What do we need to do before we would be happy to tag DataStructures.jl v1.0?
I mean, we are one of the most common dependencies in the package ecosystem,
and julia 1.0 is out.
My thoughts;
- Search the code base for anything written in outmoded styles (e.g. Update heap constructors #472)
- Get rid of anything deprecated Clean out deprecations that we declared #477 (but that will need to be done again after)
- Maybe split up the package Split up the package? #310, but noting that all the packages sliced out that way will want to hit 1.0 before (or at the same time as) DataStructures.jl does.
It hurts people when we break things, and while we are good at deprecating,
getting on the the "strict" side of semver is something we need to do for the sake of the ecosystem
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