Describe the bug
On my system., the storage module reports 105GiB used out of a total size of 233 GiB (105/233 GiB). df -h shows 94G on / and 355M used on /boot. So I am trying to understand what the value of 105Gib is showing. There seems to be a discrepancy. Fastfetch shows 93.16GB / 232.71 GB so the 232.71 rounded up is 233. That makes sense but not the first value for used.
To Reproduce
See what values are Disk module shows and check with df -h or another tool
Expected behavior
I would expect the numbers to be close.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- Distribution: Arch
- Window Manager/Desktop Environment: Hyprland
Where are you getting the disk used number from?
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