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File metadata and controls

1127 lines (844 loc) · 25.5 KB

v3 Migration Guide



  • Changed Naming convention for boolean properties from is<X> to <x>

    • isOpen -> open
    • defaultIsOpen -> defaultOpen
    • isDisabled -> disabled
    • isInvalid -> invalid
    • isRequired -> required
  • Introduce new unstyled prop to every component to allow for unstyled rendering of the component or its parts

Changes to Show and Hide

We've removed the Hide component in favor of hidding elements using the hideFrom media queries or explicitly setting display: none on the element.

The Show component is now used to explicitly render an element based on the condition set it when property. It doesn't rely on media queries.

You can combine the useMediaQuery() hook and Show to achieve the previous Show and Hide components.


  • Changed spacing to gap
  • Changed spacingX to rowGap
  • Changed spacingY to columnGap
  • Remove shouldWrapChildren in favor of using the WrapItem component explicitly


  • Change spacing to gap

Removed @chakra-ui/next-js package

We've removed the @chakra-ui/next-js package in favor of using the asChild prop for better flexibility.

To style the Next.js image component, you can use the asChild prop on the Box component.

<Box asChild>
  <NextImage />

To style the Next.js link component, you can use the asChild prop on the

<Link isExternal asChild>
  <NextLink />

Loosened as prop

We no longer infer the props from element passed via the as prop. This caused a lot of slow typing issues and complexity in the codebase.

Prefer to use the asChild prop which offers better flexibility.

The asChild pattern is inspired by Radix UI.

Removed forwardRef

Due to the simplification of the as prop, we no longer provide a custom forwardRef.

Prefer to use forwardRef from React directly.


Renamed all container parts to root. Kindly update your theme to reflect

Removed Components and Packages

  • Removed ControlBox component
  • Removed @chakra-ui/icons package. Prefer to use lucide-react or react-icons instead.

Root component and types

All root components and their respective types are now suffixed with <X>.Root or <X>Root

  • Accordion -> Accordion.Root
  • AccordionProps -> AccordionRootProps
  • Checkbox -> Checkbox.Root
  • CheckboxProps -> CheckboxRootProps
  • and so on...


  • Rename allowMultiple to multiple
  • Rename allowToggle to collapsible
  • Rename AccordionButton to Accordion.Trigger
  • Rename AccordionPanel to Accordion.Content
  • Rename AccordionIcon to Accordion.Indicator. To render a custom icon, you can use the Accordion.Indicator component and pass the icon as children.


      <AccordionIcon />

    <AccordionPanel pb={4}>
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
      tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
      veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
      commodo consequat.


      <Accordion.Indicator />

    <Accordion.Content pb={4}>
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
      tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
      veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
      commodo consequat.



<Avatar name="Christian Nwamba" src="" />


<Avatar.Root name="Dan Abrahmov" src="">
  <Avatar.Image />
  <Avatar.Fallback />


  • Explicitly render the separator via Breadcrumb.Separator.
  • Pass custom separator as children to the Breadcrumb.Separator component
  • Explicitly render list via Breadcrumb.List
  • Explicitly render the ellipsis via Breadcrumb.Ellipsis
  • To add spacing, set the gap on the list element
  • listProps has been removed. Pass props directly to Breadcrumb.List


<Breadcrumb spacing="4">
    <BreadcrumbLink as={Link} to="/home" replace>
      Breadcrumb 1


  <Breadcrumb.List spacing="4">
      <Breadcrumb.Link asChild>
        <Link to="/home" replace>
          Breadcrumb 1
    <Breadcrumb.Separator />


  • Checkbox icon is now Checkbox.Indicator and can be used to customize the checkbox icon in the checked and indeterminate state.


