Describe the bug
As a starting point i need more guidance and knowledge of some experts.
After serveral bug fixes of truehd pt in kodi last time my hope was to have finally no audio drop with hbr pt audio. But not for me. After many tests and tries i could figured out that i have audio drops and sometimes cracks on every HBR Audio PT like Truehd/Atmos/DTS HD Master Audio and only with 4K @ 23.976. When i disable PT and use MultiCH PCM over HDMI the same situation.
When i switch to 4K@24p the audio drops are gone. When i switch to [email protected] also drops are gone.
I have tried already to get some help on LE Forum and on Kodi Forum without any success:
Debug Logs are showing for me completly no hint for that specific issue.
I have the htpc connected to an Onkyo RZ830 and then to LG C1
My current assumption is that the [email protected] timing for HDMI, ALSA or KODI is not okay and the AVR is loosing sync with audio.
With MultiCh PCM and DTS-HD Master Audio situation is much worse.
With DTS-HD Master Audio it could happend that audio is lost completly. Changing Audio Mode on AVR restores Audio.
The AVR is showing no indication that is something wrong.
I could not found any indication on internet that the AVR has an issue.
Picture is always stable and during audio drops there are no frame drops.
When system is switched to 4k@24p a full movie has no audio issue.
As i can build images by my self, i can do some tests when i am guided. Any help is welcome. If necessary i can provide more information
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to '...'
- Play '....'
- See error
Playing the Zootopia movie sample which was shared in kodi forum and listen to the audio drop. I have many in that sample. every few seconds.
- LE Version: LE master from early Feb.
- Hardware Platform: Intel J4105, 8GB, SSD
- AVR Onkyo RZ830
- LG C1
Happens on LE10 and LE11 but i have figured out the real issue with build from early feb