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Custom Types


This cook book recipe is a literate PureScript file, which is designed to be a standalone runnable example.

This guide describes how to handle custom data types as-types-of-columns in selda - how to define tables with them, query values of these types and write queries with these values as parameters.

module Guide.Custom where

import Prelude

import Control.Monad.Except (runExcept)
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Either (Either(..), either)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Database.PostgreSQL (class FromSQLValue, class ToSQLValue)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect)
import Effect.Class.Console (log, logShow)
import Foreign (readString, unsafeToForeign)
import JS.Unsafe.Stringify (unsafeStringify)
import Guide.SimpleE2E as Guide
import Selda (Col(..), FullQuery, Table(..), distinct, innerJoin, innerJoin_, lit, notNull, restrict, selectFrom, showQuery, (.==), (.>=))
import Selda.Col (class GetCols, showCol)
import Selda.Expr (Expr(..))
import Selda.PG (litPG, showPG)
import Selda.PG.Class (insert_)
import Selda.PG.Class as PG
import Selda.Query.Class (runSelda)


Selda supports simple data types like String, Int, Maybe on its own. We can simply declare a table definition using these types.

(Remember that selda does not modify the database schema - a table definition is like a type annotation for already created table)

people  Table ( name  String, age  Maybe Int, id  Int )
people = Table { name: "people" }

also querying values of these simple types and lifting them to column expressions Col s a (using the function lit ∷ a → Col s a) works just fine.

  . FullQuery s { name  Col s String, age  Col s (Maybe Int), id  Col s Int }
selectAdults = selectFrom people \r → do
  age ← notNull r.age
  restrict $ age .>= lit 18
  pure r

  . PG.MonadSeldaPG m
   m (Array { name  String , age  Maybe Int , id  Int })
queryAdults = PG.query selectAdults

New Custom Type

But we sometimes want to use other data types. Say we want to define another table called bankAccounts with a column called accountType that is an enum with possible values: "personal" or "business"

It's convenient to mirror it with a custom data type AccountType in PureScript

data AccountType
  = Business
  | Personal
derive instance eqAccountTypeEq AccountType
derive instance genericAccountTypeGeneric AccountType _
instance showAccountTypShow AccountType where
  show = genericShow

Table Definition

We use AccountType to annotate a column accountType in the following table definition

bankAccounts  Table ( personId  Int, balance  Int, accountType  AccountType )
bankAccounts = Table { name: "bank_accounts" }

As an example let's consider a query that returns distinct account types of a person with a given name

  . String
   FullQuery s { accountType  Col s AccountType }
selectAccountTypesOf name = distinct $ selectFrom people \r → do
  { accountType } ← innerJoin bankAccounts \b → b.personId .==
  restrict $ .== lit name
  pure { accountType }

But when we try to execute this query we get the following error:

No type class instance was found for
Database.PostgreSQL.Value.FromSQLValue AccountType

Since we are using PG.query function for PostgreSQL we get an error specific to the purescript-postgresql-client. It uses two type classes (ToSQLValue and FromSQLValue) to handle serialization and deserialization.


FromSQLValue is used to parse Foreign value into AccountType in this case There are already provided instances for common data types, but we need to write our own to handle querying AccountType

  . PG.MonadSeldaPG m
   FromSQLValue AccountType -- just to emphasise that we need this instance
   m (Array { accountType  AccountType })
queryAccountTypesOf = PG.query $ selectAccountTypesOf "John Smith"


Similarly we would like to write queries with AccountType values. For example we could restrict a query to personal accounts only. Thus we want a function of type AccountType → Col s AccountType that could lift a value to a column expression. Previously we used lit to do that but it is restricted to simple data types. Here we need to use PostgreSQL specific function litPG that can create a column expression Col s a provided that there's an instance of ToSQLValue a

litPG vs lit

Side note: One could use litPG exclusively and don't bother with dilemma when to use lit and when to use litPG. But then every query becomes PG specific and might break when executed by another (e.g. SQLite3) backend. Another difference between lit and litPG is that lit serializes a value to a string so it is visible in the printed query. litPG on the other hand makes a query parameter - it serializes a value to Foreign and inserts a placeholder where lit might write a string.

