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  1. 自我介绍:
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    • 个人简介:学生,C,C++,C#,嵌入式,python
  2. 你认为你会完成本次残酷学习吗? 会的。


TODO: Read
TODO: Figuring out the meaning of this roadmap or here


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Great speech vido



Block Chain

See also: what-is-a-blockchain


从数据结构上来看,区块链通过首尾相接的“区块”来连接成“链”的,这种链的特点是, 由于每个节点包含前一个结点的信息(Hash Code),每个数据节点的变化会影响后面所有节点, 这样的特点使得数据的变化很容易被发现,从而保证了数据的强壮性。

See this vido about Blockchain:

从数据管理方式上来看,区块链是一种分布式帐本,通俗讲就相当于将一个公共帐本拆开,将每一页分给每个帐户,每条交易记录都分布在每个人手上, 这就避免了双重支出问题。 没错,就像peer-to-peer (P2P)一样,而Block chain正是由P2P进行管理的。



公有链 联盟链 私有链
参与者 不限 联盟成员 链的所有者
共识机制 PoW/PoS 分布式一致性算法 solo/pbft等
验证者 自愿提供算力或质押加密货币者 联盟成员协商确定 链的所有者
激励机制 需要 可选
程度 较高 偏低 极低
如初特点 解决双重支付 效率和成本优化 安全性高、效率高
吞吐量 7笔/秒至数千笔/秒(TPS) <10万笔/秒(TPS) 视配置决定
应用领域 区块链游戏、非同质化代币、去中心化金融等 供应链管理、金融服务、医疗保健等 大型组织或私人企业之业务等
代表项目 比特币、以太坊 R3、 Hyperledger

The Prehistory and Philosophy of Ethereum

See also:

以太坊的理念源于类似Unix的免费和开源理念。开放的平台需要安全性,中立性和无信任性, 这成为了以太坊的核心课题。

以太坊的主要高级组成部分是执行层( Execution layer)和共识层(Consensus layer):

  • 执行层: Execution layer provides the execution engine, handles user transaction and all state (address, contract data)


  • 共识层: implements the proof-of-stake mechanism ensuring security and fault tolerance



TODO: Lean about the consensus mechanisms



以太坊是一种公共区块链技术,主要由执行层和共识层构成, 执行层提供执行或者算力,共识层保证以太坊数据的健壮。


Implementations and Development

  • client and node
    An implementation of the execution layer (EL) or consensus layer (CL) is called a client. A computer running this client and connecting to the network is called a node.

  • client diversity
    Ethereum client can be implemented in different language, which make it diverse. Here is the implementations list.


You can find some test tools from here



I think this video should been seen by everyone who try to develop Ethereum implementations after learning about the basic concept of Ethereum.

Bitcoin is a Cryptocurrency, the transaction of Bitcoin include the following factors:

  • Signature: To verify the owner of a request, not anyone else, verify the validity of the request.
  • Uniqueness: The transaction request is Uni , to avoid the [Dual spending issue] (# "Deducting once from Party A's account and adding to two Party B's accounts") So the Proof of Work comes on stage.


Proof of work (PoW)

See also: and

A block of ledger is needed to be proofed for its validity, so making it less likely to be created is a good proof method.

An block chain is just like this(play it in here): block_chain

The hash code below is calculate(or called Mine, yes! it is the button below) based on the Data, Nonce, Block, Prev.

  • Data is the essence
  • Nonce is the specific num by mining, which makes Hash have multiple zeros starting with it, the more the zeros the greater the workload
  • Prev is the previous block's Hash, which included into the Mining in current block.
  • Block is just a num of block index

The "Hash with Zeros" and the Nonce are exactly the Proof of Work.

Why is PoW trustworthy

  1. Because of the "Chain", once a certain block in the middle is changed, all subsequent blocks will be changed, Moreover, there are many copy of ledger, the forged ledger will be overwhelmed by the correct version.
  2. Of cause, the latest block maybe untrustworthy, or perhaps the latest ledger you received was indeed forged by someone else, who mined out in the fastest time. But this won't last long, other miners will soon surpass it, and the ledger will return to its correct state.

