What happened?
I would like to create a simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) example for a course.
First, I created with pypulseq a standard Multi-slice GRE sequence with long TR=1000ms in order to not worry about the spoiling.
The images are ok but with signal / contrast variation along the slice dimension
With phantom2D i have the same issue :
If I try with the EPI_MS from the example repository
I think I have the same issue (hard to tell with only 3 slices, I think it happens when I go further away from isocenter)
In order to change the slice position I am using this line of code in pulseq :
rf_1.freq_offset = gz_1.amplitude * slice_gap * (sl - round((NSlices - 1) / 2))
Any idea ?
OS x86_64-linux-gnu
Julia 1.10.3
KomaMRIPlots 0.8.3
KomaMRIFiles 0.8.2
KomaMRI 0.8.2
KomaMRICore 0.8.3
KomaMRIBase 0.8.5