The Products.MeetingCommunes version must be the same as the Products.PloneMeeting version
- Added possibility to get generated finance advice for restapi in new key deliberation_finance_advice [gbastien]
- Adapted zcity profile to use contactsTemplates from examples_fr profile. [gbastien]
- Adapted zcity profile so annexeDecisionToSign and annexeDecisionSigned annex types are already configured by default. [gbastien]
- Fixed typo in finances advice sentences (prealable > préalable). [gbastien]
- Fixed testing import_data configs title. [gbastien]
- Fixed demo profile that was not correctly tested because MeetingConfig id does not correspond in test. Use getId(True) to get real mc id. [gbastien]
- Removed every MeetingConfig portal_types related translations as all this is generated now. [gbastien]
- Fix template_path not used for some templates in example_fr profile. This prevented install from profiles located in other packages. [aduchene]
- Removed translations for advice WFA meetingadvicefinances_controller_propose_to_manager as it does not exist anymore. [gbastien]
- Fixed POD templates deliberation.odt and deliberation_recto_verso.odt, MeetingItem.getCertifiedSignatures is no more an adaptable method (removed .adapted()). [gbastien]
- Import get_person_from_userid from instead Products.PloneMeeting.utils. [gbastien]
- Added parameter ignore_not_given_advice=False to CustomMeetingItem.showFinanceAdviceTemplate, when True, this will hide the POD template when advice is not_given or asked_again. [gbastien]
- Added test_pm_Show_advice_on_final_wf_transition_when_item_in_advice_not_giveable_state that will test that when item is set to a state in which advice is no more editable, advice.advice_hide_during_redaction is not set back to True if advice was not in it's workflow final state (when using advice custom workflow). [gbastien]
- Adapted test_Get_advice_given_by to check that get_advice_given_on is the advice WF signFinancialAdvice transition date when using a custom WF. [gbastien]
- Adapted code to use imio.helpers.content.richtextval instead RichTextValue when possible. [gbastien]
- Added translations for the add_advicecreated_state WFA. [gbastien]
- Every item related search (Collection) use sort_on modified instead created. [gbastien]
- CSS, color in blue state financial_advice_signed in advice history. [gbastien]
- Adapted code as ToolPloneMeeting.getUserName is replaced by imio.helpers.content.get_user_fullname and ToolPloneMeeting.isPowerObserverForCfg is moved to utils.isPowerObserverForCfg. [gbastien]
- Added parameter ignore_advice_hidden_during_redaction=False to CustomMeetingItem.showFinanceAdviceTemplate, when True, this will hide the POD template when advice is hidden during redaction except if member is MeetingManager or in the advice _advisers group. [gbastien]
- Move back add_advicecreated_state advice WFA related code from PloneMeeting. [gbastien]
- Fixed meetingadvicefinancs portal_type.allowed_content_types install. [gbastien]
- Completed translations of finances advices types. [gbastien]
Adapted code now that custom advice portal_types is managed by ToolPloneMeeting.advisersConfig:
- Added new advice finances WF meetingadvicefinancessimple_workflow;
- Fixed tests as MeetingConfig.listWorkflowAdaptations was removed.
