is specified in addition to a software instance and system nickname, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
- | **required**: True
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ A UUID of a software instance. A UUID is assigned to every software instance and can be obtained using the "List the software instances defined to z/OSMF" REST API.
+ A UUID can also be obtained using the zmf\_swmgmt\_zos\_system\_uuid Ansible role which retrieves the UUID for the software instance that represents the installed software for the specified z/OSMF host system.
+ A software instance UUID must be specified when a software instance name is not specified. If both a software instance UUID and name are specified, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: False
| **type**: str
@@ -174,10 +199,19 @@ Notes
.. note::
- - The given example assumes you have an inventory file *inventory.yml* that contains the values for the variables described above, such as z/OSMF host server, userid, password, software instance name and system, and response file name.
+ - The given example assumes you have an inventory file \ :emphasis:`inventory.yml`\ that contains the values for the variables described above, such as z/OSMF host server, userid, password, software instance name and system, and response file name.
+ - Command syntax to call a playbook using an inventory file: \ :literal:`ansible-playbook -i inventory software\_management\_reports\_CICDtest1.yml`\
+ - Command syntax to call a playbook using command arguments: \ :literal:`ansible-playbook software\_management\_reports\_CICDtest1.yml -e zmf\_user=zosmf\*\* -e zmf\_password=zosmf\*\*`\
+ - When the role is executed, a message shown in following example is displayed, \ :literal:`"msg": "Output filename= /tmp/xxx/missing\_fixcat\_updates\_response.json"`\ . This message includes a file path and file name where the missing fixcat updates report for the requested software instance is returned.
- - When the role is executed, a message shown in following example is displayed, ``"msg": "Output filename= /tmp/xxx/missing_fixcat_updates_response.json"``. This message includes a file path and file name where the missing fixcat updates report for the requested software instance is returned.
+ - Refer to https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/zos/3.1.0?topic=services-missing-fixcat-updates for more information on the REST API's request and response JSON.
diff --git a/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_search_software_updates.rst.txt b/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_search_software_updates.rst.txt
index 2cfd0736..3d6bc657 100644
--- a/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_search_software_updates.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_search_software_updates.rst.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ zmf_swmgmt_search_software_updates -- Search a Software Instance for Software Up
-- The **IBM z/OSMF collection** provides an Ansible role, referred to as **zmf_swmgmt_search_software_updates**, to search a software instance for one or more software updates to determine which updates are installed or updates that need to be installed.
+- The \ :strong:`IBM z/OSMF collection`\ provides an Ansible role, referred to as \ :strong:`zmf\_swmgmt\_search\_software\_updates`\ , to search a software instance for one or more software updates to determine which updates are installed or updates that need to be installed.
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ zmf_host
- Port number of the z/OSMF server. If z/OSMF is not using the default port, you need to specify value for this parameter in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ Port number of the z/OSMF server. If z/OSMF is not using the default port, you need to specify a value for this parameter in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
| **required**: False
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ zmf_port
- User name to be used for authenticating with the z/OSMF server.
+ User ID for authenticating with the z/OSMF server.
This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
@@ -77,10 +77,13 @@ zmf_password
Name of the software instance.
+ A software instance name must be specified when a software instance UUID is not specified. If both a software instance name and UUID are specified, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
- | **required**: True
+ | **required**: False
| **type**: str
@@ -90,10 +93,32 @@ system_nickname
Nickname of the z/OSMF host system that has access to the volumes and data sets where the software instance resides.
+ A system nickname must be specified when a software instance UUID is not specified. If a software instance UUID is specified in addition to a software instance and system nickname, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
- | **required**: True
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ A UUID of a software instance. A UUID is assigned to every software instance and can be obtained using the "List the software instances defined to z/OSMF" REST API.
+ A UUID can also be obtained using the zmf\_swmgmt\_zos\_system\_uuid Ansible role which retrieves the UUID for the software instance that represents the installed software for the specified z/OSMF host system.
+ A software instance UUID must be specified when a software instance name is not specified. If both a software instance UUID and name are specified, then the software instance UUID is used by default.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: False
| **type**: str
@@ -118,7 +143,7 @@ updates
The list of software update (SYSMOD) IDs to be searched in the subject software instance.
