Issue Description
Difficulty: Beginner
Time: 6 - 8 hours
Description: The aim of this issue is to support the major refactor beginning across all of JuliaHealth to improve discoverability and unity of the JuliaHealth ecosystem as it pertains to documentation. This issue's purpose is to provide guidance on how one will migrate the IPUMS.jl documentation website built on Documenter.jl to DocumenterVitepress.jl to support a more winsome entry point to new Julians curious about health research within the Julia community.
- Add DocumenterVitepress.jl dependency into the
directory of this repository - Migrate the Documenter.jl make.jl file to a compatible DocumenterVitepress.jl make.jl file
- Make sure each page renders correctly
- Open and submit a PR
Expected Outcomes
After this transition is completed, the website should go from looking like this:
To something more like this:
Additional Notes
For how to approach this issue, I would suggest the following steps:
First, if you have never worked with Documenter.jl before, I would highly recommend these videos and resources:
Next, I would recommend creating a practice folder (repository) on your computer to download Documenter to. From there, I would follow the above tutorials and guides to create a documentation website on your own computer from scratch. Once you know how to create a documentation website, how to add pages, and how to write documentation for the website, you are ready for the next step!
Second, I would then create a fork of the JuliaHealth website. Within this fork, I would add Documenter.jl to this fork. You can do this from within the Julia REPL.
Third, you will now need to begin migrating the make.jl file to DocumenterVitepress -- this guide by @Jay-sanjay is a great place to start. This will take some time and the way to preview the documentation locally can be a bit challenging. In case there are any problems, please see the resources section for help.
Third, once you are done with this, go ahead and open a Pull Request with all your changes saved to your fork. At this point, myself or @00krishna will review this PR to suggest changes or help.
Then, you should be done with this PR!
Other Resources
channel - you should post here firsthelpdesk
channel - this would be to get more attention to your issue but maybe not as precise as you
channel - this is where most of JuliaHealth is located these days.
Julia Discourse - I would advise posting here if you have an issue that you feel is long or requires a lot of time to explain as you might lose it within Julia Slack. Consider cross-posting your forum post to the Julia Slack in helpdesk
and/or documentation