<Checkbox defaultChecked>My Checkbox</Checkbox>


<Checkbox.Root defaultChecked>
  <Checkbox.Control />
  <Checkbox.Label>My Checkbox</Checkbox.Label>



<Progress value={50} />


<Progress.Root value={50}>
    <Progress.FilledTrack />
  <Progress.ValueText />
  • ProgressLabel is now assigned to Progress.ValueText. This means the theme key for the label is now valueText

  • ProgressLabel should now be used to provide a label for the progress bar

Circular Progress


<CircularProgress value={50} />


<CircularProgress.Root value={50}>
    <CircularProgress.Track />
    <CircularProgress.FilledTrack />
  • CircularProgressLabel is now assigned to CircularProgress.ValueText

  • CircularProgressLabel should now be used to provide a label for the progress bar


  • TagLeftIcon and TagRightIcon are removed in favor of rendering the icon directly inside the Tag component.


  • Move portalProps to Tooltip.Positioner


<Tooltip label="Hey there" hasArrow>
  <Button>Hover me</Button>


<Tooltip.Root placement="bottom">
  <Tooltip.Trigger asChild>
    <Button>Hover me</Button>
      <Tooltip.Arrow />
      Hey there

However, you can still get back to the legacy API by creating a custom component.

import { Tooltip } from "@chakra-ui/react"

export type CustomTooltipProps = Tooltip.RootProps & {
  label?: string
  hasArrow?: boolean

const CustomTooltip = (props: Props) => {
  const { label, children, hasArrow, ...localProps } = props
  const [rootProps, contentProps] = Tooltip.splitProps(localProps)

  return (
    <Tooltip.Root placement="bottom" {...rootProps}>
      <Tooltip.Trigger asChild>
        {isValidElement(children) ? children : <span>{children}</span>}
      <Tooltip.Content {...contentProps}>
        {hasArrow && <Tooltip.Arrow />}
  • Remove closeOnMouseDown, use closeOnPointerDown instead
  • Remove all arrow* props in favor of rendering the Tooltip.Arrow component

FormControl -> Field

Form control has now been renamed to Field to better reflect its purpose as an element that represents a form field.

<Field.Root id="first-name" isRequired isInvalid>
  <Field.Label>First name</Field.Label>
  <Input placeholder="First Name" />
  <Field.HelpText>Keep it very short and sweet!</Field.HelpText>
  <Field.ErrorMessage>Your First name is invalid</Field.ErrorMessage>

HelperText has been renamed to Field.HelpText for brevity.

Select -> NativeSelect

  • Removed focusBorderColor and errorBorderColor, consider setting the --focus-color and --error-color css variables instead

  • Renamed SelectIcon to Select.Indicator

  • Move value and onChange to the NativeSelect.Field component

The Select component has been renamed to NativeSelect to better reflect its purpose as a native select element, and give room for a custom select component.

The API has also changed significantly to make it more modular.


<Select color="red.400">
  <option value="option1">Option 1</option>
  <option value="option2">Option 2</option>
  <option value="option3">Option 3</option>


  <NativeSelect.Field color="pink.500" placeholder="Select option">
    <option value="Option 1">Option 1</option>
    <option value="Option 2">Option 2</option>
    <option value="Option 3">Option 3</option>
  <NativeSelect.Icon />

Modal -> Dialog

  • The Modal component has been renamed to Dialog to better reflect its purpose as a dialog element.
  • Removed containerProps in favor of rendering the Dialog.Positioner component to better control this element.
  • Renamed ModalOverlay to Dialog.Backdrop


  <ModalOverlay />
    <ModalHeader>Modal Title</ModalHeader>
    <ModalCloseButton />
    <ModalBody />
    <ModalFooter />


  <Dialog.Backdrop />
      <Dialog.Header>Dialog Title</Dialog.Header>
      <Dialog.CloseTrigger />
      <Dialog.Body />
      <Dialog.Footer />


  • Same changes as Dialog above
  • Renamed DrawerOverlay to Drawer.Backdrop

Alert Dialog

We've removed the AlertDialog component in favor of passing the role="alertdialog" to the Dialog component.


  • PopoverTrigger now renders a button by default. Use the asChild to switch the trigger to a different element.

