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<!doctype html> <html lang=en > <meta charset=UTF-8 > <meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <script src="/libs/lunr/lunr.min.js"></script> <script src="/libs/lunr/lunr_index.js"></script> <script src="/libs/lunr/lunrclient.min.js"></script> <link rel=stylesheet href="/css/franklin.css"> <link rel=stylesheet href="/css/poole_hyde.css"> <link rel=stylesheet href="/css/custom.css"> <style> html {font-size: 17px;} .franklin-content {position: relative; padding-left: 1%; padding-right: 5%; line-height: 1.35em;} @media (min-width: 940px) { .franklin-content {width: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} } @media (max-width: 768px) { .franklin-content {padding-left: 6%; padding-right: 6%;} } </style> <link rel=icon href="/assets/favicon.png"> <title>404: File not found</title> <style> .content {max-width: 60rem} </style> <div class=sidebar > <div class="container sidebar-sticky"> <div class=sidebar-about > <br> <h1><a href="/">Julia On HPC Clusters</a></h1> <div style="line-height:18px; font-size: 15px; opacity: 0.85">by the Julia HPC community</div> </div> <br> <style> </style> <nav class=sidebar-nav style="opacity: 0.9; margin-bottom: 1.2cm;"> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/"><b>Welcome</b></a> <br> <div class=course-section >For Users</div> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/user_gettingstarted/">Getting started</a> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/user_vscode/">Visual Studio Code on HPC Clusters</a> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/user_hpcprofiling/">HPC profiling tools</a> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/user_hpcsystems/">HPC systems with Julia support</a> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/user_faq/">FAQ</a> <div class=course-section >For System Admins</div> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/sysadmin_julia/">How to provide Julia to users?</a> </nav> <form id=lunrSearchForm name=lunrSearchForm > <input class=search-input name=q placeholder="Enter search term" type=text > <input type=submit value=Search formaction="/search/index.html"> </form> <br> <br> </div> </div> <div class="content container"> <div class=franklin-content ><h1 id=404_file_not_found ><a href="#404_file_not_found" class=header-anchor >404: File not found</a></h1> <p>The requested file was not found.</p> <p>Please <a href="/">click here</a> to go to the home page.</p> <div class=page-foot > <div class=copyright > <a href=""><b>Edit this page on <img class=github-logo src="[email protected]/dist/svg/logo-github.svg"></b></a><br> Last modified: July 21, 2024. Website built with <a href="">Franklin.jl</a> and the <a href="">Julia programming language</a>. </div> </div> </div> </div>


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -267,9 +267,9 @@ uuid = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

deps = ["Random", "Test"]
git-tree-sha1 = "60df3f8126263c0d6b357b9a1017bb94f53e3582"
git-tree-sha1 = "96612ac5365777520c3c5396314c8cf7408f436a"
uuid = "3bb67fe8-82b1-5028-8e26-92a6c54297fa"
version = "0.11.0"
version = "0.11.1"

git-tree-sha1 = "67db6cc7b3821e19ebe75791a9dd19c9b1188f2b"


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
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The target audiences are therefore Julia users on clusters as well as HPC system administrators.</p> <h2 id=acknowledgements ><a href="#acknowledgements" class=header-anchor >Acknowledgements</a></h2> <p>These notes don&#39;t come out of nowhere but stem from endless conversations with many people &#40;see below for a certainly incomplete list&#41; on the Julia discourse, over Slack and Discord, as well as in-person discussions at Julia HPC minisymposia, BoFs, and workshops.</p> <p>They also build upon previous efforts to document best practices, most notably <a href=""></a>, from which we took &#40;among other things&#41; the <a href="/user_hpcsystems/">HPC systems with Julia support</a> information.</p> <h3 id=people ><a href="#people" class=header-anchor >People</a></h3> <h4 id=maintainers ><a href="#maintainers" class=header-anchor >Maintainers</a></h4> <ul> <li><p><a href="">Carsten Bauer</a> - <a href="">PC2</a> / <a href="">NHR</a> &#40;creator&#41;</p> </ul> <h4 id=contributors ><a href="#contributors" class=header-anchor >Contributors</a></h4> <p>The following people have provided valuable contributions, either in the form of PRs or via public or private communication:</p> <ul> <li><p>Alexander Bills &#40;<a href="">@abillscmu</a>&#41;</p> <li><p>Johannes Blaschke &#40;<a href="">@jblaschke</a>&#41; - NERSC</p> <li><p>Valentin Churavy &#40;<a href="">@vchuravy</a>&#41; - MIT</p> <li><p>Steffen Fürst &#40;<a href="">@s-fuerst</a>&#41;</p> <li><p>Mosè Giordano &#40;<a href="">@giordano</a>&#41; - UCL</p> <li><p>William Godoy &#40;<a href="">@williamfgc</a>&#41; - ORNL</p> <li><p>C. Brenhin Keller &#40;<a href="">@brenhinkeller</a>&#41;</p> <li><p>Mirek Kratochvíl &#40;<a href="">@exaexa</a>&#41;</p> <li><p>Pedro Ojeda &#40;<a href="">@pojeda</a>&#41;</p> <li><p>Samuel Omlin &#40;<a href="">@omlins</a>&#41; - CSCS / ETHZ</p> <li><p>Ludovic Räss &#40;<a href="">@luraess</a>&#41; - Unil / ETHZ</p> <li><p>Michael Schlottke-Lakemper &#40;<a href="">@sloede</a>&#41; - HLRS / RWTH</p> <li><p>Erik Schnetter &#40;<a href="">@eschnett</a>&#41; - PITP</p> <li><p>Dinindu Senanayake &#40;<a href="">@DininduSenanayake</a>&#41;</p> <li><p>Kjartan Thor Wikfeldt &#40;<a href="">@wikfeldt</a>&#41; - ENCCS</p> </ul> <p>&#40;You think we forgot your name here? Please make a PR&#33;&#41;</p> <div class=page-foot > <div class=copyright > <a href=""><b>Edit this page on <img class=github-logo src="[email protected]/dist/svg/logo-github.svg"></b></a><br> Last modified: July 20, 2024. Website built with <a href="">Franklin.jl</a> and the <a href="">Julia programming language</a>. </div> </div> </div> </div>
<!doctype html> <html lang=en > <meta charset=UTF-8 > <meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <script src="/libs/lunr/lunr.min.js"></script> <script src="/libs/lunr/lunr_index.js"></script> <script src="/libs/lunr/lunrclient.min.js"></script> <link rel=stylesheet href="/css/franklin.css"> <link rel=stylesheet href="/css/poole_hyde.css"> <link rel=stylesheet href="/css/custom.css"> <style> html {font-size: 17px;} .franklin-content {position: relative; padding-left: 1%; padding-right: 5%; line-height: 1.35em;} @media (min-width: 940px) { .franklin-content {width: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} } @media (max-width: 768px) { .franklin-content {padding-left: 6%; padding-right: 6%;} } </style> <link rel=icon href="/assets/favicon.png"> <title>Julia On HPC Clusters</title> <style> .content {max-width: 60rem} </style> <div class=sidebar > <div class="container sidebar-sticky"> <div class=sidebar-about > <br> <h1><a href="/">Julia On HPC Clusters</a></h1> <div style="line-height:18px; font-size: 15px; opacity: 0.85">by the Julia HPC community</div> </div> <br> <style> </style> <nav class=sidebar-nav style="opacity: 0.9; margin-bottom: 1.2cm;"> <a class="sidebar-nav-item active" href="/"><b>Welcome</b></a> <br> <div class=course-section >For Users</div> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/user_gettingstarted/">Getting started</a> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/user_vscode/">Visual Studio Code on HPC Clusters</a> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/user_hpcprofiling/">HPC profiling tools</a> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/user_hpcsystems/">HPC systems with Julia support</a> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/user_faq/">FAQ</a> <div class=course-section >For System Admins</div> <a class="sidebar-nav-item " href="/sysadmin_julia/">How to provide Julia to users?</a> </nav> <form id=lunrSearchForm name=lunrSearchForm > <input class=search-input name=q placeholder="Enter search term" type=text > <input type=submit value=Search formaction="/search/index.html"> </form> <br> <br> </div> </div> <div class="content container"> <div class=franklin-content > <h1 id=julia_on_hpc_clusters ><a href="#julia_on_hpc_clusters" class=header-anchor >Julia on HPC clusters</a></h1> <div class=im-10 ><img src="/assets/juliahpc_logo.png" alt=JuliaHPC /></div> <p>👋 Welcome to the notes about the <a href="">Julia programming language</a> on HPC clusters.</p> <h2 id=objective ><a href="#objective" class=header-anchor >Objective</a></h2> <p>The goal of these notes is to offer good practices and tips and tricks about how to use and set up Julia on HPC clusters. The target audiences are therefore Julia users on clusters as well as HPC system administrators.</p> <h2 id=acknowledgements ><a href="#acknowledgements" class=header-anchor >Acknowledgements</a></h2> <p>These notes don&#39;t come out of nowhere but stem from endless conversations with many people &#40;see below for a certainly incomplete list&#41; on the Julia discourse, over Slack and Discord, as well as in-person discussions at Julia HPC minisymposia, BoFs, and workshops.</p> <p>They also build upon previous efforts to document best practices, most notably <a href=""></a>, from which we took &#40;among other things&#41; the <a href="/user_hpcsystems/">HPC systems with Julia support</a> information.</p> <h3 id=people ><a href="#people" class=header-anchor >People</a></h3> <h4 id=maintainers ><a href="#maintainers" class=header-anchor >Maintainers</a></h4> <ul> <li><p><a href="">Carsten Bauer</a> - <a href="">PC2</a> / <a href="">NHR</a> &#40;creator&#41;</p> </ul> <h4 id=contributors ><a href="#contributors" class=header-anchor >Contributors</a></h4> <p>The following people have provided valuable contributions, either in the form of PRs or via public or private communication:</p> <ul> <li><p>Alexander Bills &#40;<a href="">@abillscmu</a>&#41;</p> <li><p>Johannes Blaschke &#40;<a href="">@jblaschke</a>&#41; - NERSC</p> <li><p>Valentin Churavy &#40;<a href="">@vchuravy</a>&#41; - MIT</p> <li><p>Steffen Fürst &#40;<a href="">@s-fuerst</a>&#41;</p> <li><p>Mosè Giordano &#40;<a href="">@giordano</a>&#41; - UCL</p> <li><p>William Godoy &#40;<a href="">@williamfgc</a>&#41; - ORNL</p> <li><p>C. Brenhin Keller &#40;<a href="">@brenhinkeller</a>&#41;</p> <li><p>Mirek Kratochvíl &#40;<a href="">@exaexa</a>&#41;</p> <li><p>Pedro Ojeda &#40;<a href="">@pojeda</a>&#41;</p> <li><p>Samuel Omlin &#40;<a href="">@omlins</a>&#41; - CSCS / ETHZ</p> <li><p>Ludovic Räss &#40;<a href="">@luraess</a>&#41; - Unil / ETHZ</p> <li><p>Michael Schlottke-Lakemper &#40;<a href="">@sloede</a>&#41; - HLRS / RWTH</p> <li><p>Erik Schnetter &#40;<a href="">@eschnett</a>&#41; - PITP</p> <li><p>Dinindu Senanayake &#40;<a href="">@DininduSenanayake</a>&#41;</p> <li><p>Kjartan Thor Wikfeldt &#40;<a href="">@wikfeldt</a>&#41; - ENCCS</p> </ul> <p>&#40;You think we forgot your name here? Please make a PR&#33;&#41;</p> <div class=page-foot > <div class=copyright > <a href=""><b>Edit this page on <img class=github-logo src="[email protected]/dist/svg/logo-github.svg"></b></a><br> Last modified: July 21, 2024. Website built with <a href="">Franklin.jl</a> and the <a href="">Julia programming language</a>. </div> </div> </div> </div>

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