Closed as not planned
Issue Metrics
Metric | Average | Median | 90th percentile |
Time to first response | 0:23:32 | 0:23:32 | 0:33:34 |
Time to close | 28 days, 13:27:16 | 28 days, 13:27:16 | 28 days, 13:27:16 |
Metric | Count |
Number of items that remain open | 2 |
Number of items closed | 1 |
Total number of items created | 3 |
Title | URL | Author | Time to first response | Time to close |
[Pattern Idea] Badging and Recognition | #739 | jeffabailey | 0:11:01 | None |
[Pattern Idea] InnerSource Champion/Ambassadors | #738 | rrrutledge | 0:36:04 | None |
Monthly Metrics: Contributors 2024-11-01..2024-11-30 | #735 | github-actions[bot] | None | 28 days, 13:27:16 |
This report was generated with the Issue Metrics Action
Search query used to find these items: repo:InnerSourceCommons/InnerSourcePatterns is:issue created:2024-12-01..2024-12-31 -reason:"not planned" -author:NewMexicoKid -author:WillemJiang -author:cewilliams -author:jrcosta -author:lenucksi -author:psanxiao -author:robtuley -author:spier -author:yuhattor -author:zilio
Issue Metrics
Metric | Average | Median | 90th percentile |
Time to first response | 3:45:38 | 2:25:33 | 9:43:14 |
Time to close | 8:31:35 | 2:58:03 | 22:15:50 |
Metric | Count |
Number of items that remain open | 1 |
Number of items closed | 7 |
Total number of items created | 8 |
Title | URL | Author | Time to first response | Time to close |
Actions version was modified only for the merger. | #749 | taku333 | 10:27:09 | 10:27:48 |
Actions version was modified only for the merger. | #748 | taku333 | None | None |
Bump github/issue-metrics from 2 to 3 | #745 | dependabot[bot] | 0:21:33 | None |
Bump lycheeverse/lychee-action from 1.5.2 to 2.2.0 | #744 | dependabot[bot] | 2:25:33 | 2:25:38 |
Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 44 to 45 | #743 | dependabot[bot] | 0:24:06 | 0:24:16 |
Bump peter-evans/create-issue-from-file from 4 to 5 | #742 | dependabot[bot] | 0:17:05 | 0:17:26 |
Create dependabot.yml | #741 | taku333 | 3:10:02 | 3:30:28 |
Actions are changed from default branch to version-specified. | #737 | taku333 | 9:13:57 | 1 day, 10:03:52 |
This report was generated with the Issue Metrics Action
Search query used to find these items: repo:InnerSourceCommons/InnerSourcePatterns is:pr created:2024-12-01..2024-12-31 -reason:"not planned" -author:NewMexicoKid -author:WillemJiang -author:cewilliams -author:jrcosta -author:lenucksi -author:psanxiao -author:robtuley -author:spier -author:yuhattor -author:zilio