Hi there 👋
I'm using this crate as a part of our uProtocol
development work. Your crate is an awesome way to avoid having to build out of the Android Open Source Project when interacting with Binder through Rust. From what I've seen it allows us to avoid having to fall into compiling a lot of our project out the AOSP, since it tends to be all-consuming. (I spent a couple of weeks trying to get just a few dependency crates compiling haha)
You can find my fork here.
Would you folks be open to contributions into upstream & then publishing a new version with the updates to
I have extended it with two new functionalities for our use case:
- We can now use custom parcelables in Rust. This feature was added to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) about a month ago.
- In support of our usage of Protobuf for serialization and deserialization -- we needed that same ability in Rust
- We can now interoperate with Java by receiving / sending Binder objects through the JNI and transforming them to the appropriate Rust Binder objects.
- In support of calling into a Rust native function from the Java Android application which manages Android Binder service (UCoreService) to hand-off the Java Binder object for the UBus
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