Added Export users/groups dashboard template for contacts in examples_fr profile. [gbastien]
Updated recapitulatif-tb.ods to use appy.pod instruction do cell from+ xhtml(...) instead view.display_html_as_text. [gbastien]
Fixed CustomMeetingConfig.getUsedFinanceGroupIds that was not working for auto asked advices. [gbastien]
- Call PloneMeeting migration to 4210 in MC migration to 4200. [gbastien]
- Updated attendance-stats.ods. [gbastien]
- Fixed CustomMeetingConfig.getUsedFinanceGroupIds to work when an item has both inheritated and not inheritated advices, it was using the wrong MeetingConfig in some cases. [gbastien]
- Call PloneMeeting migration to 4208 in MC migration to 4200. [gbastien]
- Call PloneMeeting migration to 4209 in MC migration to 4200. [gbastien]
- Adapted examples_fr import_data as MeetingConfig.useCopies was removed. [gbastien]
- Removed confusing transition_done_descr translations (portal message displayed after a transition). [gbastien]
- Added translations for create_to_bourgmestre_from_meeting-config-college and create_to_bourgmestre_from_meeting-config-college_comments. [gbastien]
- Updated link to the documentation. [gbastien]
- Call PloneMeeting migrations to 4206 and 4207 in MC migration to 4200. [gbastien]
- Fixed zbougmestre profile shortName from wrong AG to Bourgmestre. [gbastien]
- Removed useless import of get_cachekey_volatile in [gbastien]
- Fixed POD template avis-df.odt in examples_fr profile. [gbastien]
- Make CustomMeetingConfig.getUsedFinanceGroupIds work with item sent to another MC with inheritated advices. [gbastien]
- Advices is no more using Plone versioning, removed repositorytool.xml from financesadvice profile (migration is managed by Products.PloneMeeting). [gbastien]
- Added collection searchadvicesbacktoitemvalidationstates using CompoundCriterion adapter items-with-advice-back-to-item-validation-states to get items having finances advice that are return in item validation states. [gbastien]
- Adapted code regarding removal of MeetingConfig.useGroupsAsCategories. [gbastien]
- Removed wrong ramcache cachekey for CustomToolPloneMeeting.isFinancialUser. Removed ramcache decorator for it, finally useless. [gbastien]
- Fixed examples_fr profile. [gbastien]
- Rename "Commission des volontaires" profile to "Bureau des volontaires". [aduchene]
- Add helper print method to be able to group by custom method instead of persistent value on item. This method must begin by "_group_by_". [anuyens, gbastien]
- Field MeetingConfig.transitionsForPresentingAnItem was removed, adapted profiles accordingly. [gbastien]
- In MeetingCommunesWorkflowActions.doDecide, call parent's doDecide. [gbastien]
- Call migrations to PloneMeeting 4203 and 4204 in migration to MeetingCommunes 4200. [gbastien]
- In migration to 4200, removed replace print_deliberation by print_full_deliberation as this last method was removed. [gbastien]
- Adapted code now that we use imio.helpers.cache.get_plone_groups_for_user instead ToolPloneMeeting.get_plone_groups_for_user. [gbastien]
- Add user FS in examples_fr profile. [odelaere]
- By default enable the FINANCE_ADVICES_COLLECTION_ID collection for meeting-config-zcollege. [gbastien]
- Redo release, zest.releaser had set version to 4.2b110... [gbastien]
- Call migration to PloneMeeting 4202 in migration to MeetingCommunes 4200. [gbastien]
- Adapt for MC 4.2. [odelaere]
- Fixed oj-avec-annexes.odt (imageOrientation is now image_orientation). [gbastien]
- Extended Migrate_To_4200._adaptWFHistoryForItemsAndMeetings and renamed it to Migrate_To_4200._adaptWFDataForItemsAndMeetings as it will also take care to migrate MeetingItem.takenOverByInfos where the key contains the workflow name. [gbastien]
- Do not fail in CustomMeetingConfig.getUsedFinanceGroupIds if the collection is not enabled, just log a message and return an empty result. [gbastien]
- Take into account fact that Migrate_To_4200 may be executed by parts (a, b, c). [gbastien]
