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RGerzaguet committed Jun 17, 2019
1 parent e6286bf commit 5e45616
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Showing 13 changed files with 579 additions and 91 deletions.
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion doc/make.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
push!(LOAD_PATH, "../src/")
using Documenter, DigitalComm

format = Documenter.HTML(prettyurls = false),
pages = Any[
"Introduction to DigitalComm" => "",
"Function list" => "",
"Examples" => Any[

#makedocs(sitename="My Documentation", format = Documenter.HTML(prettyurls = false))
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions doc/src/Examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Transmission of xQAM with additive white Gaussian noise

To simulate a transmission of QPSK // 16QAM // 64QAM // 256QAM other a
white additive Gaussian noise and display the received constellation,
the following code can be used

# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Transmitter
# ----------------------------------------------------
using DigitalComm
using Plots
# --- Parameters
snr = 20;
mcs = 16;
nbBits = 1024* Int(log2(mcs));
# --- Binary sequence generation
bitSeq = genBitSequence(nbBits);
# --- QPSK mapping
qamSeq = bitMappingQAM(mcs,bitSeq);
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Channel
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- AWGN
# Theoretical power is 1 (normalized constellation)
qamNoise, = addNoise(qamSeq,snr,1);
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Rx Stage: SRRC
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Binary demapper
bitDec = bitDemappingQAM(mcs,qamNoise);
# --- BER measure
ber = sum(xor.(bitDec,bitSeq)) /length(bitSeq);
# --- Display constellation
plt = scatter(real(qamNoise),imag(qamNoise),label="Noisy");
xlabel!("Real part");
ylabel!("Imag part");

It plots the received constellation impaired by noise (here a 20dB SNR is used)

121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions doc/src/Examples/
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# Compute the theoretical BER for AWGN channel and various constellation size

Based on the previous skeleton, we can now compute an iterative testbench to compute the Bit Error Rate for various constellation size, and compare the simulation with the theory.
As a gentle reminder, the theoretical bit error rate can be approximated as

``\mathrm{BER} = \frac{ 4 \left( 1 - \frac{1}{\sqrt{M}} \right) }{ \log_2(M)} \times Q( \sqrt{ \frac{6 \log_2(M)}{2(M-1)} \frac{Eb}{N_0}}``

First of all let's call the modules

using DigitalComm
using PGFPlotsX

We define first the main monte-carlo function that compute an elementary Tx-Rx link, and returns the number of error and number of bit computed (to be accumulated)

function monteCarlo(snr,mcs,nbSymb)
# Number of bits
nbBits = nbSymb * Int(log2(mcs));
# --- Binary sequence generation
bitSeq = genBitSequence(nbBits);
# --- QPSK mapping
qamSeq = bitMappingQAM(mcs,bitSeq);
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Channel
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- AWGN
# Theoretical power is 1 (normalized constellation)
qamNoise, = addNoise(qamSeq,snr,1);
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Rx Stage: SRRC
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Binary demapper
bitDec = bitDemappingQAM(mcs,qamNoise);
# --- Error counter
nbE = sum(xor.(bitDec,bitSeq));
# --- Return Error and bits
return (nbE,nbBits);

A function to plot the BER versus the SNR, for different mcs and compare to theory

function doPlot(snrVect,ber,qamVect)
a = 0;
@pgf a = Axis({
ymode = "log",
height ="3in",
width ="4in",
xlabel = "SNR [dB]",
ylabel = "Bit Error Rate ",
ymax = 1,
ymin = 10.0^(-5),
title = "AWGN BER for QAM",
legend_style="{at={(0,0)},anchor=south west,legend cell align=left,align=left,draw=white!15!black}"

# --- Adding theoretical curve
snrLin = (10.0).^(snrVect/10)
for qamScheme = qamVect
ebNo = snrLin / log2(qamScheme);
# This approximation is only valid for high SNR (one symbol error is converted to one bit error with Gray coding).
berTheo = 4 * ( 1 - 1 / sqrt(qamScheme)) / log2(qamScheme) * qFunc.(sqrt.( 2*ebNo * 3 * log2(qamScheme) / (2*(qamScheme-1) )));
@pgf push!(a,Plot({color="black"},Table([snrVect,berTheo])));