  • PopoverAnchor now renders a span by default. Use the asChild to switch the anchor to a different element.

  • Popover now requires the Popover.Positioner component to control the position of the popover.

  • Removed containerProps in favor of rendering the Popover.Positioner component


    <PopoverArrow />
    <PopoverCloseButton />
    <PopoverBody>Are you sure you want to have that milkshake?</PopoverBody>


  <Popover.Trigger asChild>
      <Popover.Arrow />
      <Popover.CloseTrigger />
        <p>Are you sure you want to have that milkshake?</p>
        <br />


The Button component has been simplified to remove internal complexity.


Removed isLoading prop in favor of rendering Spinner component


<Button isLoading colorScheme="blue">
  Click me


<Button isDisabled colorScheme="blue">
  <Spinner boxSize="1em" />
  Click me

Alternative approach to keep the content width but center the spinner:

<Button isDisabled variant="solid" colorPalette="blue">
    <BeatLoader size={8} color="white" />
  <Span opacity="0">Click me</Span>

leftIcon and rightIcon

Removed leftIcon and rightIcon in favor of rendering an icon component inlined with the button content.

To implement iconSpacing, you can use the gap prop on the Button component.


<Button leftIcon={<AddIcon />}>Click me</Button>


  <AddIcon />
  Click me

Removed loadingText in favor of updating the button content directly.


<Button isLoading loadingText="Submitting">
  Click me


<Button isDisabled>
  <Spinner boxSize="1em" />


Renamed all table components to better reflect their purpose. This also affects the theme keys.

  • Renamed TableContainer to Table.Overflow
  • Renamed Td to Table.Cell
  • Renamed Th to Table.ColumnHeader
  • Renamed Tr to Table.Row
  • Renamed Thead to Table.Header
  • Renamed Tbody to Table.Body
  • Renamed Tfoot to Table.Footer
  • Renamed isNumeric to numeric


  • Removed rootProps in favor of rendering the Menu.Positioner component
  • Renamed MenuButton to Menu.Trigger


  • Removed OrderedList and UnorderedList in favor of using the List component with the as prop.

  • To change the list style type, you can use the styleType prop on the List component.


Typography components

We've added Em , Strong, Quote and Span components

For component

The For component is a new component that allows you to render a list of items using a render prop.

import { For } from "@chakra-ui/react"

const Demo = () => {
  return (
    <For each={[1, 2, 3]} fallback={<div>No items</div>}>
      {(item) => <div key={item}>{item}</div>}

Bleed component

The Bleed component applied a negative margin to allow content to bleed out into the surrounding layout.

export const Demo = () => (
  <Box padding="4" borderWidth="1px">
    <Bleed inline="4" bg="pink.100" padding="3">
      Some bleed
    <Box padding="4">Inner text</Box>

Namespace components

You can import components by leveraging the dot notation.

import { Accordion } from "@chakra-ui/react"

const Demo = () => {
  return (
        <Accordion.Trigger>Click me</Accordion.Trigger>
        <Accordion.Content>Panel content</Accordion.Content>

asChild prop

Removed support for as prop due to the type complexity involved.

Action: Replace asChild in chakra factory and existing components.

import { Button } from "@chakra-ui/react"

const Demo = () => {
  return (
    <Button asChild>
      <a href="#">Child</a>


chakra factory

The chakra factory has been recipes to make it easier to style components using recipes. Its API is inspired by Panda CSS and Stitches.

  • Renamed baseStyle to base
  • Removed variants and sizes in favor of defining them directly in the variants object
  • Removed sx and __css in favor of using the css prop which can now take an array of styles, which will be merged together.
import { chakra } from "@chakra-ui/react"

const Alert = chakra("div", {
  base: {
    lineHeight: "1",
    fontSize: "sm",
    rounded: 4,
    fontFamily: "Inter",
    color: "white",
  variants: {
    variant: {
      default: { bg: "gray" },
      error: { bg: "red" },
      success: { bg: "green" },
      warning: { bg: "orange" },
    sizes: {
      sm: { paddingX: 10, paddingY: 5 },
      md: { paddingX: 20, paddingY: 10 },
      lg: { paddingX: 30, paddingY: 15 },
  defaultVariants: {
    variant: "default",
    size: "md",

We've also removed support for functions in the theme object due to the performance implications.

