@team @Datseris
I believe there is a need to develop a community around JuliaMusic
Quoting Viral shah
Many packages only have documentation, but the orgs do not yet have websites - since nobody has
done it yet. Examples where there are websites are and Those should serve as
good starting points - gather the materials, packages, documentation, examples, videos and
present them on the website.
We also only have documentation,we need to start collecting literature and people work's using JuliaMusic Packages..
I therefore propose we start working on it and develop the general site.I believe most of the people currently working on JuliaMusic maintain a blog and I also do it..So putting together a static site won't be that tough and it can be put together within a few days... I have quite a lot of time at my hand right now,so I can work on it...
Also @Datseris ,I have seen in bokeh that ("@bokeh/dev") is used to call for the whole development team,can It be made available here too??Probably also start a slack if there is not one already...