- This list variable needs to be in following format: ``'"SYSMOD1","SYSMOD2","SYSMOD3"'``
+ This list variable needs to be in following format: \ :literal:`'"SYSMOD1","SYSMOD2","SYSMOD3"'`\
| **required**: True
@@ -187,10 +212,19 @@ Notes
.. note::
- - The given example assumes you have an inventory file *inventory.yml* that contains the values for the variables described above, such as z/OSMF host server, userid, password, software instance name and system, and response file name.
+ - The given example assumes you have an inventory file \ :emphasis:`inventory.yml`\ that contains the values for the variables described above, such as z/OSMF host server, userid, password, software instance name and system, and response file name.
+ - Command syntax to call a playbook using an inventory file: \ :literal:`ansible-playbook -i inventory software\_management\_reports\_CICDtest1.yml`\
+ - Command syntax to call a playbook using command arguments: \ :literal:`ansible-playbook software\_management\_reports\_CICDtest1.yml -e zmf\_user=zosmf\*\* -e zmf\_password=zosmf\*\*`\
+ - When the role is executed, a message shown in following example is displayed, \ :literal:`"msg": "Output filename= /tmp/xxx/search\_software\_updates\_response.json"`\ . This message includes a file path and file name where the search software updates report for the requested software instance is returned.
- - When the role is executed, a message shown in following example is displayed, ``"msg": "Output filename= /tmp/xxx/search_software_updates_response.json"``. This message includes a file path and file name where the search software updates report for the requested software instance is returned.
+ - Refer to https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/zos/3.1.0?topic=services-software-update-search for more information on the REST API's request and response JSON.
diff --git a/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_zos_system_uuid.rst.txt b/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_zos_system_uuid.rst.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a18e451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_sources/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/roles/zmf_swmgmt_zos_system_uuid.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+:github_url: https://github.com/IBM/ibm_zosmf/tree/master/plugins/roles/zmf_swmgmt_zos_system_uuid
+.. _zmf_swmgmt_zos_system_uuid_module:
+zmf_swmgmt_zos_system_uuid -- Retrieve the z/OS system UUID
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+ :depth: 1
+- The \ :strong:`IBM z/OSMF collection`\ provides an Ansible role, referred to as \ :strong:`zmf\_swmgmt\_zos\_system\_uuid`\ , to retrieve the z/OS system UUID for the specified system nickname. The UUID identifies the software instance object that corresponds to the installed software for the specified z/OSMF host system. The UUID can be used to uniquely identify a software instance object to be acted upon by other Ansible roles.
+ Hostname of the z/OSMF server, specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: True
+ | **type**: str
+ Port number of the z/OSMF server. If z/OSMF is not using the default port, you need to specify a value for this parameter in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ | **default**: 443
+ User ID for authenticating with the z/OSMF server.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: True
+ | **type**: str
+ Password to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: True
+ | **type**: str
+ Nickname of the z/OSMF host system.
+ This variable can be specified in the inventory file or as an argument on the playbook command.
+ | **required**: True
+ | **type**: str
+ User ID for authenticating with a remote z/OSMF server. Used only to retrieve the UUID of a remote z/OSMF server.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ Password for authenticating with a remote z/OSMF server.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ User ID for authenticating with an HTTP proxy server.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+ Password for authenticating with an HTTP proxy server.
+ | **required**: False
+ | **type**: str
+.. code-block:: yaml+jinja
+ - name: sample of retrieving the z/OS system UUID
+ hosts: sampleHost
+ gather_facts: no
+ collections:
+ - ibm.ibm_zosmf
+ tasks:
+ - include_role :
+ name: zmf_swmgmt_zos_system_uuid
+.. note::
+ - The given example assumes you have an inventory file \ :emphasis:`inventory.yml`\ that contains the values for the variables described above, such as z/OSMF host server, userid, password, system, and response file name.
+ - Command syntax to call a playbook using an inventory file: \ :literal:`ansible-playbook -i inventory software\_management\_system\_uuid\_CICDtest1.yml`\
+ - Command syntax to call a playbook using command arguments: \ :literal:`ansible-playbook software\_management\_system\_uuid\_CICDtest1.yml -e zmf\_user=zosmf\*\* -e zmf\_password=zosmf\*\*`\
+ - When the role is executed, a message shown in following example is displayed, \ :literal:`"msg": "Output filename= /tmp/xxx/zos\_system\_uuid\_response.json"`\ . This message includes a file path and file name where the z/OS system UUID is saved.
+ - Refer to https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/zos/3.1.0?topic=services-retrieve-zos-system-uuid for more information on the REST API's request and response JSON.