Proof of stake



Gas is the fee of transaction

Gas and ETH

The unit of gas is wei, and Gas prices are usually quoted in gwei. $$ 1 gwei = 10^{-9} ETH $$ Gas fees calculating
$$ Gas;fees = units;of;gas;used * (base ;fee + priority;fee) $$

  • base fee is a value set by the protocol, which is finally to be burned and out of currency circulation.
  • priority fee is a value set by the user as a tip to the validator.


An overview of Week2

See also:


$\mathcal{def}$: A node is any instance of Ethereum client software that is connected to other computers also running Ethereum software, forming a network.

Node type:

  • light: only download block headers
  • full:
    • Stores full blockchain data (although this is periodically pruned so a full node does not store all state data back to genesis)
    • Participates in block validation, verifies all blocks and states.
    • All states can be either retrieved from local storage or regenerated from 'snapshots' by a full node.
    • Serves the network and provides data on request.
  • archive: full nodes that verify every block from genesis and never delete any of the downloaded data.

An Overview of the Ethereum Execution Layer

The Ethereum system

  • The Ethereum System is divided into EL(execution layer Or compute layer) and CL(beacon chain)
  • Bynotify_new_payload(payload), CL do nothing! CL just sends the execution payloads(State updating query) to the EL.

Ethereum compute layer: the EVM

The EVM is just the core of the EL, EL include the other parts.

  • Two types of accounts:
    • EOA: the people's accounts.
    • contracts: the "bot".

Data associated with an account

Account state: persistent storage

  • Only valid in the contract.
  • The all data mentioned above is stored as an array(S[])
  • These array collectively define the status of the account and are stored in the Ethereum state tree through a Merkle tree structure.
  • Ethereum state tree only calc the non-zero cells.


State transitions: Tx and messages

  • Simply, the Txs can be divided into four types, here is just an analog:
    • 人 to 人
    • 人 to bot
    • bot to 人
    • bot to bot
  • In the final analysis, the Txs only happen btw owned(people) and owned(people). contract is called by owned as well.

If it's just a Txs btw bots, then it's meaningless, isn't it?

State transitions: Tx and messages

The Ethereum blockchain: abstractly

  • accts: Accounts, the world state is a snapshot of the status of all accounts in the world
  • Tx: The Tx actions
  • log massages: show some characters about what the contract has done or what happened about Tx.


An Example contract: NameSystem

A name system on Eth: [uniswap -> addr]

is a simplified ENS, like DNS

Need to support three operations:

  •, Name): intent to register
  • Name.update(Name, newVal, newOwner)
  • Name.lookup(Name)
contract nameSys{
    struct nameEntry{
        address owner;
        bytes32 value;
    mapping(bytes32=> nameEntry) data;

    function nameNew(bytes32 name){
        //registration fee is 100 Wei
        if(data[name]==0 && msg.value >=100){
            data[name].owner = msg.sender
            emit Register(msg.sender, name)

    function nameUpdate(bytes32 name, 
                        bytes32 newValue, 
                        address newOwner) {
        // check if message is from domain owner,
        // and update cost of 10 Wei is paid
        if (data[name].owner == msg.sender && msg.value >= 10) {
            data[name].value = newValue; // record new value
            data[name].owner = newOwner; // record new owner

    function nameLookup(bytes32 name) {
        return data[name];
  1. ⚠️ Here the nameNewfunc is unsafe, Anyone can use this function to peek into the database or steal certain names and resell them.

