Thanks for your work on this package !
The documentation at indicates the splay tree implementation should guarantee
Operations such as search, insert and delete can be done in O(log n) amortized time, where n is the number of nodes in the SplayTree
But I think this can be violated by the current implementation because it doesn't splay on unsuccessful searches, or on redundant insertions.
Here's a short test script to show the behavior; I have a particularly slow computer so you might need to increase the "10000" to see useful timing info:
using DataStructures
function test(N)
if true
t = SplayTree{Int}()
t = AVLTree{Int}()
for i in 1:N
push!(t, i)
for i in 1:N
if true
push!(t, 1)
push!(t, -i)
for i in 1:10
@time test(i * 10000)
In its default configuration, this:
- Pushes 1, 2, 3, ..., N, which (correctly) creates a splay tree that's just one long list (root is N, left child N-1, left child N-2, etc.).
- Tries to repeatedly re-push 1, which is already in the data structure. This causes it to traverse the entire length-N chain, but since the implementation doesn't splay on redundant pushes no reorganization happens and so this expensive operation happens every single time we search.
The result (at least on my machine) is very poor scaling behavior.
Notably, it is significantly faster if an AVL tree is used or if we push nonredundant elements, so I think the explanation above of the cause of the slowdown is correct. And I think it also affects, e.g., sequences of unsuccessful haskey
s (replace push!(t, 1)
with haskey(t, 0)
I think the basic fix is to have search_node
always splay the very last node it encounters, as suggested in the splay tree paper. Alternatively, if this is expected behavior, it would be nice IMO to document that. If this package is still maintained + there's interest in either of those two changes I'm happy to send a PR.
Also sorry if I've misunderstood something about the implementation or use of the package; I'm new to Julia.