Description of the issue
Hi - I have a customer using python, ZOAU and Ansible on z/OS. They have commented that it is becoming increasingly difficult to make sure that the three products are all at the right version for each other. They have said that it is ZOAU and the Ansible collections that seem to be causing the most grief. (One team looks after ZOAU and another Ansible). They wondered of the documentation for the pre-requisites of each could be made better/clearer?
The collection dependency requirements are not clear in the documentation (
Customers would like to know what versions of python and ZOAU they should install in order to run a certain version of Ansible (or specifically, the z/OS core collection).
Possible solutions
- Outline the collections lifecycle and the collection dependencies in the documentation. Revisit other information in the requirements as well.
- Embed the dependencies information in the README which travels AAP, Galaxy and GitHub releases.
For more information, see the slack thread: