Thanks for the plugin, I especially appreciate the source map support.
I'm adding a simple string banner and performing incremental rebundles with watchify. On the first bundling, everything is correct. After changing source code & triggering subsequent rebundles, there are suddenly duplicate instances of the banner string. This duplication causes an error when the script runs.
I believe my use of browserify-banner is correct:
let scriptBundler = browserify({
entries: entry + '.js',
basedir: buildDir,
debug: devMode, // Source maps!
cache: {}, // For watchify's incremental bundling
packageCache: {}, // "
fullPaths: false, // "
noParse: ['jquery'], // No require() in this big lib: save time & don't parse
browserField: false, // Makes bundle runnable in Node
builtins: false, // "
commondir: false, // "
insertGlobalVars: { // "
Buffer: undefined, // "
'Buffer.isBuffer': undefined, // "
global: undefined, // "
process: undefined // "
// Make the Node script runnable in the shell
let scriptHeader = '#!/usr/bin/env node\n';
if (devMode) {
// Make Node show source code in stack traces
scriptHeader += 'require("source-map-support").install();\n';
scriptBundler.plugin(banner, {banner: scriptHeader});
// The rebundle process
const rebundle = function () {
var start =;
console.log('Bundling "' + entry + '"');
return scriptBundler.bundle()
.pipe(gulpif(!devMode && !argv['skip-minify'], vinylBuffer()))
.pipe(gulpif(!devMode && !argv['skip-minify'], uglify()))
.pipe(chmod({ execute: true }))
.pipe(notify(function() {
console.log('Bundled "' + entry + '" in ' + ( - start) / 1000 + ' s');
// Watch for changes while developing
if (devMode) {
scriptBundler.on('update', rebundle);