The resolve is commit-reveal TODO

  1. The nameLookup is used by contracts, humans do not need this.(use

EVM mechanics: execution environment

  • The EVM is Ethereum’s execution engine, ensuring that smart contracts run securely, in a decentralized, and deterministic manner, making it the backbone of DeFi, NFTs, and DApps.
  • EVM is compiled to bytecode
Function Description
Running Smart Contracts Interprets and executes Solidity, Vyper-based contracts
Decentralized Computing Executes on all Ethereum nodes, ensuring consistency
Transaction Processing Verifies transactions, updates balances and contract states
Maintaining Blockchain State Manages contract storage, account data, and logs
Gas Fee Management Prevents excessive computation, incentivizes validators
Security & Isolation Runs contracts in a safe environment to prevent exploits


  • Every instruction costs gas.
  • Different instruction costs different gas.(See

    eg. SLOAD, SSTORE VS MLOAD, MSTORE, the former operate on blockchain(like disk), and the latter operate for single Tx(like RAM)

  • Tx fees (gas) prevents submitting Tx that runs for many steps.
  • During high load: block proposer chooses Tx from mempool that maximize its income.
  • Reducing on chain storage is advocated

Gas prices spike during congestion

Congestion can result in an increase in gas prices, which can bring more income for those block proposer.

EIP1559: How to figure out this congestion issue?

EIP1559, since8/2021, goal:

  • users incentivized to bid their true utility for posting Tx,
  • block proposer incentivized to not create fake Tx, and
  • disincentivize off chain agreements.


Title Year Authors
Transaction Fee Mechanism Design 2021 T. Roughgarden
Empirical Analysis of EIP-1559: Transaction Fees, Waiting Time, and Consensus Security 2023 Yulin Liu, et al.


Proof of stake (PoS)

See also:

Slots and Epochs: the heartbeat to Ethereum’s consensus

  • Each slot is 12 seconds and an epoch is 32 slots: 6.4 minutes.
  • the index of each slot is start at 0
  • Every slots, one block is added when the system is running optimally
  • slots can be empty

Validators and Attestations

  • A block proposer is a validator that has been pseudorandomly selected to build a block.
  • Most of the time, validators are attesters that vote on blocks, just like a committee, with each person randomly sitting in power.
  • Validators is police each other and are rewarded for reporting other validators that make conflicting votes, or propose multiple blocks.
  • An attestation is a validator’s vote, weighted by the validator’s balance.
  • The validators not only broadcasts new blocks, but also Attestation to indicate their recognition of the block.

Beacon Chain is different from World State Chain!!!


Stakers and Validators

  1. Stakers(质押者): Stakers like "capitalist", wich mean those who holding "money".
    • Everyone can become a staker.
    • If you have ETH over 32, such as 55, you can stake all, the part of 32 is to activate one validator, and the remain is to activate another one. Of course, you will get the all reward from the 32-voted one, and get the part from the another one.
    • If you have ETH less than 32, you can also stake into a pool to activate a validator and get the part reward.
  2. Validators(验证者): The only requirement to become a validator is the certain "money"(ETH)
    • You should become a staker before validator(Means that holding ETH in fact)


Why is the committee set to 128 people

Minimum Committee Size Explained

See also:

This photo is one from the article above.

  • A constant TARGET_COMMITTEE_SIZE of 128 is chosen as an approximate number of 111 because every constant in the specification is defined as a power of 2.
  • $\frac{1}{3}$:Supposing the rate of attackers😈 in all validators is $\frac{1}{3}$.
  • $k = [\frac{2}{3}n]$: k means the num of attackers😈 when a new committee with $n$ validators is chosen. The $\frac{2}{3}$ here does not means the rate of honest validators😇 in all validators($1-\frac{2}{3}$). In PoS of ethereum, it needs 2/3rd majority to attest and block on to the beacon chain.

Why $\frac{2}{3}$




  • GHOST: (Greedy Heaviest Observed Sub-Tree) is a fork selection algorithm that selects a subtree containing the most proof of work (PoW)
  • LMD-GHOST: LMD-GHOST is a variant of GHOST and is suitable for Proof of Stake (PoS) system. 图片 Let's see what happened to the blocks in this diagram:
  • Defining the three block to Alice, Bob, Eve(who proposed the block)
  • For Alice, it received three attests, but two is from committee A, and one is from committee B
  • For Bob, it received only two attests from committee B
  • For Eve, it received three attests, all of them came from the committee.