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_adapter.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_adapter.rst.txt
index 560e0cda..f4514f30 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_adapter.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_adapter.rst.txt
@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ adapter
Additional properties of the adapter, as described in the data model of the 'Adapter' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
Artificial property for the ports of the adapter.
@@ -326,6 +327,7 @@ adapter
Additional properties of the port, as described in the data model of the 'Network Port' or 'Storage Port' element object of the 'Adapter' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book. In case of unconfigured FICON adapters, the property list is short.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_adapter_list.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_adapter_list.rst.txt
index 8fab99f6..0f8c7fc3 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_adapter_list.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_adapter_list.rst.txt
@@ -280,5 +280,6 @@ adapters
Additional properties requested via \ :literal:`full\_properties`\ or \ :literal:`additional\_properties`\ . The property names will have underscores instead of hyphens.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_console.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_console.rst.txt
index c974cfa2..f93498ff 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_console.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_console.rst.txt
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ hmc
Additional properties of the Console object representing the targeted HMC, as described in the data model of the 'Console' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. Note that the set of properties has been extended over the past HMC versions, so you will get less properties on older HMC versions. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
Additional facts from the 'Query API Version' operation.
@@ -233,6 +234,7 @@ hmc
The properties returned from the 'Query API Version' operation, as described in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. Note that the set of properties has been extended over the past HMC versions, so you will get less properties on older HMC versions. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_cpc.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_cpc.rst.txt
index f93e3a67..e2c9a005 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_cpc.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_cpc.rst.txt
@@ -341,6 +341,7 @@ cpc
Additional properties of the CPC, as described in the data model of the 'CPC' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
The adapters of the CPC, with a subset of their properties. For details, see the :term:\`HMC API\` book.
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_cpc_list.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_cpc_list.rst.txt
index 013044a1..dceb273a 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_cpc_list.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_cpc_list.rst.txt
@@ -214,5 +214,6 @@ cpcs
Additional properties requested via \ :literal:`full\_properties`\ . The property names will have underscores instead of hyphens.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_crypto_attachment.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_crypto_attachment.rst.txt
index 584afcc0..d169421b 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_crypto_attachment.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_crypto_attachment.rst.txt
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@ crypto_configuration
Additional properties of the adapter, as described in the data model of the 'Adapter' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_hba.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_hba.rst.txt
index d058a67a..de31eb6a 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_hba.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_hba.rst.txt
@@ -222,5 +222,6 @@ hba
Additional properties of the HBA, as described in the data model of the 'HBA' element object of the 'Partition' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_ldap_server_definition.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_ldap_server_definition.rst.txt
index 13e31ca7..b93dda77 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_ldap_server_definition.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_ldap_server_definition.rst.txt
@@ -230,5 +230,6 @@ ldap_server_definition
Additional properties of the LDAP Server Definition, as described in the data model of the 'LDAP Server Definition' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_lpar.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_lpar.rst.txt
index 7d50845b..a7d2d686 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_lpar.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_lpar.rst.txt
@@ -542,5 +542,6 @@ lpar
Additional properties of the LPAR, as described in the data model of the 'Logical Partition' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_lpar_list.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_lpar_list.rst.txt
index 97db74f2..1866ce12 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_lpar_list.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_lpar_list.rst.txt
@@ -231,5 +231,6 @@ lpars
Additional properties requested via \ :literal:`full\_properties`\ or \ :literal:`additional\_properties`\ . The property names will have underscores instead of hyphens.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_nic.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_nic.rst.txt
index 4e8913d8..c205fd73 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_nic.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_nic.rst.txt
@@ -260,5 +260,6 @@ nic
Additional properties of the NIC, as described in the data model of the 'NIC' element object of the 'Partition' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_nic_list.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_nic_list.rst.txt
index fd7e7f91..b44733ee 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_nic_list.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_nic_list.rst.txt
@@ -200,5 +200,6 @@ nics
Additional properties requested via \ :literal:`full\_properties`\ . The property names will have underscores instead of hyphens.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_partition.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_partition.rst.txt
index e60e2152..4ef706c3 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_partition.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_partition.rst.txt
@@ -517,6 +517,7 @@ partition
Additional properties of the partition, as described in the data model of the 'Partition' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
HBAs of the partition. If the CPC does not have the storage-management feature enabled (ie. on z13), the list is empty.
