Lorem ipsum text processor based on the loripsum.net API.
Spring Boot RESTful microservices example (including Swagger UI), which allows to fetch, process dummy text, and generate statistic reports.
java 21, Maven, Spring Boot, bitnami/kafka:3.9.0, postgres:16.6.
Including utils: liquibase, WireMock, Kafka & Postgres testcontainers, Kafka healthcheck feature, docker-compose.dev.yml, checkstyle configuration, SpotBugs, PMD etc.
TLDR: All-in-one docker compose for demo propose:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up
App Name | Description | REST Endpoint (with default port settings) |
words-processing | Handle http rq, process rs text & generate report | http://localhost:8085/api/v1/text |
reports-history | Provide pageable processing reports list | http://localhost:8086/api/v1/history |
Applications are highly-configurable, supports many env vars, such as:
ENV Variable | Description | Default Value |
SERVER_PORT | Application port | 8085, 8086 |
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS | Kafka Broker address | localhost:9092 |
KAFKA_TOPIC_WORDS_PROCESSED | Topic name | words.processed |
KAFKA_CONSUMER_THREADS | Consumer threads count, respective to partitions |
4 |
KAFKA_CONSUMERS_GROUP | Consumer group name | reports-history |
KAFKA_ADMIN_CREATES_TOPICS | Enables Kafka Admin for topic creation | true |
DATASOURCE_URL | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/lorem_db | |
DATASOURCE_DRIVER | org.postgresql.Driver |
The code follows Google Code Conventions. Code quality is measured by:
- Sonarqube
- CheckStyle
- SpotBugs
This project has standard JUnit tests. To run them execute this command:
./mvnw verify -P use-testcontainers
It is mandatory to keep test code coverage not below 80 percents and cover all business logic and edge cases.
- Setup git command line tool (https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git)
- Clone source code to the local machine:
git clone https://github.com/IQKV/sample-mix-lorem.git
cd sample-mix-lorem
- Install Docker https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
- Add new version of Docker Compose https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
- Spin-up single instance of Kafka broker, ZooKeeper and Postgresql by running command:
docker compose -f compose.yaml up -d
This application is a Spring Boot application built using Maven. You can build a jar files and run it from the command line:
- Create jar packages:
./mvnw package
- Run words-processing app:
java -jar words-processing/target/*.jar
Now you can access to the Swagger UI here: http://localhost:8085/swagger-ui.html
- Run reports-history app:
java -jar reports-history/target/*.jar
Swagger UI is here: http://localhost:8086/swagger-ui.html
./mvnw clean
docker compose -f compose.yaml down
Project uses a three-segment CalVer scheme, with a short year in the major version slot, short month in the minor version slot, and micro/patch version in the third and final slot.
- YY - short year - 6, 16, 106
- MM - short month - 1, 2 ... 11, 12
- MICRO - "patch" segment