  . ToSQLValue AccountType -- just to emphasise that we need this instance
   FullQuery s
      { balance  Col s Int
      , id  Col s Int
selectAdultAccounts = selectFrom bankAccounts \r@{balance} → do
  adult ← innerJoin_ (\a → .== r.personId) selectAdults
  restrict $ r.accountType .== litPG Personal -- Only personal accounts!
  pure { id:, balance }


Now to discharge these constraints we need instances of FromSQLValue and ToSQLValue for AccountType.

instance fromSqlValueAccountTypeFromSQLValue AccountType where
  fromSQLValue = readAccountType <=< lmap show <<< runExcept <<< readString

readAccountType  String  Either String AccountType
readAccountType "business" = Right Business
readAccountType "personal" = Right Personal
readAccountType  other = Left $ "Incorrect account type: " <> other

instance toSQLValueProductTypeToSQLValue AccountType where
  toSQLValue = showAccountType >>> unsafeToForeign

showAccountType  AccountType  String
showAccountType Business = "business"
showAccountType Personal = "personal"

Unsafe Escape Hatch

Sometimes we want to make unsafe extensions and expose them via safe interface. One of such extensions would be to write a piece of SQL in a string and integrate it with selda expressions.

Selda has fixed ADT that represent expressions (e.g. literals, some binary operations, some aggregate functions) - but it has two escape hatches that allow a user to make extensions.

Firstly, user can provide a Foreign value (which is utilised by litPG).

Secondly, user can provide an SQL in a string (covered below - Any)

litPG and EForeign

It is worth knowing the implementation of litPG.

litPG   col s a. ToSQLValue a  Coerce col  a  col s a
litPG = unsafeFromCol <<< Col <<< EForeign <<< toSQLValue
  • toSQLValue serializes a value to Foreign
  • Col <<< EForeign is an escape hatch - it creates a Col s a for any Foreign value, thus it is worth to use it carefully and always provide a type annotation
  • unsafeFromCol is a method from the Coerce class

class Coerce : allows overloading for values that can be both Col s a and Aggr s a.

For example: columns from a table need to be in the GROUP BY clause to be safely coerced to Aggr, while constants can be safely used in both contexts. Hence we can use litPG for writing restrict (Col s Boolean) and having (Aggr s Boolean) conditions.


Second use case: user can provide any SQL string as an expression. It is possible with the following function

(Col <<< Any)   s a. ShowM  Col s a

It is best to think of ShowM as an abstract monad m String that additionally supports showCol ∷ ∀ s a. Col s a → ShowM.

To simply provide an SQL string use (Col <<< Any <<< pure) ∷ ∀ s a. String → Col s a

Custom PG function

But it is usually not enough to use raw Strings. Some expressions depend on others, meaning we would have to serialize each of them to a string, but some are Foreign query parameters not meant to be stringified. Thus we need the ShowM monad and showCol function (or any showX function returning ShowM) to make proper string representations for every Col expression (returning a placeholder (e.g. "$7") and accumulating parameters in case of Foreign query parameter)

Consider the following PG-specific function EXTRACT that retrieves subfields from date/time values.

We would like to encode it in selda. Say we want its type to be extract ∷ ∀ a s. String → Col s a → Col s Int.

Please note it is possibe to write a more type-safe variant either by restricting a to a date type or not allowing arbitrary strings as its first argument. But we want to keep it simple. User can write a safer alternative by wrapping the function extract defined below.

Let's implement it:

extract   a s. String  Col s a  Col s Int
extract field col = Col $ Any do
  s ← showCol col
  pure $ "extract(" <> field <> " from " <> s <> ")"
  • field could be one of ["day", "month", "year"]
  • extract depends on another expression Col s a so we need to turn in into a string using showCol function in order to use Any
  • In the last line we build a raw SQL string for the whole expression
  • We annotated it to return Col s Int because we know that it would match the foreign value returned one the query is executed - We could annotate it differently and maybe provide our own custom data type and handle [de]serialization ourselves with From/ToSQLValue instances.

SQL expressions vs. SQL statements

One could think that now we can write any query as a raw SQL string since we have Any, but it is not that simple. We can only use it to represent expressions whereas query is a SELECT statement, though there are expressions that depend on statements e.g. IN takes an expression and a query and returns a bool so it is expressible using Any (see: in_ function).

Though it is possible to encode more than just expressions - please see Table-like Source


To represent database tables we normally use Table constructor to provide the table name as well as column names with their corresponding types.

Say we have a table named "users" with columns ( name ∷ String, id ∷ Int ). When we generate SQL for a query involving users each column is prefixed with an alias for its source (here the source is the table users).

Aliases are created using the table/source name and a unique number.

  • Meaning instead of name in a generated SQL there is
  • and after FROM (or JOIN ...) we see ... FROM users users_7 ...

These are the only two uses for Table data type during SQL generation:

  1. get an alias so column names can be qualified
  2. get its representation - a string that should appear after FROM (or JOIN ...)


