We seem to be discussing these six flavors of Infiinity
- infinity as the limit (or bounds) of real magnitude: ∞
- two signed infinities of affine extension: -∞, +∞
- projective infinity, complex infinity : ⧞. ⧝
- small "natural-ly" infinites: ℵ₀, ℵ₁
notes on symbol choices
projective infinity is pointlike yet approached from both orientations along a "circle"
the choice of symbol ⧞
is of a smbol for infinity where orientation mirrors
The symbol used for ComplexInfinity resembles they way ComplexInfinity often is drawn.
. . . . . . . . . . . ⧝
. . . . . . . . . . .
The symbol for NotANumber ( ꝋ ) is of the form assigned to symbolize the empty set ( ∅ ).
Also, it may be read like a sign saying "not even zero".
It is good practice to have keyboard-easy names for exported unicode symbolics.
(exports are separated conceptually, for ease of presentation)
export NegativeInfinity, ( -∞ ), PositiveInfinity, (+∞ ),
export RealInfinity, ( s∞ ),
export ProjectiveInfinity, ( ⧞ ), ComplexInfinity, ( ⧝ )
export Aleph0, ( ℵ₀ ), Aleph1, ( ℵ₁ )
export NotANumber, ( ꝋ )
one thought
abstract type AbstractInfinity end
abstract type InfinityOrder <: AbstractInfinity end
struct Aleph0 <: InfinityOrder end
struct Aleph1 <: InfinityOrder end
abstract type InfiniteMagnitude <: AbstractInfinity end
struct RealInfinity <: InfiniteMagnitude end
struct ProjectiveInfinity <: InfiniteMagnitude end
abstract OrientedInfinity <: AbstractInfinity end
struct NegativeInfinity <: OrientedInfinity end
struct PositiveInfinity <: OrientedInfinity end
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