- Do not redefine MeetingItemCommunesWorkflowConditions.__init__ as parent (MeetingItemWorkflowConditions) defines more. [gbastien]
- Optimized POD template meeting_assemblies.odt, use catalog available by default in the template context instead self.portal_catalog. [gbastien]
- Call migration to PloneMeeting 4201 in migration to MeetingCommunes 4200. [gbastien]
- Fixed MeetingAdviceCommunesWorkflowConditions._check_completeness, call _is_complete on the parent (MeetingItem). [gbastien]
- Added two examples in attendees.odt template. [aduchene]
- Fixed council-rapport.odt, MeetingItem.listProposingGroups does not exist anymore. [gbastien]
- Fixed print_formatted_finance_advice as it was not handling initiative advices properly. [aduchene]
- Fixed MCItemDocumentGenerationHelperView.print_all_annexes to not return </img> as <img> is a self closing tag. [gbastien]
- Fixed sample POD templates for meetings to use view.print_value('date') instead self.Title(). [gbastien]
- In MCItemDocumentGenerationHelperView.print_creator_name use ToolPloneMeeting.getUserName instead Member.getProperty. [gbastien]
- Updated avis-df.odt template to have default value. [aduchene]
- Added a IMeetingCommunesLayer BrowserLayer so it is possible to override PloneMeeting's documentgenerator views without using overrides.zcml. [gbastien]
- Removed overrided method CustomMeetingItem._is_complete as it is the same implementation in Prodducts.PloneMeeting.MeetingItem. [gbastien]
- Added new external method to ease the switch to proposingGroupWithGroupInCharge. [odelaere]
- Added 2 new profiles zcodir_extended and zcodir_city_cpas. [aduchene]
- Removed default values defined for DashboardCollections FINANCE_ADVICES_COLLECTION_ID and searchitemswithnofinanceadvice, because if it does not exist in the MeetingConfig.customAdvisers, it breaks the dashboards when applying the profile. [gbastien]
- When using finances advice workflows, WF initial_state may vary (advicecreated, proposed_to_financial_controller, ...) so when using completeness, check that item is complete until the mayProposeToFinancialReviewer transition guard. [gbastien]
- Added CustomMeetingConfig._setUsedFinanceGroupIds to ease definition of advisers value for the FINANCE_ADVICES_COLLECTION_ID collection. [gbastien]
- Added PORTAL_CATEGORIES in [odelaere]
- Added new listTypes normalnotpublishable and latenotpublishable used in portal. [odelaere]
- Adapted zcity/zcommittee_advice profiles as advice type asked_again is no more optional. [gbastien]
- Renamed parameter listTypes to list_types everywhere. [gbastien]
- Moved some methods to snake_case : printFinanceAdvice/print_finance_advice, printAllAnnexes/print_all_annexes, printFormatedAdvice/print_formated_advice. [gbastien]
- Adapted behavior of get_grouped_items with unrestricted=True that originally returned every items ignoring itemUids, it was not possible to print a subset of items. Now if length of itemUids is smaller than len of all visible items, we only return these items. [gbastien]
- Adapted MCItemDocumentGenerationHelperView.print_item_number_within_category as MeetingItem.getCategory does no more return the proposingGroup when MeetingConfig.useGroupsAsCategories is True. [gbastien]
- Fixed signature of MCItemDocumentGenerationHelperView.print_deliberation. [gbastien]
- Added a new DashboardPODTemplate export-users-groups.ods in contacts directory. [aduchene]
- Improved CustomMeeting.getNumerOfItems using Meeting.getItems. [odelaere]
- Improved MCItemDocumentGenerationHelperView.print_all_annexes with filters, icon, better escaping, etc. [odelaere]
- Added 2 mores formatting examples for view.print_attendees_by_type in attendees.odt template. [aduchene]
- Changed uppercases in example_fr profile for directory_position_types. [aduchene]
- Fixed MeetingItemCommunesWorkflowActions._doWaitAdvices, make sure MeetingItem.completeness is set to completeness_evaluation_asked_again when advices are asked for the second time (or more). [gbastien]