Then, the main routine to compute the BER for a given number of iterations and a range of SNR

function main()
# --- Parameters
nbIt = 10000; # Number of iterations
nbSymb = 1024; # Number of symbols per iterations
mcs = [4,16,64,256]; # Constellation size
snrRange = (-1:26); # SNR, expressed in dB
# --- Init performance metrics
nbSNR = length(snrRange);
ber = zeros(Float64,length(mcs),nbSNR);
for iMcs = 1 : 1 : length(mcs)
for iSNR = 1 : 1 : nbSNR
# --- Create BER counters
nbE = 0;
nbB = 0;
for iN = 1 : 1 : nbIt
# --- Elementary MC call
# Corresponds to a given SNR and a given iteration
# As we are ergodic in AWGN, it is only nbSymb*nbIt that matters for BER computation
(a,b) = monteCarlo(snrRange[iSNR],mcs[iMcs],nbSymb);
# --- Update counters
nbE += a; # Increment errors
nbB += b; # Increment bit counters
ber[iMcs,iSNR] = nbE / nbB;
# --- Plotting routine

The output plot is the following, showing adequacy between theory and practise for high SNR (the theoretical curve is under the assumption that one symbol error leads to one erroneous bit (gray coding) which is true only with intermediate noise levels).

184 changes: 184 additions & 0 deletions doc/src/Examples/
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# Plotting PSD of several multicarrier waveforms

The purpose is to compre the Power spectral density of several multicarrier waveform. The following module can be used:

module example_PSD_waveform
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Modules
# ----------------------------------------------------
using DigitalComm
# --- External Modules
using Plots
using Printf
using FFTW
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Core functions
# ----------------------------------------------------
""" psdWaveform.m
Compute the power spectral density (i.e the spectrum here) of the signal parametrized by the waveform structure waveform, for a number of symbol nbSymb.
The frequency allocation is the one inherited from the waveform structure (i.e waveform.allocatedSubcarriers).
# --- Syntax
( freq,psd ) = psdWaveform(waveform,nbSymb,allocatedSubcarriers);
# --- Input parameters
- waveform : Structure associated to transmitted waveform
- nbSymb : Number of symbol to be transmitted [Int]
- nbIt : Monte carlo parameter for PSD evaluation (should be > 1)
# --- Output parameters
- freq : Vector of frequency evaluation (between -0.5 and 0.5). [Array{Float64,L}]
- psd : Spectrum evaluated on freq [Array{Complex{Float64}},L]
# --- Input parameters
# --- Output parameters
# ---
# v 1.0 - Robin Gerzaguet.
function psdWaveform(waveform,nbSymb,nbIt)
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- PSD calculation
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Getting frequency allocation
allocatedSubcarriers = waveform.allocatedSubcarriers;
# --- Getting number of bits
# First, frequency size
nbSubcarriers = length(allocatedSubcarriers);
# Force a fiven mcs
mcs = 4; # QPSK.
# Deduce number of required bits
nbBits = nbSymb * nbSubcarriers * Int(log2(mcs));
# --- Init psd evaluator
psd = 0;
# --- Iterative PSD calculation
for iN = 1 : 1 : nbIt
# --- Binary sequence
bitSeq = genBitSequence(nbBits);
# Mapping
qamSeq = bitMappingQAM(mcs,bitSeq);
# --- T/F matrix
qamMat = reshape(qamSeq,nbSubcarriers,nbSymb);
# --- Signal
sigPSD = genSig(qamMat,waveform);
# --- Mean PSD:
psd = psd .+ 1/nbIt*1/length(sigPSD)*abs.(fftshift(fft(sigPSD))).^2;
# --- Calculating sampling frequency
# Returns Nyquist frequency
fe = 1;
Basefe = (0:(length(psd) .-1))./length(psd)*fe .-fe/2;
return (Basefe,psd);
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Main routine
# ----------------------------------------------------
function main()
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Overall parameters
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Overall PHY parameters
nbIt = 50; # --- Iteration number
nbSymb = 14; # --- Number of symbols (one frame)
nFFT = 1024; # --- Base FFT size
samplingFreq = 15.36; # --- Frequency value (MHz)
# --- Frequency allocation
#allocatedSubcarriers= getLTEAlloc(nFFT);
#allocatedSubcarriers = (1:12*4);
# 4 RB alloc. 1 RB space. 4 RB allocated
allocatedSubcarriers = [1:12*4; 12*5 .+ (1:12*4)];
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Waveform contender
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Init OFDM structure
ofdm = initOFDM(
nFFT, # --- nFFT : FFT size
72, # --- nCP : CP size
allocatedSubcarriers # --- allocatedSubcarriers : Subcarrier allocation
# --- Init SCFDMA structure
scfdma = initSCFDMA(
nFFT, # --- nFFT : FFT size
72, # --- nCP : CP size
allocatedSubcarriers, # --- allocatedSubcarriers : Subcarrier allocation
12; # --- sizeDFT : DFT preprocessing size
# --- Init UF-OFDM structure
ufofdm = initUFOFDM(
nFFT, # --- nFFT : FFT size
73, # --- L : Filter length (same size +1 due to conv)
allocatedSubcarriers, # --- allocatedSubcarriers : Subcarrier allocation
applyPD=1, # --- applyPD : Do predistortion at Tx stage
attenuation=40, # --- attenuation : Filter attenuation in dB
# --- Init BF-OFDM structure
bfofdm = initBFOFDM(
32, # --- nFBMC : PPN size (max number of carriers)
64, # --- nOFDM : Precoder size (OFDM sizer)
3, # --- K : Overlapping factor
9, # --- GI : CP size of precoder
0.5, # --- δ : compression factor
allocatedSubcarriers, # --- allocatedSubcarriers : Subcarrier allocation
"gaussian", # --- filterName : Pulse shape name
BT=0.36, # --- BT : Potential BT value for Gaussian
filterStopBand = 110, # --- filterStopBand : DC stopband value
fS=[], # --- fS : Potential frequency coefficient for FS filter
nFFT= 1024, # --- nFFT : associated FFT value in Rx
nCP= 72, # --- nCP : extended CP size
# --- Init WOLA-OFDM structure
wola = initWOLA(
nFFT, # --- nFFT : FFT size
72, # --- nCP : CP size
allocatedSubcarriers, # --- allocatedSubcarriers : Subcarrier allocation
"triangle", # --- Window type @Tx side
20, # --- Window size @Tx side
"triangle", # --- Window type @Rx side
20, # --- Window size @Rx side
fbmc = initFBMC(
nFFT, # --- nFFT : FFT size
4, # --- K : Overlapping factor
allocatedSubcarriers # --- allocatedSubcarriers : Subcarrier allocation
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Merging structures
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Create a dictionnary to rule them all
waveforms = initWaveforms(ofdm,
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- PSD main calculation
# ----------------------------------------------------
# --- Init plot container
plt = plot(reuse=false);
decim = 1; # decimation for light plots
# --- Iterative PSD generation
for (name,struc) in waveforms
# --- Calculate PSD for the configuration
(fe,psd) = psdWaveform(struc,nbSymb,nbIt);
# Plot the result
plot!(plt,fe[1:decim:end].*samplingFreq,10 .* log10.(psd[1:decim:end]/maximum(psd)),label=name,legend=:topleft);
# --- Update plot and adding labels
# Purpose is to zoom out on allocated region.
scsN = (1/1024)*samplingFreq; # Subscarrier spacing (normalized)
rbV = (12*12); # See several RB for psd fall-off
xlabel!("Frequency [MHz]");

By running `example_PSD_waveform.main();` a comparison plot between the different PSD can be obtained


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