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The session middleware provides session management for Fiber applications, utilizing the Storage package for multi-database support via a unified interface. By default, session data is stored in memory, but custom storage options are easily configurable (see examples below).

As of v3, we recommend using the middleware handler for session management. However, for backward compatibility, v2's session methods are still available, allowing you to continue using the session management techniques from earlier versions of Fiber. Both methods are demonstrated in the examples.

Table of Contents

Migration Guide

v2 to v3

  • Function Signature Change: In v3, the New function now returns a middleware handler instead of a *Store. To access the store, use the Store method on *Middleware (obtained from session.FromContext(c) in a handler) or use NewStore or NewWithStore.

  • Session Lifecycle Management: The *Store.Save method no longer releases the instance automatically. You must manually call sess.Release() after using the session to manage its lifecycle properly.

  • Expiration Handling: Previously, the Expiration field represented the maximum session duration before expiration. However, it would extend every time the session was saved, making its behavior a mix between session duration and session idle timeout. The Expiration field has been removed and replaced with IdleTimeout and AbsoluteTimeout fields, which explicitly defines the session's idle and absolute timeout periods.

    • Idle Timeout: The new IdleTimeout, handles session inactivity. If the session is idle for the specified duration, it will expire. The idle timeout is updated when the session is saved. If you are using the middleware handler, the idle timeout will be updated automatically.

    • Absolute Timeout: The AbsoluteTimeout field has been added. If you need to set an absolute session timeout, you can use this field to define the duration. The session will expire after the specified duration, regardless of activity.

For more details about Fiber v3, see What’s New.

Migrating v2 to v3 Example (Legacy Approach)

To convert a v2 example to use the v3 legacy approach, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize with Store: Use session.NewStore() to obtain a store.
  2. Retrieve Session: Access the session store using the store.Get(c) method.
  3. Release Session: Ensure that you call sess.Release() after you are done with the session to manage its lifecycle.

:::note When using the legacy approach, the IdleTimeout will be updated when the session is saved. :::

Example Conversion

v2 Example:

store := session.New()

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    sess, err := store.Get(c)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    key, ok := sess.Get("key").(string)
    if !ok {
        return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)

    sess.Set("key", "value")

    err = sess.Save()
    if err != nil {
        return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)

    return nil

v3 Legacy Approach:

store := session.NewStore()

app.Get("/", func(c fiber.Ctx) error {
    sess, err := store.Get(c)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer sess.Release() // Important: Release the session

    key, ok := sess.Get("key").(string)
    if !ok {
        return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)

    sess.Set("key", "value")

    err = sess.Save()
    if err != nil {
        return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)

    return nil

v3 Example (Recommended Middleware Handler)

Do not call sess.Release() when using the middleware handler. sess.Save() is also not required, as the middleware automatically saves the session data.

For the recommended approach, use the middleware handler. See the Middleware Handler (Recommended) section for details.



Defines the configuration options for the session middleware.

type Config struct {
    Storage           fiber.Storage
    Next              func(fiber.Ctx) bool
    Store             *Store
    ErrorHandler      func(fiber.Ctx, error)
    KeyGenerator      func() string
    KeyLookup         string
    CookieDomain      string
    CookiePath        string
    CookieSameSite    string
    IdleTimeout       time.Duration
    AbsoluteTimeout   time.Duration
    CookieSecure      bool
    CookieHTTPOnly    bool
    CookieSessionOnly bool


The Middleware struct encapsulates the session middleware configuration and storage, created via New or NewWithStore.

type Middleware struct {
    Session *Session


Represents a user session, accessible through FromContext or Store.Get.

type Session struct {}


Handles session data management and is created using NewStore, NewWithStore or by accessing the Store method of a middleware instance.

type Store struct {


Session Package Functions

func New(config ...Config) *Middleware
func NewWithStore(config ...Config) (fiber.Handler, *Store)
func FromContext(c fiber.Ctx) *Middleware

Config Methods

func DefaultErrorHandler(fiber.Ctx, err error)

Middleware Methods

func (m *Middleware) Set(key string, value any)
func (m *Middleware) Get(key string) any
func (m *Middleware) Delete(key string)
func (m *Middleware) Destroy() error
func (m *Middleware) Reset() error
func (m *Middleware) Store() *Store

Session Methods

func (s *Session) Fresh() bool
func (s *Session) ID() string
func (s *Session) Get(key string) any
func (s *Session) Set(key string, val any)
func (s *Session) Destroy() error
func (s *Session) Regenerate() error
func (s *Session) Release()
func (s *Session) Reset() error
func (s *Session) Save() error
func (s *Session) Keys() []string
func (s *Session) SetIdleTimeout(idleTimeout time.Duration)

Store Methods

func (*Store) RegisterType(i any)
func (s *Store) Get(c fiber.Ctx) (*Session, error)
func (s *Store) GetByID(id string) (*Session, error)
func (s *Store) Reset() error
func (s *Store) Delete(id string) error


GetByID Method

The GetByID method retrieves a session from storage using its session ID. Unlike Get, which ties the session to a fiber.Ctx (request-response cycle), GetByID operates independently of any HTTP context. This makes it ideal for scenarios such as background processing, scheduled tasks, or non-HTTP-related session management.