- Adpated code and tests regarding fact that Meeting was moved from AT to DX. [gbastien]
- Added POD template that renders various votes on item. [gbastien]
- Do no more ignore testVotes when executing tests. [gbastien]
- Fixed demo profile, items containing annexes were broken because id is changed after categorized_elements is updated. [gbastien]
- Fixed a bug in getPrintableItemsByCategory (incorrect method call, categories are now in DX). [aduchene, gbastien]
- Added testCustomMeeting.test_GetPrintableItemsByCategoryWithBothLateItems, moved from Products.MeetingCharleroi. [gbastien]
- Fixed Migrate_To_4200, call addNewSearches at the end because it needs _adaptWFHistoryForItemsAndMeetings to have been called in the _after_reinstall hook to have correct workflows. [gbastien]
- Added zcsss profile to add CSSS MeetingConfig. [gbastien]
- Added missing translation for searchadvicesignedbymanager. [gbastien]
- By default use finance advice_type for every advice portal_types that starts with meetingadvicefinances. [gbastien]
- Simplified translation for MeetingAdviceCommunesWorkflowConditions.mayProposeToFinancialManager No message still_asked_again. [gbastien]
- Fixed contactsTemplate dashboard POD template in examples_fr profile, set use_objects=True. [gbastien]
- Added default directory_position_types and contactsTemplates for zcpas profile. [gbastien]
- Added translation for completeness_set_to_not_required_by_app. [gbastien]
- Added collection searchadvicesignedbymanager using CompoundCriterion adapter items-with-advice-signed-by-financial-manager to get items having finances advice in state financial_advice_signed. [gbastien]
- Fixed MCMeetingDocumentGenerationHelperView.get_grouped_items when using excluded_values/included_values parameters together with unrestricted=True, unrestricted was not propagated to sub methods giving nonsense results. [gbastien]
- Added parameter additional_catalog_query={} to MCMeetingDocumentGenerationHelperView.get_grouped_items making it possible to pass additional traditional portal_catalog query to filter items. [gbastien]
- Added collection searchitemswithnofinanceadvice that will use CompoundCriterion adapter items-with-negative-previous-index to get items for which finances advice was not asked.
- Added translations for completeness_not_complete and still_asked_again WF transition button messages.
- Merged changes from 4.1.15
- Adapted profile zbdc as workflowAdaptations changed.
- Merged changes from 4.1.9
- Merged changes from 4.1.10
- Merged changes from 4.1.11
- Merged changes from 4.1.12
- Merged changes from 4.1.13
- Merged changes from 4.1.14
- Fix translations for MeetingExecutive. [vpiret]
- Add BDC Profiles [anuyens]
- Add missing translations for MeetingAudit. [anuyens]
- Added translations for actions sent to from College/BP to CoDir. [gbastien]
- Define style page-break in deliberation.odt POD template. [gbastien]
- Added more position_types by default (secretaire) in examples_fr profile. [gbastien]
- Added import_organizations_from_csv to be able to import organizations from a CSV file. [gbastien]
- In import_meetingsUsersAndRoles_from_csv take into account id if given (fallback to normalized title if not) and manage extra columns groupsInCharge, usingGroups and actif (WF state). [gbastien]
- Added more position_types by default (first alderman to sixth alderman) in examples_fr profile. [gbastien]
- Added some methods to print an item number in different ways. [aduchene]
- Call migration to PloneMeeting 4107 in migration to MeetingCommunes 4.1. [gbastien]
- Do not use relative path to define icon path of ItemAnnexTypeDescriptor. [gbastien]
- Call migration to PloneMeeting 4106 in migration to MeetingCommunes 4.1. [gbastien]
- Added force-language external method. [odelaere]
- Call migration to PloneMeeting 4105 in migration to MeetingCommunes 4.1. [gbastien]
- Fixed all-items-to-control-completeness-of ICompoundCriterion adapter.
- Added some example regarding 'Non attendees' in attendees.odt template.
