Releases: IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit
Releases · IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit
🐛 Fixes
- Fix region restrictions with methods non-overriden @Aurelien30000 (#1948)
✨ Features
- Release to Modrinth @NotMyFault (#1968)
✅ Chore
- Link to GH releases for modrinth and curseforge @NotMyFault (#1970)
🐛 Fixes
- Fix #saturate-Pattern @PierreSchwang (#1944)
✨ Features
- Retrieve the latest asset release version automatically @NotMyFault and @PierreSchwang (#1947)
📦 Dependency updates
🐛 Fixes
- fix: Lazy fix macro stacktrace @NotMyFault (#1911)
- fix: upstream missing
@SirYwell (#1908)
✅ Chore
- chore: Update assets to 1.19.2 @NotMyFault (#1900)
📦 Dependency updates
🚀 Major features
- Add support for 1.19.2 @NotMyFault (#1898)
✅ Chore
- Improve
@Aurelien30000 (#1888) - chore: Use 1.19.1 asset URL @NotMyFault (#1889)
📦 Dependency updates
🚀 Major features
- feat: Add support for 1.19.1 @NotMyFault (#1887)
🐛 Fixes
- fix: use servers removeGameEventListener instead of reimpl @peaches94 (#1881)
✅ Chore
- chore: Reword light command messages @NotMyFault (#1885)
📦 Dependency updates
🚀 Major features
- Re-implement full Entity support in history, entity removal, entity creation, etc. @dordsor21 (#1812)
🐛 Fixes
- Fix walls command on 1D/2D selection @dordsor21 (#1821)
- Actually implement ChunkHolder/ChunkSet pools @dordsor21 (#1840)
- Use Material rather than legacy int/data when specifying block break effect type @dordsor21 (#1829)
- Account for use of MutableBlockVector3 in Spline Brush @dordsor21 (#1831)
- Set the correct delegate to the ChunkHolder when using get or set in NULL delegate @dordsor21 (#1830)
- Bring stack in line with upstream using offset rather than direction @dordsor21 (#1822)
- Support using //distr on console properly @dordsor21 (#1827)
- Actually apply source mask when using //paste -m <mask> @dordsor21 (#1810)
- Fix #fullcopy -r @dordsor21 (#1816)
- Don't limit split size for extra block data (signs, spawner, etc.) @dordsor21 (#1818)
- Allow editing solely of tiles/entities/heightmaps @dordsor21 (#1817)
- Fix saving entities in DiskOptimizedClipboard when no tiles are present @dordsor21 (#1815)
- Don't do the unbelievable bad use of a MutableBlockVector2 in the creation of a set @dordsor21 (#1825)
- Properly support extended world heights (y > 255) in tripleBlockCoord @dordsor21 (#1805)
- Fixes to BlockMask and "char" masks @dordsor21 (#1787)
- The extent minY check in clipboard paste is un-needed as it is handled gracefully by FAWE @dordsor21 (#1806)
- Fix PNGWriter exporting blank PNGs @dordsor21 (#1807)
- Processor should be added to queue, not extent @dordsor21 (#1809)
- Prevent unhinged tree generation by doing a sanity check on the block below/block of the tree placement @dordsor21 (#1811)
- Use the correct CuboidRegion constructor to prevent clipboard height being limited when loading schematics @dordsor21 (#1798)
- Only create entities during a restore if they are contained by the region and the editsession's mask @dordsor21 (#1800)
- fix: Run GriefPrevention region check in sync @NotMyFault (#1804)
- fix: Suppress Tuinity light exception on 1.16 @NotMyFault (#1801)
- Don't apply offset to SimpleClipboard @Owen1212055 (#1751)
- Only implement cache to MaskingExtent when off main thread @dordsor21 (#1789)
- Command block messages should be sent on the main thread as it causes a block update @dordsor21 (#1796)
- Only synchronise tree generation at the very lowest level @dordsor21 (#1788)
✨ Features
- Assume a file not being in a subdirectory of root means a symlink is used @dordsor21 (#1838)
- Re-implement incremental schematic names in a folder @dordsor21 (#1833)
- Implement a "sensitivity" setting, a mask, and an option to only distinguish air vs blocks to blendball @dordsor21 (#1832)
- Implement generation of biome decorations to //regen <biome> and add option for a random seed to be used @dordsor21 (#1819)
- Implement limits to image size and load times @dordsor21 (#1790)
⚙️ Changes for plugin developers
- fix: Don't export Paster transitively on the core module @NotMyFault (#1808)
📝 Documentation updates
- docs: Publish javadocs to GH pages @NotMyFault (#1824)
📦 Dependency updates
- build: build: Update dependency com.github.TownyAdvanced:Towny to v0.98.2.6 @renovate (#1843)
- build: Update dependency com.github.TownyAdvanced:Towny to v0.98.2.5 @renovate (#1834)
- build: Update dependency com.github.TownyAdvanced:Towny to v0.98.2.3 @renovate (#1791)
- build: Update dependency io.papermc.paperweight.userdev:io.papermc.paperweight.userdev.gradle.plugin to v1.3.7 @renovate (#1792)
- build: Update dependency net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bukkit to v0.5.2 @renovate (#1793)
🚀 Major features
- feat: Add support for 1.19 @NotMyFault, @PierreSchwang, @SirYwell, @dordsor21 (#1783)
💥 Breaking changes
- Support for 1.18 and 1.18.1 has been dropped.