Key Features
  • Context Independence: Sessions retrieved via GetByID are not bound to fiber.Ctx. This means the session can be manipulated in contexts that aren't tied to an active HTTP request-response cycle.
  • Background Task Suitability: Use this method when you need to manage sessions outside of the standard HTTP workflow, such as in scheduled jobs, background tasks, or any non-HTTP context where session data needs to be accessed or modified.
Usage Considerations
  • Manual Persistence: Since there is no associated fiber.Ctx, changes made to the session (e.g., modifying data) will not automatically be saved to storage. You must call session.Save() explicitly to persist any updates to storage.
  • No Automatic Cookie Handling: Any updates made to the session will not affect the client-side cookies. If the session changes need to be reflected in the client (e.g., in a future HTTP response), you will need to handle this manually by setting the cookies via other methods.
  • Resource Management: After using a session retrieved by GetByID, you should call session.Release() to properly release the session back to the pool and free up resources.
Example Use Cases
  • Scheduled Jobs: Retrieve and update session data periodically without triggering an HTTP request.
  • Background Processing: Manage sessions for tasks running in the background, such as user inactivity checks or batch processing.



:::note Security Notice: For robust security, especially during sensitive operations like account changes or transactions, consider using CSRF protection. Fiber provides a CSRF Middleware that can be used with sessions to prevent CSRF attacks. :::

:::note Middleware Order: The order of middleware matters. The session middleware should come before any handler or middleware that uses the session (for example, the CSRF middleware). :::

Middleware Handler (Recommended)

package main

import (

func main() {
    app := fiber.New()

    sessionMiddleware, sessionStore := session.NewWithStore()

        Store: sessionStore,

    app.Get("/", func(c fiber.Ctx) error {
        sess := session.FromContext(c)
        if sess == nil {
            return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)

        name, ok := sess.Get("name").(string)
        if !ok {
            return c.SendString("Welcome anonymous user!")

        return c.SendString("Welcome " + name)


Custom Storage Example

package main

import (

func main() {
    app := fiber.New()

    storage := sqlite3.New()
    sessionMiddleware, sessionStore := session.NewWithStore(session.Config{
        Storage: storage,

        Store: sessionStore,


Session Without Middleware Handler

package main

import (

func main() {
    app := fiber.New()

    sessionStore := session.NewStore()

        Store: sessionStore,

    app.Get("/", func(c fiber.Ctx) error {
        sess, err := sessionStore.Get(c)
        if err != nil {
            return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)
        defer sess.Release()

        name, ok := sess.Get("name").(string)
        if !ok {
            return c.SendString("Welcome anonymous user!")

        return c.SendString("Welcome " + name)

    app.Post("/login", func(c fiber.Ctx) error {
        sess, err := sessionStore.Get(c)
        if err != nil {
            return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)
        defer sess.Release()

        if !sess.Fresh() {
            if err := sess.Regenerate(); err != nil {
                return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)

        sess.Set("name", "John Doe")

        err = sess.Save()
        if err != nil {
            return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)

        return c.SendString("Logged in!")


Custom Types in Session Data

Session data can only be of the following types by default:

  • string
  • int
  • int8
  • int16
  • int32
  • int64
  • uint
  • uint8
  • uint16
  • uint32
  • uint64
  • bool
  • float32
  • float64
  • []byte
  • complex64
  • complex128
  • interface{}

To support other types in session data, you can register custom types. Here is an example of how to register a custom type:

package main

import (

type User struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

func main() {
    app := fiber.New()

    sessionMiddleware, sessionStore := session.NewWithStore()




Property Type Description Default
Storage fiber.Storage Defines where session data is stored. nil (in-memory storage)
Next func(c fiber.Ctx) bool Function to skip this middleware under certain conditions. nil
ErrorHandler func(c fiber.Ctx, err error) Custom error handler for session middleware errors. nil
KeyGenerator func() string Function to generate session IDs. UUID()
KeyLookup string Key used to store session ID in cookie or header. "cookie:session_id"
CookieDomain string The domain scope of the session cookie. ""
CookiePath string The path scope of the session cookie. "/"
CookieSameSite string The SameSite attribute of the session cookie. "Lax"
IdleTimeout time.Duration Maximum duration of inactivity before session expires. 30 * time.Minute
AbsoluteTimeout time.Duration Maximum duration before session expires. 0 (no expiration)
CookieSecure bool Ensures session cookie is only sent over HTTPS. false
CookieHTTPOnly bool Ensures session cookie is not accessible to JavaScript (HTTP only). true
CookieSessionOnly bool Prevents session cookie from being saved after the session ends (cookie expires on close). false

Default Config

    Storage:           memory.New(),
    Next:              nil,
    Store:             nil,
    ErrorHandler:      nil,
    KeyGenerator:      utils.UUIDv4,
    KeyLookup:         "cookie:session_id",
    CookieDomain:      "",
    CookiePath:        "",
    CookieSameSite:    "Lax",
    IdleTimeout:       30 * time.Minute,
    AbsoluteTimeout:   0,
    CookieSecure:      false,
    CookieHTTPOnly:    false,
    CookieSessionOnly: false,