- Merged changes from 4.1.8
- Added ICompoundCriterion adapter all-items-to-control-completeness-of based on items-to-control-completeness-of but that will query every finances advice, not only delay aware advices
- Updated styles1.odt to add CKEditor's styles
- Added some more usecases with abbreviated firstname in attendees.odt
- Merged changes from 4.1.x
- Adapted item workflow to use MeetingConfig.itemWFValidationLevels defined configuration
- Added new 'meetingadvice' related workflows : 'meetingadvicefinanceseditor_workflow' and 'meetingadvicefinancesmanager_workflow'
- MeetingConfig.itemDecidedStates and MeetingConfig.itemPositiveDecidedStates fields were removed, adapted import_data files accordingly
- Overrided print_deliberation to include specific content
- Added MCItemDocumentGenerationHelperView.print_formatted_finance_advice to print finance advice
- Reintegrated CustomMeeting.getPrintableItemsByCategory waiting for another solution to be able to print empty categories
- Call migration to PloneMeeting 4104 in migration to MeetingCommunes 4.1
- Adapted examples_fr import_data as 'searchalldecisions' was renamed to 'searchallmeetings'
- Added parameter unrestricted=False to MCMeetingDocumentGenerationHelperView.get_grouped_items so it is possible to get every items of a meeting, even items current user may not access
- Fixed CSS class regarding changes in imio.prettylink
- Launch Products.PloneMeeting upgrade step to 4103 in migration to v4.1
- The format of MeetingConfigDescriptor.defaultLabels changed, adapted import_data accordingly
- Launch Products.PloneMeeting upgrade step to 4102 in migration to v4.1
- Update PODTemplates in examples_fr profile to uses new methods from PloneMeeting
- Added missing portal_types translations for the zcommittee_advice profile, do not set it as default on install neither
- Adapted workflowstate viewlet CSS regarding changes in plonetheme.imioapps
- Added bourgmestreff-president in contact position types
- Wrong release
- Call migration to Products.PloneMeeting 4100 and 4101 after applying migration to 4.1
- Wrong release
- Fix modification date on imported meetings and items in [odelaere]
- Use base implementation of MeetingWorkflowConditions.mayDecide as it does the same now (just check "Review portal content" permission)
- MeetingConfig.onMeetingTransitionItemTransitionToTrigger was moved to MeetingConfig.onMeetingTransitionItemActionToExecute, adapted code accordingly
- Fixed POD templates using oj-avec-annexes.odt that failed to render late items
- In profile zcity, use same directory_position_types as in profile examples_fr
- Run Products.PloneMeeting upgrade step to 4100 after upgraded to 4.1
- When applying 'meetingadvicefinances_add_advicecreated_state' WF adaptation, set advicecreated state as new_initial_state
- In query_itemstocontrolcompletenessof, do not use the config.FINANCE_WAITING_ADVICES_STATES but compute the states in which advice can be given by finances groups
- Override MeetingItem._adviceTypesForAdviser to manage finances specific advice types
- Get rid of config.FINANCE_WAITING_ADVICES_STATES, get those states dynamically using utils.finances_give_advice_states
- Make sure to update contacts directory position_types if only the 'default' position type is defined while migrating to v4.1
- Added new finances advice search compoundcriterion adapter ItemsWithAdviceAdviceCreatedAdapter to search items having advice in state 'advicecreated'
- When using MeetingItem.completeness, set automatically completeness to 'completeness_evaluation_asked_again' when advices are asked
- Define config.FINANCE_WAITING_ADVICES_STATES=[] by default so it does not do anything if not overrided
- Be defensive in CustomMeetingConfig.getUsedFinanceGroupIds if FINANCE_ADVICES_COLLECTION_ID does not have a 'indexAdvisers' filter or if 'indexAdvisers' filter is empty
- Added translations for 'meetingadvicefinances_workflow' WF adaptations
- Added 'conseiller', 'depute' and 'conseiller-president' in examples_fr import_data directory_position_types
- Added sample view.print_attendees_by_type(group_position_type=True, render_as_html=True, ignored_pos_type_ids=[]) to attendees POD template to show how it works to display a single held_position label when no position_type is defined on some held_positions and we use group_position_type=True
- Added wfAdaptation 'meetingadvicefinances_controller_propose_to_manager' that adds transition from 'proposed_to_financial_controller' to 'proposed_to_financial_manager'