Do you think which blocks will be chose by LMD GHOST? The answer is Alice and Eve, and the Eve is built based on the Alice.
At slot1, none of them were selected as head, at slot2, Alice was set as head, at slot3, Eve was set as head based on Alice.

Let's see what happened to the validator in this diagram:

  • One in committee A is offline.
  • One in committee B is vote the Alice for some reason like network delay.
  • As such case above, the Alice and Bob received a abnormal attests.

Eventually, Eve was reached a consensus.

Beacon Chain Checkpoints

  • A checkpoint is a block in the first slot of an epoch.
  • If there is no such block, then the checkpoint is the preceding most recent block.
  • There is always one checkpoint block per epoch. A block can be the checkpoint for multiple epochs.
  • Epoch boundary blocks (EBB) = checkpoints


FFG vote

What is FFG vote?
At the end of each epoch, the start of each epoch, the validator votes on the checkpoint block and tries to finalize the block. FFG vote consists of two parts:

  • source: The latest justified checkpoint that has been voted before.
  • target: The checkpoint block of the current epoch.

If enough validators vote for a target as the new justified checkpoint, and the next epoch votes to confirm it, it will be finalized.

When dose FFG vote happen?
At the end of each epoch (after 32 slots), the start of each epoch, the validator start to submit their FFG vote.

Be cautious that FFG and block proposal and confirmation are two different processes, this will be mentioned again in the next section of Finality


How long does FFG vote last?
Because one FFG attestation only can be submitted at one slot from one committee, it will last until receiving ⅔ of attestations, means 22 slots(which was mentioned below).

$\mathcal{def}$ Supermajority: A vote that is made by ⅔ of the total balance of all active validators, is deemed a supermajority.


$\mathcal{def}$ Justified: At the start of a epoch(slot 1), all validators is gave a justify query to justify the checkpoint of prior epoch, once ⅔ of attestations reached, this checkpoint is justified. Typically, a checkpoint is justified in ⅔ ~ 1 epoch.

$\mathcal{def}$ Finality: If a checkpoint B is justified and the checkpoint in the immediate next epoch becomes justified, then B becomes finalized. Typically, a checkpoint is finalized in 1⅔ ~ 2 epochs, 10.7 ~ 12.8 minutes.

Note that the time is measured from when the FFG vote is recorded (slot 1 of the next epoch). If a Tx is written in the middle of an epoch (slot 16), the total time required is 0.5 + 1 + ⅔ epochs until finalized.

In this diagram below, checkpoint at slot 32 is justified before slot 64. Info of FFG voting at 32 is saved at slot 32, and these info is proved at slot 96, which mean being finalized.

⚠ If checkpoint at slot 32 haven't been justified in epoch 1, FFG will restart from slot 64.

💡 The issue about the justification of a block can sometimes finalize a block two or more epochs ago.

Proposers and bribery(贿赂)
Proposers are only assigned to slots once the epoch starts, But how to avoid a bribery of proposers?secret leader election


Staking 奖励和惩罚

  1. attester rewards:

    • validators通过参与attest(LMD GHOST and FFG votes)获得rewards
    • 如果成功达成一个Finalized block,你将获得更多
  2. attester penalties:

    • attesting未执行(无作为)
    • attesting给一个未被finalized的block(错误行为)
  3. typical downside risk for stakers


    • penalty是reward的¾(比如,好人😇全勤一年获得10%的reward,那么坏人😈会被penaltied 7.5%)
  4. slashings and whistleblower rewards


    • $\mathcal{def}$: The protocol also imposes an ==additional penalty== based on how many others have been slashed near the same time. $$ Additional_penalty = validator_balance\times 3\times fraction_of_validators_slashed $$
  5. proposer rewards


    • validator在Tx中提出slash,proposer将该Tx推送到block中,就能获得reward

      😕Currently, all of the whistleblower’s reward actually goes to the proposer.

