- Profundizar en conceptos de Programación Orientada a Objetos (OOP).
- Afianzar sintaxis de Java, condicionales, loops, arrays y strings.
- Resolver problemas complejos con algoritmos eficientes.
- Introducir Big O Notation y análisis de complejidad.
ID | Plataforma | Desafío | Habilidades | OA |
301 | Eabit | Secret Society | Array, Strings | 2 |
302 | Leet Code | Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters | Array, Strings | 2 |
303 | Leet Code | Long Pressed Name | String | 2 |
304 | Leet Code | Number of Good Pairs | Array | 2 |
305 | Leet Code | Richest Customer Wealth | Array | 2 |
306 | Leet Code | Roman to Integer | Condicionales | 2 |
307 | Leet Code | Sort Array By Parity | Array | 2 |
308 | Leet Code | Valid Anagram | String | 2 |
309 | Codewars | Multiples of 3 or 5 | Integer | 2 |
310 | Codewars | Format words into a sentence | Array, Strings | 2 |
311 | Codewars | Array.diff | Array | 2 |
312 | Codewars | Human Readable Time | Java Date Time API | 2 |
313 | Leet Code | Merge Intervals | Array | 2 |
314 | Leet Code | Maximum Subarray | Array | 2 |
315 | Codewars | Range Extraction | Array | 2 |
316 | Codewars | Molecule to Atoms* | String | 3, 4 |
317 | Codewars | String incrementer* | String | 3, 4 |
318 | Codewars | Merged String Checker* | Array, Strings | 3, 4 |
319 | Codewars | Closest elevator* | Array | 3, 4 |
320 | Leet Code | Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box* | Loop | 3, 4 |
321 | Codewars | The Lift* | Array | 3, 4 |
322 | Advent of Code | Report Repair* | Array | 3, 4 |
323 | Codewars | Recursion 101* | Recursion | 3, 4 |
324 | Leet Code | Deepest Leaves Sum* | Recursion | 3, 4 |
325 | Leet Code | Numbers of Islands* | Recursion | 3, 4 |
Los ejercicios marcados con * tiene una alta complejidad. Intenta resolverlos pero no te frustes si no puedes llegar a una solución definitiva.
Objetivo de Aprendizaje | Materiales Escritos |
1. Profundizar en conceptos de Programación Orientada a Objetos (OOP). | Java OOP(Object Oriented Programming) Concepts Java Class and Object Quiz Objects, Classes, Interfaces, Packages, and Inheritance Classes and Objects |
3. Resolver problemas complejos con algoritmos eficientes. | Recursion in Java Full Tutorial - How to Create Recursive Methods |
4. Introducir Big O Notation y análisis de complejidad. | Big-O Notation - For Coding Interviews |