Calling interactive_orbitdiagram
on a system ds
first outputs this deprecation warning (just need to replace fig size kwarg):
┌ Warning: Found `resolution` in the theme when creating a `Scene`. The `resolution` keyword for `Scene`s and `Figure`s has been deprecated. Use `Figure(; size = ...` or `Scene(; size = ...)` instead, which better reflects that this is a unitless size and not a pixel resolution. The key could also come from `set_theme!` calls or related theming functions.
└ @ Makie ~/.julia/packages/Makie/We6MY/src/scenes.jl:227
Then it throws this error from Makie complaining about MakieLayout
ERROR: UndefVarError: `MakieLayout` not defined
[1] interactive_orbitdiagram(ds::CoupledODEs{…}, p_index::Int64, p_min::Float64, p_max::Float64, i0::Int64; u0::Nothing, parname::String, title::String)
@ DynamicalSystemsVisualizations ~/.julia/packages/DynamicalSystems/Ndx8B/ext/src/orbitdiagram.jl:43
[2] interactive_orbitdiagram
@ ~/.julia/packages/DynamicalSystems/Ndx8B/ext/src/orbitdiagram.jl:3 [inlined]
[3] interactive_orbitdiagram(ds::CoupledODEs{…}, p_index::Int64, p_min::Float64, p_max::Float64)
@ DynamicalSystemsVisualizations ~/.julia/packages/DynamicalSystems/Ndx8B/ext/src/orbitdiagram.jl:3
[4] top-level scope
@ /home/jfisch27/Desktop/ThesisStuff/GeometricallyTunableOscillator/scripts/local/plotting/LEARN.jl:120
Some type information was truncated. Use `show(err)` to see complete types.
I think Makie.jl
has been making some big changes lately, so just need to adjust according to the new API I assume.
ps = Dict(
1 => 1:0.1:30,
2 => 10:0.1:50,
3 => 1:0.01:10.0,
pnames = Dict(1 => "σ", 2 => "ρ", 3 => "β")
lims = ((-30, 30), (-30, 30), (0, 100))
ds = PredefinedDynamicalSystems.lorenz()
interactive_orbitdiagram(ds, 1, 1.0, 3.0)
Package versions
[f3fd9213] Attractors v1.17.0
[608a59af] ChaosTools v3.1.2
[ab4b797d] ComplexityMeasures v3.4.3
[5732040d] DelayEmbeddings v2.7.4
[61744808] DynamicalSystems v3.3.14
[6e36e845] DynamicalSystemsBase v3.8.3
[4665ce21] FractalDimensions v1.8.1
[31e2f376] PredefinedDynamicalSystems v1.2.0
[639c3291] RecurrenceAnalysis v2.0.6
[40b095a5] StateSpaceSets v1.4.6
[c804724b] TimeseriesSurrogates v2.6.4