  6. inactivity leak penalty


    • 当一个block在4个epoch后依然没被finalized,就可判定为1/3以上的validator不活跃😈,就会触发inactivity leak penalty
    • 惩罚力度成2次指数(quadratic)递增,目的是为了让坏人😈尽快下线,让剩下的人😇达成2/3多数。

Slashable Offences


  1. double proposal:一个slot提出一个以上block

  2. LMD GHOST double vote:在同一个slot,同时attest给两个head block

    验证者如何同时看到两个不同的 Beacon Chain 头?

    1. 网络延迟或分区; 2. 恶意行为; 3. 客户端 Bug
  3. surround vote: See also:

    • $\mathcal{def}$:
      s: source
      t: target
      a surrounds b if: s_a < s_b < t_b < t_a
      s < t is a pre, so the condition can also be:
      s_a < s_b and t_b < t_a
  4. FFG double vote: 在一个Epoch(或slot)同时提出两个不一样的FFG vote对。比如:

    • 同target不同source

    • 同source不同target


  • 同一个attestation可能会被不同的aggrevators收集,但本质上是同一个attestation,所以并不会被判定为double vote


Beacon Chain Validator Activation and Lifecycle

下面的图展示了validator从进入beacon chain到退出的lifecycle,可以看到退出有三种情况:

  • get slashed
  • insufficient balance
  • voluntary exit: (前提:要求行使至少2^11^epochs的工作)

☝️validators不能短时间内大量进入或退出以防止攻击,Beacon Chain使用一种effective balances机制以防止这种情况的发生。

See more:









  • clone repo

  • 安装makefile:推荐使用chocolatey安装

  • 这里由于是windows系统,python生成的venv的目录结构是不同的,所以修改Makefile如下:

    VENV = venv
    PYTHON_VENV = $(VENV)/Scripts/python.exe
    PIP_VENV = $(VENV)/Scripts/pip3.exe
    CODESPELL_VENV = $(VENV)/Scripts/codespell
    # Make a virtual environment.
    	@echo "Creating virtual environment"
    	@python -m venv $(VENV)
    	@$(PIP_VENV) install --quiet uv
    • PYTHON_VENV等变量的路径根据venv修改。注意需要使用/


    • @python3 -m venv $(VENV)改为@python -m venv $(VENV)

    • @$(PIP_VENV) install --quiet uv将版本去掉了,保留会导致找不到uv,uv是一个高性能包管理,并不影响后续测试

  • setup.py中所有open()函数加入参数encoding='utf-8'。对于中文区系统,python会以gbk来读取文件。

  • 使用powershell会出现一些意想不到的问题,所以这里使用git bash执行make test

  • 如果出现按间隔跳出FFss..之类的字符,说明测试成功

  • 在venv的虚拟环境下,运行这样一个.py文件:

    from eth2spec.bellatrix import mainnet as spec
    hello = b"Hello World"
    body = spec.BeaconBlockBody(
        graffiti = hello + b'\0' * (32 - len(hello))
    block = spec.BeaconBlock(body=body)


~/consensus-specs/tests/core/pyspec/eth2spec/test/phase0/sanity/test_blocks.py展示了$ make test k=test_empty_block_transition fork=altair命令用到的源代码。

def test_invalid_prev_slot_block_transition(spec, state):
    # Go to clean slot
    spec.process_slots(state, state.slot + 1)
    # Make a block for it
    block = build_empty_block(spec, state, slot=state.slot)
    proposer_index = spec.get_beacon_proposer_index(state)
    # Transition to next slot, above block will not be invalid on top of new state.
    spec.process_slots(state, state.slot + 1)

    yield 'pre', state
    # State is beyond block slot, but the block can still be realistic when invalid.
    # Try the transition, and update the state root to where it is halted. Then sign with the supposed proposer.
    expect_assertion_error(lambda: transition_unsigned_block(spec, state, block))
    block.state_root = state.hash_tree_root()
    signed_block = sign_block(spec, state, block, proposer_index=proposer_index)
    yield 'blocks', [signed_block]
    yield 'post', None











