I'm on a MacBook Pro 2021, 16inch, Apple M1 Max, 64GB RAM, 1TB drive ,running MacOS 14.4.1
I get the following failed assertion when I try to generate an image with in Stability Matrix in Inference, using Layer Diffuse:
got prompt model_type EPS Using pytorch attention in VAE Using pytorch attention in VAE clip missing: ['clip_l.logit_scale', 'clip_l.transformer.text_projection.weight'] Requested to load SDXLClipModel Loading 1 new model Requested to load SDXL Loading 1 new model 0%| | 0/30 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/Users/redacted/Library/Application Support/StabilityMatrix/Packages/ComfyUI/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torchsde/_brownian/ UserWarning: Should have tb<=t1 but got tb=14.614640235900879 and t1=14.61464. warnings.warn(f"Should have {tb_name}<=t1 but got {tb_name}={tb} and t1={self._end}.") 100%|██████████| 30/30 [01:02<00:00, 2.10s/it] Requested to load AutoencoderKL Loading 1 new model 100%|██████████| 8/8 [00:05<00:00, 1.53it/s] /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/ce725a5f-c761-11ee-a4ec-b6ef2fd8d87b/Library/Caches/ failed assertion
(null)" Axis = 4. This class only supports axis = 0, 1, 2, 3
I googled the crap out of this error and I've got nothing. I assume the crux of the problem is that
didn't load. And then of course Axis = 4. This class only supports axis = 0, 1, 2, 3
is maybe even worse? Anyway, I just wanted to report this cause I didn't see it in the list of issues.