Consider the following approach instead:

  • Use the data-* attribute to store dynamic values and style them using CSS
  • Design the dynamic property/value in the recipe
  • Leverage compoundVariants to create complex variants overrides

Style Config

We've renamed useStyleConfig to useRecipe, and useMultiStyleConfig to useSlotRecipe


import { chakra, useStyleConfig } from "@chakra-ui/react"

function Alert(props) {
  const elementProps = omitThemingProps(props)
  const styles = useStyleConfig("Alert", props)
  return <chakra.div {...elementProps} __css={styles} />


import { chakra, useRecipe } from "@chakra-ui/react"

function Alert(props) {
  const recipe = useRecipe("Alert", props.recipe)
  const [variantProps, elementProps] = recipe.splitVariantProps(props)
  return <chakra.div {...elementProps} css={recipe(variantProps)} />

Multi Style Config


import { chakra, useMultiStyleConfig } from "@chakra-ui/react"

function Alert(props) {
  const elementProps = omitThemingProps(props)
  const styles = useMultiStyleConfig("Alert", props)
  return (
    <chakra.div __css={styles.root}>
      <chakra.p __css={styles.title}>Welcome</chakra.p>


import { chakra, useSlotRecipe } from "@chakra-ui/react"

function Alert(props) {
  const recipe = useSlotRecipe("Alert", props.recipe)
  const [variantProps, elementProps] = recipe.splitVariantProps(props)
  const styles = recipe(variantProps)
  return (
    <chakra.div css={styles.root}>
      <chakra.p css={styles.title}>Welcome</chakra.p>



Prefer to use useChakraContext instead of useTheme to access the theme and much more.


  • Changed to RecipeProps and SlotRecipeProps for better clarity


  • No more ButtonGroup, prefer to use the generic Group component instead
  • No more InputGroup, prefer generic Group and Addon components
  • No more InputLeftAddon and InputRightAddon, prefer to use Addon component with placement prop


  • Remove isRound in favor of passing shape=pill
  • Prefer to use children over icon prop



  • Remove max prop in favor of userland control
  • Remove excess label part
  • Move image related props to Avatar.Image component
  • Move fallback icon to Avatar.Fallback component
  • Move name prop to Avatar.Fallback component

Storybook Addon

We're removed the storybook addon in favor of using @storybook/addon-themes and withThemeByClassName helper.


  • No more InputLeftAddon and InputRightAddon, prefer to use InputAddon component with the Group component


  • No more InputLeftElement and InputRightElement, prefer to use InputElement component with the Group component and placement prop.


  • No more InputGroup, prefer generic Group component


  • Removed requiredIndicator and optionalIndicator in favor of using the FormLabel.RequiredIndicator with the fallback prop if needed


  • _activeLink is now _currentPage
  • _activeStep is now _currentStep
  • No more focusBorderColor and errorBorderColor, consider setting the --focus-color and --error-color css variables instead


  • Remove top-accent and left-accent in favor adding borderLeft and borderTop directly to the Alert component
  • Added new outline variant


  • No more soft-rounded and solid-rounded variants
  • The enclosed variant has been modified
  • Added plain variant for usage with Tabs.Indicator
  • Changed isManual to activationMode=manual


  • Default color palette is now gray for all components but you can configure this in your theme.


  • Move hasStripe and isAnimated to the decoration variant in recipe. Value can be either striped or striped-animated
  • label or valueText no longer comes with a color by default, you can style yourself


No longer exists. Prefer to use the IconButton component with your own icon.