  • 第一个块主要是区块链的本地储存配置
  • 第二个块描述了几个重要的更新,以区块深度来表示其更新的时间点
  • 第三个块与网络相关,包括接口,P2P等


$ geth --holesky --datadir geth-data --syncmode snap --http --http.port 8545 --authrpc.jwtsecret /tmp/jwt
  • --holeskyHolesky 是以太坊的一个测试网络,类似于 GoerliSepolia,但专门用于 PoS 相关的测试。

  • --datadir geth-data指定本地data文件夹路径。在这之前我们已经创建好了一个(~$ mkdir geth-data)

  • --syncmode snap快照模式,可选full。当然,对目前的你是不会选full

  • --http:启用 HTTP 服务,允许通过 HTTP 协议访问 JSON-RPC API

    启用后,外部应用程序(如钱包、DApps)可以通过 HTTP 与节点交互。

  • --http.port 8545:http端口

  • --authrpc.jwtsecret /tmp/jwt:指定 JWT(JSON Web Token)密钥文件的路径为 /tmp/jwt

JWT 用于验证执行层(Geth)和共识层(如 Beacon Chain)之间的通信


CL note部署

  • openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\n" | sudo tee /secrets/jwt.hex创建一个jwt密匙
  • EL note保持打开状态
./lighthouse bn --network holesky --execution-endpoint http://localhost:8551  --execution-jwt /tmp/jwt --http

Ephemery testnet

接下来基于ephemery testnet构建一个测试网 ephemery会隔一段时间回滚(目前是28天),所以整体比较小,适合于测试

ephemery repo中下载testnet-all.tar.gz放在文件夹中并解压。

  • genesis.json:记录ephemery区块的信息
  • nodevars_env.txt:包含了该测试链的基本信息,包括CHAIN_ID, BOOTNODE_ENR

按照Run a node的指引,设定相关参数:

$ geth --datadir ephemery --authrpc.jwtsecret=/tmp/jwt --bootnodes $BOOTNODE_ENODE --networkid $CHAIN_ID


$ ./lighthouse bn -t Downloads/ --execution-endpoint http://localhost:8551 --execution-jwt=/tmp/jwt --boot-nodes=$BOOTNODE_ENR_LIST





Consensus specs


根据Pyspec tutorial,执行第一个测试:

  • 找到想要测试的方法:test_empty_block_transition

  • 将该函数包括依赖复制到一个新的.py文件,

  • 加入一些测试代码,比如,加入eth2spec.test.helpers.statenext_slot方法,得到:

    #-------------copy from build\lib\eth2spec\test\phase0\sanity\
    from eth2spec.test.helpers.state import next_slot
    from eth2spec.test.helpers.state import (
        get_balance, state_transition_and_sign_block,
        next_slot, next_epoch, next_epoch_via_block,
    from eth2spec.test.helpers.block import (
        build_empty_block_for_next_slot, build_empty_block,
    from eth2spec.test.context import (
        spec_test, spec_state_test, dump_skipping_message,
        with_phases, with_all_phases, single_phase,
        expect_assertion_error, always_bls,
    def test_empty_block_transition(spec, state):
        # 记录前个节点的信息
        pre_slot = state.slot
        pre_eth1_votes = len(state.eth1_data_votes)
        pre_mix = spec.get_randao_mix(state, spec.get_current_epoch(state))
        yield 'pre', state
    	# 推进到下一个时隙
        next_slot(spec, state) # 添加代码
        # 构建空区块
        block = build_empty_block_for_next_slot(spec, state)
        # 执行状态转换并签署区块
        signed_block = state_transition_and_sign_block(spec, state, block)
        yield 'blocks', [signed_block]
        yield 'post', state
        # 验证新区块的合法性
        assert len(state.eth1_data_votes) == pre_eth1_votes + 1
        assert spec.get_block_root_at_slot(state, pre_slot) == signed_block.message.parent_root
        assert spec.get_randao_mix(state, spec.get_current_epoch(state)) != pre_mix





