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Using Dredd mutation testing framework to generate test cases that improve mutation coverage of sqlite3


Install dredd

At suitable directory, run the following command. Change clang+llvm-*-* as required. Refer to installation instruction here.

# (Optional) Required Package
sudo apt install build-essential libghc-terminfo-dev libzstd-dev zlib1g-dev cmake ninja-build

# Clone dredd
git clone --recursive
cd dredd

# Install Clang/LLVM
cd third_party
curl -Lo clang+llvm.tar.xz
tar xf clang+llvm.tar.xz
rm -r clang+llvm
mv clang+llvm-16.0.4-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-22.04 clang+llvm
rm clang+llvm.tar.xz
cd ..

# Build
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G Ninja .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . --config Release
cp src/dredd/dredd ../third_party/clang+llvm/bin

Export the path to dredd:

export DREDD_CHECKOUT=/path/to/dredd

Install SQLite3

Install the complete(raw) source tree instead of amalgation source code:

sudo apt install unzip tcl8.6-dev # Required Package

curl -Lo
mv sqlite-src-3450100 sqlite-src

Export the path to sqlite source:

export SQLITE_SRC_CHECKOUT=/path/to/sqlite-src

Configure and Make

cd sqlite-src

# Configure to enable fts, rtree, update limit
CC=${DREDD_CHECKOUT}/third_party/clang+llvm/bin/clang CFLAGS='-MJ cd.json -Wno-everything' ./configure --enable-fts3 --enable-fts4 --enable-fts5 --enable-rtree --enable-update-limit
make .target_source # This create directory containing all source files for sqlite3.c

Modify Makefile so sqlite and testfixture share the same compilation flag. Add this to last moditication of SHELL_OPT.


Install SQLancer

At suitable directory, run the following command. Refer to installation instruction here.

sudo apt install maven # (Optional) Required Package

git clone
cd sqlancer
mvn package -DskipTests

Export the jar file in target. Replace sqlancer-*.jar with build version as necessary.

export SQLANCER_JAR=/path/to/sqlancer/target/sqlancer-2.0.0.jar

Install CReduce

Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, FreeBSD and Mac OS X comes with precompiled package for CReduce. Otherwise, CReduce can be build from source. Refer to installation instruction here.

sudo apt install creduce
export CREDUCE_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/creduce

Install pip requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt


Applying Dredd to Source

python3 -m runner.dredd_source.main ${DREDD_CHECKOUT} ${SQLITE_SRC_CHECKOUT} ${DREDD_OUTPUT_PATH}

Mutation Testing


Fuzz Surviving Mutants

python3 -m runner.generate_test.main ${SQLANCER_JAR} ${DREDD_OUTPUT_PATH} ${MUTATION_OUTPUT_PATH} ${FUZZ_OUTPUT_PATH}

Reduce Test Case

python3 -m runner.reduce_test.main ${DREDD_OUTPUT_PATH} ${FUZZ_OUTPUT_PATH} ${REDUCTION_OUTPUT_PATH}

Package Resuced Test Case

python3 -m runner.reduce_test.main ${DREDD_OUTPUT_PATH} ${REDUCTION_OUTPUT_PATH} ${TCLIFY_OUTPUT_PATH}

Ensure that ${TCLIFY_OUTPUT_PATH} contains the *.tcl file from sqlite-src/test/*.tcl before tunning the testfixture on ${TCLIFY_OUTPUT_PATH}

Understanding Sample Outputs

Extension Above Enabled

sample_dredd_output_all: Contains binary of testfixture, sqlite3 after applying Dredd on slite3 source

sample_regression_output_all: Conntains result of mutation testing on extraquick, quick, full subset of TCL test.

sample_fuzzing_output_*: Contains result of mutants fuzzing with random, NoRec, TlP oracle of sqlancer.

sample_reduction_output_*: Contains result of test case reduction with random, NoRec, TLP oracle of sqlancer.

sample_tclify_output_*: Contains result of packaged TCL test for corresponding oracle.

No Optional Extension enabled

Results of running the worflow with no extension enabled can be found in directory sample_fuzzing_output, sample_redction_output, sample_tclify_output.