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Getting extra round parenthesis on some random places in variable assignments #5001




Hello @I-Al-Istannen @MartinWitt @algomaster99

I am trying to get the variable details of a String variable used in the java file as same as below,

String sql = "Select distinct t.NETWORK_IP, t.NETWORK_IP1, t.NETWORK_IP2, t.NETWORK_IP3, t.NETWORK_IP4 " +

1. 			 "from (SELECT DISTINCT t1.ipv4digit1 || '.' || t1.ipv4digit2 || '.' || t1.ipv4digit3 "+

                 " || '.0' network_ip, "+
				 " TO_NUMBER (t1.ipv4digit1) network_ip1, "+
				 " TO_NUMBER (t1.ipv4digit2) network_ip2, "+
				 " TO_NUMBER (t1.ipv4digit3) network_ip3, "+
				 " TO_NUMBER ('0') network_ip4, t1.t2_team_id, "+
				 " t1.system_owner_id, t1.system_owner_team_id "+
				 " FROM ip_info t1 "+

2. 				 " where t1.binary_ip >= '"+binaryIpStart+"' " +

				 " and t1.binary_ip <= '"+binaryIpEnd+"' " +
				 " ORDER BY network_ip1, network_ip2, network_ip3  "+
				 " ) t order by t.NETWORK_IP1,t.NETWORK_IP2,t.NETWORK_IP3,t.NETWORK_IP4 ";;

And when I used the spoon code to get the variable 'sql' value, I am getting output as

String sql = "Select distinct t.NETWORK_IP, t.NETWORK_IP1, t.NETWORK_IP2, t.NETWORK_IP3, t.NETWORK_IP4 " +

3. 				 "(from (SELECT DISTINCT t1.ipv4digit1 || '.' || t1.ipv4digit2 || '.' || t1.ipv4digit3 "+

                 " || '.0' network_ip, "+
				 " TO_NUMBER (t1.ipv4digit1) network_ip1, "+
				 " TO_NUMBER (t1.ipv4digit2) network_ip2, "+
				 " TO_NUMBER (t1.ipv4digit3) network_ip3, "+
				 " TO_NUMBER ('0') network_ip4, t1.t2_team_id, "+
				 " t1.system_owner_id, t1.system_owner_team_id "+
				 " FROM ip_info t1 "+

4. 				 " where t1.binary_ip >= '")+binaryIpStart+"' " +

				 " and t1.binary_ip <= '"+binaryIpEnd+"' " +
				 " ORDER BY network_ip1, network_ip2, network_ip3  "+
				 " ) t order by t.NETWORK_IP1,t.NETWORK_IP2,t.NETWORK_IP3,t.NETWORK_IP4 ";;

In the above-mentioned code, I am getting round parenthesis in the output in ### lines 3 , 4 which is not present in input codes### 1, 2.

Is there any way to overcome or work around this case with spoon? Or is it a bug from spoon? Please guide me.




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