🐞 Major bug fixes
- Some fixes and improvements to internal queuing @dordsor21 (#1715)
🐛 Fixes
- Fix DelegateSemaphore synchronisation issues on Spigot @dordsor21 (#1781)
- Fix
not working below Y0 @Owen1212055 (#1769) - Avoid int overflow when using fillr in negative coords @dordsor21 (#1711)
- Some fixes and improvements to internal queuing @dordsor21 (#1715)
- Implement biomes to filter blocks and use in Clipboard pasting @dordsor21 (#1743)
✨ Features
- Allow NBT stored in DiskOptimizedClipboards to be written to disk as a compressed byte array at the end of the file @dordsor21 (#1745)
🧭 Changes
- build: Switch to bom @NotMyFault (#1778)
- Add block break effect to area pickaxe @Owen1212055 (#1770)
✅ Chore
- chore: Drop WEManager#cancelEditSafe() logger @NotMyFault (#1779)
- Update PaperMC repository URL @BlockyTheDev (#1756)
- Attach assets to GH releases @NotMyFault (#1754)
📦 Dependency updates
- build: Update dependency org.mockito:mockito-core to v4.6.1 @renovate (#1773)
- build: Update dependency com.github.TownyAdvanced:Towny to v0.98.2.2 @renovate (#1766)
- build: Update dependency org.mockito:mockito-core to v4.6.0 @renovate (#1765)
- build: Update dependency com.github.TownyAdvanced:Towny to v0.98.2.1 @renovate (#1764)
- build: Update dependency com.github.TownyAdvanced:Towny to v0.98.1.13 @renovate (#1759)
🐞 Major bug fixes
- Fix some horrendous code where methods supposed to return a boolean only ever return true @dordsor21 (#1718)
🐛 Fixes
- Don't error when loading a schematic fails @PierreSchwang (#1744)
- Respect clipboard settings (disk vs memory) when loading a schematic @dordsor21 (#1742)
- Allow use of BlockVectorSet for large //line selections instead of LocalBlockVectorSet @dordsor21 (#1713)
- Cherry pick upstream commits to fix SideEffectSet @dordsor21 (#1737)
- Check cached bukkit player is the same as the current player online @dordsor21 (#1732)
- Don't initialise a DiskOptimisedClipboard before checking for an existing one in the LocalSession when using loadClipboardFromDisk @dordsor21 (#1731)
- Implement getNameUnsafe method to allow an unloaded world's name to be accessed @dordsor21 (#1712)
- Set empty block count when using fastmode on 1.17 @dordsor21 (#1710)
📦 Dependency updates
11 changes
- build: Update release-drafter/release-drafter action to v5.20.0 @renovate (#1748)
- build: Update dependency org.mozilla:rhino-runtime to v1.7.14 @renovate (#1733)
- build: Update plotsquared to v6.7.0 @renovate (#1739)
- build: Update dependency com.github.TownyAdvanced:Towny to v0.98.1.12 @renovate (#1735)
- build: Update org.antlr to v4.10.1 @renovate (#1699)
- build: Update dependency org.checkerframework:checker-qual to v3.22.0 @renovate (#1728)
- build: Update dependency com.github.TownyAdvanced:Towny to v0.98.1.11 @renovate (#1727)
- build: Update dependency com.github.TownyAdvanced:Towny to v0.98.1.10 @renovate (#1723)
- build: Update dependency io.papermc.paperweight.userdev:io.papermc.paperweight.userdev.gradle.plugin to v1.3.6 @renovate (#1720)
- build: Update dependency com.github.TownyAdvanced:Towny to v0.98.1.9 @renovate (#1719)
- build: Update dependency org.mockito:mockito-core to v4.5.1 @renovate (#1721)