- Added helper method CustomMeetingConfig._has_meetingadvicefinances_wf_adaptations that returns True if some finances advice related workflow adaptations are selected, this will trigger the fact that 'patched_meetingadvicefinances_workflow' is created
- In financesadvice_workflow, Manage MeetingItem.completeness in mayProposeToFinancialController so an item that needs completeness evaluation can not be proposed to financial controller
- Remove import_step calling setuphandlers.updateRoleMappings
- Adapted code to use MeetingItem.getGroupsInCharge(first=True) instead MeetingItem.getGroupInCharge that was removed
- Take into account new parameter extra_omitted passed to
- Adapted 'meetingadvicefinances_workflow' to use MeetingAdviceCommunesWorkflowActions/MeetingAdviceCommunesWorkflowConditions instead the '@@advice-wf-conditions' view
- Added workflow adaptation for the meetingadvicefinances_workflow to add the 'advicecreated' intial state
- Adapted finances advice workflow to use dexterity.localrolesfield
- Hide 'searchvalidateditems' to power observers (restricted included)
- Updated decide_item_when_back_to_meeting_from_returned_to_proposing_group decided state to 'accept_but_modify' instead of 'accept' (from PloneMeeting)
- In profile 'examples_fr', enable WFAdaptations 'presented_item_back_to_itemcreated' and 'presented_item_back_to_proposed'
- In profile 'examples_fr', enable relevant transitions to confirm
- In profile 'examples_fr', enable 'groups_in_charge' for 'Secrétariat Général' and configure auto asked advice for it
- In profile 'examples_fr', enable 'MeetingItem.manuallyLinkedItems' field
- In profile 'examples_fr', enable 'Agenda with annexes' by default
- Adapted code regarding MeetingConfig.powerObservers
- Enabled wfAdaptation 'only_creator_may_delete' by default for profiles 'examples_fr' and 'simple'
- Added JenkinsFile for CI triggers
- PloneMeeting's MeetingWorkflowConditions was simplified, no need to redefine mayCorrect anymore
- Give 'Review portal content' permission to MeetingManager in Meeting WF in state 'closed' as it is now possible for MeetingManagers to correct a closed meeting depending on MeetingConfig.meetingPresentItemWhenNoCurrentMeetingStates
- Make test test_pm_ObserversMayViewInEveryStates easier to override by plugins
- Added standard install profile for city
- Fix profile, 'item_reference' was renamed to 'static_item_reference' for MeetingConfig.itemsListVisibleColumns
- Changed default tal_condition for searchproposeditems DashboardCollection to only display it if current user is a creator
- Adapted code to user imio.history.utils.getLastWFAction instead Products.PloneMeeting.utils.getLastEvent
- Do not call at_post_edit_script directly anymore, use Meeting(Item)._update_after_edit
- Adapted default 'deliberation.odt' to no more use global margin and integrate printAllAnnexes
- Fix reviewer groups of pmReviewerLevel1 and pmReviewerLevel2 to avoid importing MEETINGREVIEWERS
- Do not use separated 'College'/'Council' interfaces for WF actions and conditions, use 'Communes' interfaces in both cases
- Added a "simple" profile that add the most simple configuration possible. Useable to create a very simple configuration or as base for another complex configuration
- Added variables cfg1_id and cfg2_id to MeetingCommunesTestCase, this is used when defining meetingConfig and meetingConfig2 attributes of tests and useful for profiles based on MeetingCommunes
- Added helper method to print item number within a category
- Use _addPrincipalToGroup from PloneMeetingTestCase in tests
- DashboardCollection have no more WF but have a 'enabled' field, use it in adapters.getUsedFinanceGroupIds to check if finance DashboardCollection is enabled or not
- Added sample Meeting POD template 'attendees' to show various possibilities of printing methods 'print_attendees' and 'print_attendees_by_type'
- Adapted profiles import_data to select 'description' in usedItemAttributes as MeetingItem.description is now an optional field
- Fixed PODTemplateDescriptor definitions in various to use correct field type
- Use simpler way to define import_data of testing profile now available in PloneMeeting
- Remove no more used (hopefuly...) CustomMeetingItem.adviceDelayIsTimedOutWithRowId method
- Base MCItemDocumentGenerationHelperView.printFormatedAdvice on MeetingItem.getAdviceDataFor to avoid rewriting code and to have every available data
- Use simple profile import_data as base for every secondary profiles (zag, zbourgmestre, ...)