from DeepSeek

class BeaconState(Container):
    # Versioning
    genesis_time: uint64 # 创世时间(以秒为单位),表示信标链的启动时间。
    genesis_validators_root: Root # 创世验证者集合的Merkle根
    slot: Slot # 当前时隙(slot)
    fork: Fork # 当前的分叉(fork)信息,用于处理协议升级和分叉。
    # History
    latest_block_header: BeaconBlockHeader
    block_roots: Vector[Root, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT] # 见后面的解释
    state_roots: Vector[Root, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT] # 见后面的解释
    historical_roots: List[Root, HISTORICAL_ROOTS_LIMIT] # 见后面的解释
    # Eth1
    eth1_data: Eth1Data # ?
    eth1_data_votes: List[Eth1Data, EPOCHS_PER_ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH] # ?
    eth1_deposit_index: uint64 # ?
    # Registry
    validators: List[Validator, VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT] # 一个列表,存储所有注册的验证者信息(如公钥、状态、余额等)
    balances: List[Gwei, VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT] # 一个列表,存储每个验证者的余额(以Gwei为单位)
    # Randomness
    randao_mixes: Vector[Bytes32, EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR] # 一个固定长度的向量,存储最近 EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR 个周期的RANDAO混合值。RANDAO用于生成随机数,随机选择验证者。
    # Slashings
    slashings: Vector[Gwei, EPOCHS_PER_SLASHINGS_VECTOR]  # Per-epoch sums of slashed effective balances
    # Attestations
    previous_epoch_attestations: List[PendingAttestation, MAX_ATTESTATIONS * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH] # 上一个周期的证明列表,验证者对区块的投票记录。
    current_epoch_attestations: List[PendingAttestation, MAX_ATTESTATIONS * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH] # 当前周期的证明列表。
    # Finality
    justification_bits: Bitvector[JUSTIFICATION_BITS_LENGTH]  # Bit set for every recent justified epoch
    previous_justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint  # Previous epoch snapshot
    current_justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint
    finalized_checkpoint: Checkpoint


  • block_roots:一个固定长度的向量,存储最近 SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT 个时隙的区块根(Merkle根)。
  • state_roots: 一个固定长度的向量,存储最近 SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT 个时隙的状态根(Merkle根)。
  • historical_roots: 一个列表,存储历史状态和区块的Merkle根,用于长期历史记录。



graph LR;
    A[记录pre-slot的信息] --> B[推进到下一个时隙];
    B --> C[构建block];
    C --> D[执行状态转换并签署区块];
    D --> E[验证新区块的合法性];
    A -->|传入| E



Tests Designed to Fail

def test_invalid_prev_slot_block_transition(spec, state):
    # Go to clean slot 进入一个干净的slot: slot A
    spec.process_slots(state, state.slot + 1)
    # Make a block for it
    block = build_empty_block(spec, state, slot=state.slot)
    # 记录该新区块的proposer
    proposer_index = spec.get_beacon_proposer_index(state)
    # Transition to next slot, above block will not be invalid on top of new state.
    # slot B
    spec.process_slots(state, state.slot + 1)

    yield 'pre', state
    # State is beyond block slot, but the block can still be realistic when invalid.
    # Try the transition, and update the state root to where it is halted. Then sign with the supposed proposer.
    expect_assertion_error(lambda: transition_unsigned_block(spec, state, block))
    block.state_root = state.hash_tree_root()
    signed_block = sign_block(spec, state, block, proposer_index=proposer_index)
    yield 'blocks', [signed_block]
    yield 'post', None
    section slot A
    section slot B
        expect_assertion_error : 加入一个触发器 lambda函数唤起时触发<br>error
        block.state_root = state.hash_tree_root() : 欺骗协议, 让它匹配当前状态
        sign_block :  将之前获得的签名 重新放进去


这个测试代码构建了这么一个场景: 一个在slot A的区块在已经过时的情况下(beacon chain的state已经推进到slot B),依然尝试欺骗协议来接受这个区块。

expect_assertion_error(lambda: transition_unsigned_block(spec, state, block)) 并不会立刻触发error,而是当transition_unsigned_block被调用时触发error