@@ -532,6 +533,7 @@ partition
Additional properties of the HBA, as described in the data model of the 'HBA' element object of the 'Partition' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
@@ -548,6 +550,7 @@ partition
Additional properties of the NIC, as described in the data model of the 'NIC' element object of the 'Partition' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
@@ -564,6 +567,7 @@ partition
Additional properties of the virtual function, as described in the data model of the 'Virtual Function' element object of the 'Partition' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_partition_list.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_partition_list.rst.txt
index 1f312802..c0c55ea8 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_partition_list.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_partition_list.rst.txt
@@ -231,5 +231,6 @@ partitions
Additional properties requested via \ :literal:`full\_properties`\ or \ :literal:`additional\_properties`\ . The property names will have underscores instead of hyphens.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_password_rule.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_password_rule.rst.txt
index 3e5fc73e..4c690ad6 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_password_rule.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_password_rule.rst.txt
@@ -250,5 +250,6 @@ password_rule
Additional properties of the password rule, as described in the data model of the 'Password Rule' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_password_rule_list.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_password_rule_list.rst.txt
index efb4e622..977ab517 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_password_rule_list.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_password_rule_list.rst.txt
@@ -169,5 +169,6 @@ password_rules
Additional properties requested via \ :literal:`full\_properties`\ . The property names will have underscores instead of hyphens.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_storage_group.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_storage_group.rst.txt
index cec384b1..f9c671b2 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_storage_group.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_storage_group.rst.txt
@@ -475,6 +475,7 @@ storage_group
Additional properties of the storage group, as described in the data model of the 'Storage Group' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
Names of the partitions to which the storage group is attached.
@@ -502,6 +503,7 @@ storage_group
Additional properties of the storage port, as described in the data model of the 'Storage Port' element object of the 'Adapter' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
Storage adapter of the candidate port.
@@ -516,6 +518,7 @@ storage_group
Additional properties of the storage adapter, as described in the data model of the 'Adapter' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
@@ -534,6 +537,7 @@ storage_group
Additional properties of the storage volume, as described in the data model of the 'Storage Volume' element object of the 'Storage Group' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
@@ -546,6 +550,7 @@ storage_group
Properties of the virtual storage resource, as described in the data model of the 'Virtual Storage Resource' element object of the 'Storage Group' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
@@ -558,6 +563,7 @@ storage_group
Properties of the partition, as described in the data model of the 'Partition' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_storage_volume.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_storage_volume.rst.txt
index 6f294b61..8f7f2fc1 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_storage_volume.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_storage_volume.rst.txt
@@ -263,5 +263,6 @@ storage_volume
Additional properties of the storage volume, as described in the data model of the 'Storage Volume' element object of the 'Storage Group' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user.rst.txt
index 7ce94975..b62905e9 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user.rst.txt
@@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ user
Additional properties of the user, as described in the data model of the 'User' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
Name of the user roles referenced by property \ :literal:`user-roles`\ .
@@ -295,6 +296,7 @@ user
Properties of the user role, as described in the data model of the 'User Pattern' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
@@ -312,6 +314,7 @@ user
Properties of the user pattern, as described in the data model of the 'User Pattern' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
@@ -329,6 +332,7 @@ user
Properties of the password rule, as described in the data model of the 'Password Rule' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
@@ -346,6 +350,7 @@ user
Properties of the LDAP server definition, as described in the data model of the 'LDAP Server Definition' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user_list.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user_list.rst.txt
index d3de13a8..4dbeb0f5 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user_list.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user_list.rst.txt
@@ -176,5 +176,6 @@ users
Additional properties requested via \ :literal:`full\_properties`\ . The property names will have underscores instead of hyphens.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user_role.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user_role.rst.txt
index fb9d5159..4fa8197e 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user_role.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user_role.rst.txt
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ properties
Any other property defined as writeable in the data model for user role resources (where the property names contain underscores instead of hyphens), except those excluded in the description above.
| **required**: False
- | **type**: str
+ | **type**: raw
@@ -463,5 +463,6 @@ user_role
Additional properties of the user role, as described in the data model of the 'User Role' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user_role_list.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user_role_list.rst.txt
index 4ce54f2c..72edd741 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user_role_list.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_user_role_list.rst.txt
@@ -176,5 +176,6 @@ user_roles
Additional properties requested via \ :literal:`full\_properties`\ . The property names will have underscores instead of hyphens.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_virtual_function.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_virtual_function.rst.txt
index 7c70fbeb..4e51748a 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_virtual_function.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/modules/zhmc_virtual_function.rst.txt
@@ -219,5 +219,6 @@ virtual_function
Additional properties of the virtual function, as described in the data model of the 'Virtual Function' element object of the 'Partition' object in the :term:\`HMC API\` book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.
