@sloede Thanks again for this package this has been a learning journey for me with julia, ccall and binary builder. I have succeeded in bumping the version to 4.1.1 locally and unfortunately I did not see any performance gains as I was hoping for. Just as a backstory I'm trying to implement a large machine learning model (CNN) using seal. Before this I was using pyseal and did everything in python, but now I realized that I need multi-threading to bring the performance to the next level. The reason why I was pushing for 4.1.1 is that there was a promised multiplication performance improvement in 3.7.x version. However, for some reason pyseal is consistently like 30% faster than SEAL.jl even after I compile SEAL_jll manually. Though my benchmarks suggested that single ckks cipher-cipher multiplication if anything is faster in SEAL.jl but when I'm doing a lot of them many times, pyseal seems to take over. Maybe this has to do with the following.
I attempted to do multithreading, i.e. perform many cipher-cipher multiplications in parallel using FLoops.jl. It worked fine, but then I noticed sudden crashes which I attributed to non-stopping memory growth. Then I decided to test this with a single thread, and this is a mwe i came up with:
using SEAL
function create_seal_params(poly_modulus_degree=2^13, modulus_chain=[60, 60, 60])
parms = EncryptionParameters(SchemeType.ckks)
set_poly_modulus_degree!(parms, poly_modulus_degree)
set_coeff_modulus!(parms, coeff_modulus_create(poly_modulus_degree, modulus_chain))
context = SEALContext(parms)
keygen = KeyGenerator(context)
public_key_ = PublicKey()
create_public_key!(public_key_, keygen)
secret_key_ = secret_key(keygen)
encryptor = Encryptor(context, public_key_)
evaluator = Evaluator(context)
decryptor = Decryptor(context, secret_key_)
encoder = CKKSEncoder(context)
nslots = slot_count(encoder)
scale = 2^50
return (; encryptor, evaluator, decryptor, encoder, nslots)
function encrypt_into_cipher(number, initial_scale, encoder, encryptor)
plain = Plaintext()
encode!(plain, number, initial_scale, encoder)
encrypted = Ciphertext()
encrypt!(encrypted, plain, encryptor)
return encrypted
function cipher_multiplication(cipher1, cipher2, evaluator)
result = Ciphertext()
multiply!(result, cipher1, cipher2, evaluator)
return result
function cipher_addition(cipher1, cipher2, evaluator)
result = Ciphertext()
add!(result, cipher1, cipher2, evaluator)
return result
function test()
seal_params = create_seal_params()
nciphers = 1_000_000
ciphers = [encrypt_into_cipher(randn(), 2^50, seal_params.encoder, seal_params.encryptor) for i in 1:nciphers]
while true
i = rand(1:nciphers)
j = rand(1:nciphers)
k = rand(1:nciphers)
ciphers[k] = cipher_addition(ciphers[i], ciphers[k], seal_params.evaluator)
My julia is
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.9.4
Commit 8e5136fa297 (2023-11-14 08:46 UTC)
Build Info:
Official release
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
CPU: 128 × Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6338 CPU @ 2.00GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-14.0.6 (ORCJIT, icelake-server)
Threads: 1 on 128 virtual cores
using a fresh Project.toml environment, this script linearly consumes more and more memory and I assume would eventually crash, GC.gc() does not help. I was trying to diagnose how is this happening, found a good text about memory management in ccall but I have no idea really. This is all new.