  • tables created in different database schemas are not definable with the Table constructor (for a table "myschema.users" it produces incorrect qualified column names like "")
  • set returning database functions (like generate_series) that could be treated like a read-only tables yield a similar problem with aliases

Table-like Source

To retain readable aliases and fix problems above (and open more possibilities) there's another constructor called Source for the Table data type.

Source ∷ ∀ r. Alias → (Maybe Alias → StringSQL) → Table r

Alias and StringSQL are just aliases for String. So to create an arbitrary table-like source we need:

  • an alias - a prefix of the full alias used to qualify column names (a unique number will be provided during SQL generation)
  • a way to create its string-representation given a full alias (with a unique number already concatenated)
    • in case of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE there's no alias hence there's Maybe
DB Schema - qualified table names

To represent tables with schema-qualified names we use the Source constructor.

Example: Given a table called "myschema.users" we create a table definition for it in a following way.

myschemaUsers  Table ( name  String, id  Int )
myschemaUsers = Source "users" $ case _ of
  Just alias → "myschema.users" <> " " <> alias

Notice that the type-level part is the same as for the Table constructor - meaning we define columns the same way as before.


Similarly we utilise the Source constructor to represent set returning functions that can be treated like read-only tables, but aren't really tables.

generateSeries  Int  Int  Table ( i  Int )
generateSeries start stop = Source "gs" \maybeAlias →
  let alias = maybe "" identity maybeAlias in
  "generate_series(" <> show start <> ", " <> show stop <> ") " <> alias <> " (i)"
  • We ignore alias being Nothing (it will break when we attempt to call insert/update/delete on it).
  • The string returned by the function in Source is tied to the type-level information - name of the column i is provided in the string as well as in the type row

Executing a query selectFrom (generateSeries 3 5) pure the following SQL is generated

SELECT gs_0.i AS i
FROM generate_series(3, 5) gs_0 (i)


To sum up - to handle custom data types all we need to do is write appriopriate instances for the backend we chose. For pgclient they are: ToSQLValue and FromSQLValue.

To make it complete let's execute queries that we've covered. We will use some functionality from the Guide.

To execute the main function below plese run following commands:

npm run-script lit && spago run -m Guide.Custom

Main Execution

main  Effect Unit
main = Guide.launchWithConnectionPG \conn → do
  -- create tables
  Guide.createPeople conn
  Guide.execute -- create bank accounts
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bank_accounts;
    CREATE TABLE bank_accounts (
      "personId" INTEGER NOT NULL,
      balance INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 100,
      "accountType" TEXT NOT NULL
    );""" conn

  runSelda conn app >>= either logShow pure

app   m. PG.MonadSeldaPG m  m Unit
app = do
  -- insert some rows
  insert_ people
    [ { id: 1, name: "Just Mark", age: Just 11 }
    , { id: 2, name: "John Smith", age: Just 22 }
  insert_ bankAccounts
    [ { personId: 1, balance: 100, accountType: Personal }
    , { personId: 2, balance: 1000, accountType: Personal }
    , { personId: 2, balance: 1000, accountType: Business }
    , { personId: 2, balance: 2341, accountType: Business }
  logQuery $ selectAdults
  logQuery $ selectAccountTypesOf "John Smith"
  logQuery $ selectAdultAccounts

  log "query results"
  logShow =<< queryAdults
  logShow =<< queryAccountTypesOf
  logShow =<< PG.query selectAdultAccounts

logQuery   s i m. GetCols i  MonadEffect m  FullQuery s { | i }  m Unit
logQuery q = do
  let { strQuery, params } = showPG $ showQuery q
  log strQuery
  log $ unsafeStringify params
  log ""


(may be outdated)

SELECT AS name, AS id, people_0.age AS age
FROM people people_0
WHERE (people_0.age >= 18) AND (people_0.age IS NOT NULL)

SELECT DISTINCT bank_accounts_1.accountType AS accountType
FROM people people_0
JOIN bank_accounts bank_accounts_1 ON ((bank_accounts_1.personId =
WHERE ( = 'John Smith')

SELECT AS id, bank_accounts_0.balance AS balance
FROM bank_accounts bank_accounts_0
( SELECT AS name, AS id, people_0.age AS age
  FROM people people_0
  WHERE (people_0.age >= 18) AND (people_0.age IS NOT NULL) ) sub_q1 ON (( = bank_accounts_0.personId))
WHERE (bank_accounts_0.accountType = $1)

query results
[{ age: (Just 22), id: 2, name: "John Smith" }]
[{ accountType: Business },{ accountType: Personal }]
[{ balance: 1000, id: 2 }]