Currently, it is possible to update the (outgoing) edges of a node within the corresponding node-update operation. For instance, it is possible to do the following.
mutation {
updateBlogger( id: "56565", data: {
name: "Robert",
blogs: [
{ connect: "41" },
{ connect: "21" }
} ) {
What this does is to remove (!) all existing edges from blogger 56565 to blogs and replace them by two new edges that connect the blogger to blogs 41 and 21, respectively. This behavior is not very intuitive and may cause a lot of confusion, and it is also problematic in terms of the automatically maintained lastUpdateDate
field (as discussed in #63).
I also do not see any other way of defining a more intuitive behavior for this.
Consequently, I am proposing to remove this option altogether. Edges can still be added by the edge-creation operations and removing them, as well as updating their annotations will become available as per #36 and #35, respectively.