
I run julia from a clean environment, e.g.
docker run -it julia:1.10
add DataStructures
to the environment
(@v1.10) pkg> status
Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.10/Project.toml`
[864edb3b] DataStructures v0.18.19
It says v0.18.19
I test for a bug that should be fixed
using DataStructures
struct A1 end
struct A2 end
c = CircularBuffer{A1}(10)
try push!(c, A2()); catch end;
@assert isempty(c)
It fails
The error should be fixed since v0.18.12
Clone the repo, checkout v0.18.12
, there should be a test in tests/test_circular_buffer.jl
named "Issue 754", but it's not there? Is the tag wrong?
I download the archive of the same release (0.18.12
) from github, it's the same (no test named "Issue 754", what version are these archives?
run a diff between 0.18.12
.. 0.18.15
but it's way too short?
The registry has versions up to 0.18.19
, but this repo only has tags up to 0.18.15
Am I haunted? 👻
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