- Go to monodevelop-tfs-addin and click on Fork button.
- If you use Mac OS open the terminal and type
git clone url_to_you_repository
cd monodevelop-tfs-addin
- Download monodevelop and its submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
- this will take some time. - Create new branch where to debug and fix the problem:
git checkout -b BranchName
- Open MonoDevelop.VersionControl.TFS.sln file using XamarinStudio or MonoDevelop.
- For Mac and Windows select Project -> Solution Options -> Build -> Configurations -> Configuration Mappings then for MonoDevelop.VersionControl.TFS project select configuration Debug No-DBus. I use DBus under Linux/KDE for talking with KWallet, but for Mac and Windows I use stardard MonoDevelop function for storing password securely.
- Build Solutuion.
- Before starting debug you have to build MonoDevelop: go to MonoDevelop folder
cd External/monodevelop/
and type./configure && make
this will create MonoDevelop binaries. - Finally from the menu select
Run -> Debug Application...
choose External/monodevelop/main/build/bin/ folder and select MonoDevelop.exe
Happy debugging... :)