- Adapted profiles import_data usedItemAttributes as MeetingItem.itemAssembly is no more an optional field
- ToolPloneMeeting.getPloneGroupsForUser was renamed to ToolPloneMeeting.get_plone_groups_for_user
- Use a better cachekey for finances advice related searches (cached as long as user/groups/cfg did not changed)
- Adapted workflows to define the icon to use for transitions
- Removed field MeetingConfig.cdldProposingGroup and use the 'indexAdvisers' value defined in the 'searchitemswithfinanceadvice' collection to determinate what are the finance adviser group ids
- 'getEchevinsForProposingGroup' does also return inactive MeetingGroups so when used as a TAL condition in a customAdviser, an inactive MeetingGroup/customAdviser does still behaves correctly when updating advices
- Use ToolPloneMeeting.performCustomWFAdaptations to manage our own WFAdaptation (override of the 'no_publication' WFAdaptation)
- Adapted tests, keep test... original PM files to overrides original PM tests and use testCustom... for every other tests, added a
- Now that the same WF may be used in several MeetingConfig in PloneMeeting, removed the 2 WFs meetingcollege and meetingcouncil and use only one meetingcommunes where wfAdaptations 'no_publication' and 'no_global_observation' are enabled
- Added profile 'financesadvice' to manage advanced finances advice using a particular workflow and a specific meetingadvicefinances portal_type
- Adapted profiles to reflect imio.annex integration
- Added new adapter method to ease financial advices management while generating documents printFinanceAdvice(self, case)
- Added parameter 'excludedGroupIds' to getPrintableItems and getPrintableItemsByCategory
- MeetingObserverLocal has every View-like permissions in every states
- Updated regarding changes in PloneMeeting
- Removed profile 'examples' that loaded examples in english
- Removed dependencies already defined in PloneMeeting's
- Added parameter MeetingConfig.initItemDecisionIfEmptyOnDecide that let enable/disable items decision field initialization when meeting 'decide' transition is triggered
- Added MeetingConfig 'CoDir'
- Added MeetingConfig 'CA'
- Field 'MeetingGroup.signatures' was moved to PloneMeeting
- Updated regarding changes in PloneMeeting
- Moved some translations from the plone domain to the PloneMeeting domain
- Updated regarding changes in PloneMeeting
- Use getToolByName where necessary
- Simplified overrides now that PloneMeeting manage this correctly
- Moved 'add_published_state' to PloneMeeting and renamed to 'hide_decisions_when_under_writing'
- Moved 'searchitemstovalidate' topic to PloneMeeting now that PloneMeeting also manage a 'searchitemstoprevalidate' search
- Added method getNumberOfItems usefull in pod templates
- Adapted regarding changes about "less roles" from PloneMeeting
- Added "demo data" profile
- Refactored tests regarding changes in PloneMeeting
- Removed override of Meeting.mayChangeItemsOrder
- Removed override of meeting_changeitemsorder
- Removed override of browser.async.Discuss.isAsynchToggleEnabled, now enabled by default
- Added missing tests from PloneMeeting
- Corrected bug in printAdvicesInfos leading to UnicodeDecodeError when no advice was asked on an item
- Added sample of document template with printed annexes
- Added method to ease pritning of assembly with 'category' of assembly members
- Make printing by category as functionnal as printing without category
- Corrected bug while going back to published that could raise a WorkflowException sometimes
- Migrated to Plone 4 (use PloneMeeting 3.x, see PloneMeeting's HISTORY.txt for full changes list)
- Added possibility to give, modify and view an advice on created item
- Added possibility to define a decision of replacement when an item is delayed
- Added new workflow adaptation to add publish state with hidden decision for no meeting-manager