  • Remove SkeletonText and SkeletonCircle in favor of using the Skeleton component and styling as needed
  • Remove fitContent prop in favor of passing width="fit-content" directly to the Skeleton component
  • Remove startColor and endColor prop in favor of using css variables

Skeleton Text


<SkeletonText />


  <Skeleton height="40px" />
  <Skeleton height="40px" />
  <Skeleton width="40%" height="40px" />

Skeleton Circle


<SkeletonCircle />


<Skeleton width="40px" height="40px" rounded="full" />


  • Renamed Stepper to Steps
  • Changed data attribute format
    • data-status=complete -> data-complete and style with _complete
    • data-status=active -> data-current and style with _current
    • data-status=incomplete -> data-incomplete and style with _incomplete
  • Removed StepIndicatorContent, use the Steps.Status component to render a component based on status


<Stepper index={activeStep}>
  {, index) => (
    <Step key={index}>
          complete={<StepIcon />}
          incomplete={<StepNumber />}
          active={<StepNumber />}

      <Box flexShrink="0">

      <StepSeparator />


<Steps.Root index={activeStep}>
  {, index) => (
    <Steps.Item key={index}>
          complete={<StepIcon />}
          incomplete={<StepNumber />}
          active={<StepNumber />}

      <Box flexShrink="0">

      <Steps.Separator />


  • Rename to Separator
  • Switch to div element for better layout control
  • Simplify component to rely on borderTopWidth and borderInlineStartWidth
  • To change the thickness reliably, set the --divider-border-width css variable


  • Remove shouldWrapChildren in favor of using the StackItem explicitly
  • Rename spacing to gap
  • Rename divider prop to separator


  • Rename NumberInputStepper to NumberInput.Control
  • Rename NumberInputStepperIncrement to NumberInput.IncrementTrigger
  • Rename NumberInputStepperDecrement to NumberInput.DecrementTrigger
  • Remove focusBorderColor and errorBorderColor, consider setting the --focus-color and --error-color css variables instead


  <NumberInputField />
    <NumberIncrementStepper />
    <NumberDecrementStepper />


  <NumberInput.Field />
    <NumberInput.IncrementTrigger />
    <NumberInput.DecrementTrigger />


  • Changed value, defaultValue and onChange to use string[] instead of string
  • Add new PinInput.Control and PinInput.Label component parts
  • PinInput.Root now renders a div element by default. Consider combining with Stack or Group for better layout control


  • Now renders a native img without any fallback
  • Remove fallbackSrc due to the SSR issues it causes
  • Remove useImage hook
  • Remove Img in favor of using the Image component directly


There's been a significant change to the Toast component to make it more flexible and easier to style.

  • Removed createStandaloneToasts, useToast in favor of using createToaster to spawn toast in a specific position.
  • With the toast returned from createToaster, you can now create toasts outside of the React tree.
  • Toast now reads from its own recipe and all parts can be styled directly


import { useToast } from "@chakra-ui/react"

const toast = useToast()

  title: "Account created.",
  description: "We've created your account for you.",
  status: "success",


const [ToastContainer, toast] = createToaster({
  placement: "bottom",
  render(toast) {
    return (
        <Toast.Root status={toast.status}>
          <Box pos="absolute" top="1" insetEnd="1">
            <Toast.CloseTrigger asChild>
              <HiX />

  title: "Account created.",
  description: "We've created your account for you.",
  status: "success",


  • Remove appendToParentPortal prop in favor of using the containerRef
  • Simplify the Portal component
  • Remove PortalManager component

Color Mode

  • We've removed the ColorModeProvider and useColorMode in favor of using next-themes or similar libraries.
  • Removed LightMode, DarkMode and ColorModeScript components
  • Removed useColorModeValue in favor of using useTheme from next-themes

// TODO: Provide snippets

Style Prop Changes

  • _activeLink -> _currentPage
  • _activeStep -> _currentStep
  • apply is no longer supported, prefer creating a recipe using the chakra factory instead


  • Rename StatArrow to Stat.Indicator
  • Rename StatNumber to Stat.Value


  • Now requires the Slider.Control to work properly
  • Added new Slider.ValueText and Slider.Label components