+ | **type**: raw
diff --git a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/release_notes.rst.txt b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/release_notes.rst.txt
index cda33088..0a059d6f 100644
--- a/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/release_notes.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/zhmc-ansible-modules/docs/source/release_notes.rst.txt
@@ -20,6 +20,53 @@ Releases
+Version 1.8.3
+Released: 2024-02-29
+Availability: `AutomationHub`_, `Galaxy`_, `GitHub`_
+**Bug fixes:**
+* Fixed safety issues up to 2024-02-18.
+* Fixed dependabot issues up to 2024-02-18.
+* Fixed readable attribute error when ensuring ISO mounted onto the partition.
+ (related to issue #932)
+* Resolved the 'no-log-needed' issue raised by the sanity test and ansible-lint
+ on the 'os_ipl_token' input parameter of the 'zhmc_lpar' module. That
+ allowed to get rid of the corresponding entries in the ignore files.
+ (issue #915)
+* Resolved the 'return-syntax-error' issue raised by the sanity test and
+ ansible-lint on all modules that specify generic return properties. That
+ allowed to get rid of the corresponding entries in the ignore files.
+ (issue #915)
+Version 1.8.2
+Released: 2024-01-28
+Availability: `AutomationHub`_, `Galaxy`_, `GitHub`_
+**Bug fixes:**
+* Fixed safety issues up to 2024-01-26.
+* Fixed a performance issue in the 'zhmc_lpar_list' and 'zhmc_partition_list'
+ modules where the 'se-version' property was fetched from CPCs even if it
+ was already available in the LPAR/partition properties. (issue #904)
+* Increased the minimum version of zhmcclient to 1.13.3 to pick up fixes and
+ performance improvements. (related to issue #904)
Version 1.8.1
diff --git a/ibm_zos_core/docs/source/modules/zos_fetch.html b/ibm_zos_core/docs/source/modules/zos_fetch.html
index c936de5f..bc154c61 100644
--- a/ibm_zos_core/docs/source/modules/zos_fetch.html
+++ b/ibm_zos_core/docs/source/modules/zos_fetch.html
@@ -233,17 +233,19 @@
-This module fetches a UNIX System Services (USS) file, PS (sequential data set), PDS, PDSE, member of a PDS or PDSE, or KSDS (VSAM data set) from a remote z/OS system.
+This module fetches a UNIX System Services (USS) file, PS (sequential data set), PDS, PDSE, member of a PDS or PDSE, generation data set (GDS), generation data group (GDG), or KSDS (VSAM data set) from a remote z/OS system.
When fetching a sequential data set, the destination file name will be the same as the data set name.
When fetching a PDS or PDSE, the destination will be a directory with the same name as the PDS or PDSE.
When fetching a PDS/PDSE member, destination will be a file.
Files that already exist at dest
will be overwritten if they are different than src
+When fetching a GDS, the relative name will be resolved to its absolute one.
+When fetching a generation data group, the destination will be a directory with the same name as the GDG.
-- src
Name of a UNIX System Services (USS) file, PS (sequential data set), PDS, PDSE, member of a PDS, PDSE or KSDS (VSAM data set).
+- src
Name of a UNIX System Services (USS) file, PS (sequential data set), PDS, PDSE, member of a PDS, PDSE, GDS, GDG or KSDS (VSAM data set).
USS file paths should be absolute paths.
required: True
@@ -378,6 +380,24 @@
diff --git a/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/release_notes.html b/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/release_notes.html
index fb4a5374..488cae77 100644
--- a/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/release_notes.html
+++ b/ibm_zosmf/docs/source/release_notes.html
@@ -103,44 +103,54 @@
z/OS Sys Auto
-- Version 1.4.1
+- Version 1.5.0
-- Version 1.4.0
+- Version 1.4.2
-- Version 1.3.0
@@ -228,13 +238,19 @@
Version 1.4.1
Version 1.5.0
-Documentation updates
-Fixed ansible-lint issues
+Added new roles for z/OSMF Software Management
+Updated the z/OSMF Software Management roles from a previous release to support UUID
+New roles
@@ -246,11 +262,47 @@