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File metadata and controls

157 lines (133 loc) · 6.59 KB



The UPROPERTY decorator macro exposes a UCLASS or USTRUCT member variable to the Unreal Engine type system, possibly, depending of the specifiers given, making the member variable editable from the Unreal Editor GUI tools and the Blueprint visual scripting language. UPROPERTIES can be primitive types, structs declared with the USTRUCT(BlueprintType) specifier, or pointers to classes declared with the UCLASS(BlueprintType) specifier and that inherit, ultimately, from UObject. I'm not sure if we can have pointers to USTRUCT structures or embedded UCLASS objects. Pointers to UCLASS classes (and possibly USTRUCT structs) participate in garbage collection / reference counting.

A UProperty cannot be a pointer to an FStruct.

class MYMODULE_API UMyClass : public UObject
    int32 MyProperty;

Specifiers can be added to the UPROPERTY macro to change the way it behaves within Unreal Editor. The following are some of the specifiers available to the UPROPERTY macro:

  • BlueprintReadOnly Blueprint Visual Scripts can read, but not write, the property.
  • BlueprintReadWrite Blueprint Visual Scripts can both read and write the property.
  • EditAnywhere The Property can be modified from the Details Panel.
  • Category The category/section/submenu to put the property in in the property editor / Details Panel.
  • EditFixedSize Only for arrays. The elements can be edited, but the number of elements if fixed.
  • EditInline Only for pointers. The properties of the pointed-to object is shown instead of the pointer. See more below.
class MYMODULE_API UMyClass : public UObject
        EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite,
        Category = "My Category|Sub-category")
    int32 MyProperty;
  • EditAnywhere Both the default value set in the Blueprint editor and per-instance values can be edited in the property windows.
  • VisibleAnywhere The value can be seen, but not edited, both in the Blueprint editor and per-instance in the Level Editor.
  • EditDefaultsOnly The default value can be edited in the Blueprint editor, but not on instances.
  • VisibleDefaultOnly The default value is visible in the Blueprint editor, but not on instances.
  • EditInstanceOnly The value can be edited on instances, but the default value is locked.
  • VisibleInstanceOnly Instance values can be seen, but not edited.

The system: Edit vs Visible: Whether the property can be edited or just seen. DefaultsOnly vs InstanceOnly: Whether the Editor or Visible part applies to defaults or a particular instance. Anywhere: Both defaults and instance.

The Blueprint(ReadOnly)|(ReadWrite) and (Edit)|(Visible)(DefaultsOnly)|(InstanceOnly)|(Anywhere) specifiers are independent. One is about Blueprint Visual Scripts and the other is about the property windows in the Unreal Editor.

Components created with CreateDefaultSubobject should never be Edit<something>, only Visible<something>. Components created with CreateDefaultSubobject should never be BlueprintReadWrite, only BlueprintReadOnly. The Components are still editable even though they are set to Read Only. It is the Component pointer that is Read Only, not the Component itself. So Read Only Component cannot be replaced with another Component. Setting Read Write and then replacing the Component afterwards will mess up serialization. It is safe to replace Components created by a parent class in the child class' constructor.

UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly)
UMyComponent* MyComponent; // Possible to edit the Component, but not the pointer.

To read the value of a UPROPERTY in a Blueprint Visual Script, right-click the Visual Script background and type get <NAME>. An expression node with the variable's current value as its only output pin is created. To set the value of a UPROPERTY in a Blueprint Visual Script, right-click the Visual Script background and type set <NAME>. An execution node is created with the variables new value as its only input pin is created.

There is a Meta Specifier that can contain even more settings.

class MYMODULE_API UMyClass : public UObject
        EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite,
        Category = "My Category|Sub-category",
        Meta = (
            DisplayName = "Custom Name"))
    int32 MyProperty;
  • DisplayName
  • ClampMin
  • ClampMax
  • UIMin
  • UIMax
  • EditCondition Set to a C++ expression using the other Properties of this class. This Property is only editable if the expression evaluates to true. Otherwise it is grayed out.
  • InlineEditConditionToggle Only for bool and single-bit bitfields. Used to put a toggle next to another Property. The toggle will set or clear this Property, which the other Property typically uses as an EditCondition.
  • EditConditionHides Used together with EditCondition. Not only is uneditable Properties grayed out, they are completely hidden. What Slate calls Collapsed.
  • TitleProperty Don't know what this is.
  • MakeEditWidget Only for FVector. Create a octahedron in the Viewport.
  • ScriptName Don't know what this is.
  • MultiLine="true" Only for FString.
  • PinHiddenByDefault
  • ExposeOnSpawn
class MYMODULE_API UMyClass : public UObject
    UPROPERTY(Meta = (InlineEditConditionToggle))
    bool bAllowEditMyProperty;

    UPROPERTY(Meta = (EditConditionHides, EditCondition = "bAllowEditMyProperty"))
    int32 MyProperty;


The point of the "Instanced" keyword and "EditInlineNew" is that you create them in-place. ( Not sure what I mean by this. Trying a different formulation: )

An array of pointers to class instances, such as TArray<UMyClass*>, can be configured to create actual instances when manipulated in Unreal Editor, instead of just a collection of nullptr. We do this by marking the array with the Instanced Property Specifier and the class that the array holds with EditInlineNew.

class MYMODULE_API UMyClass : public UObject

class MYMODULE_API UMyManager : public UObject
    UPROPERT(EditAnywhere, Instanced)
    TArray<UMyClass*> ManagedThings;

[[2021-06-18_08:51:45]] Property specifiers
[[2021-06-22_08:34:55]] UProperties
[[2020-03-09_21:34:05]] UCLASS
[[2020-03-09_21:48:56]] UFUNCTION
[[2020-03-09_21:54:48]] Blueprints