In a stream with clobber mode set to overwrite, I see evidence that netdf file global attributes are being written every time output is written. I would think they should only be written once on init, or perhaps not at given it's an existing file.
I discovered this accidentally by doing a run, adding a new namelist option to the code and recompiling, then doing a restart writing to the same file with clobber mode set to overwrite. I get a PIO error in subroutine MPAS_io_put_att_real0d in mpas_io.F here:
where it tries to write the global attribute specifying the value of the new namelist option to the existing output file (which understandably does not work). This error occurs on every timestep when writing to the file occurs, not just once, demonstrating that the stream manager is attempting to write global attributes on every write of the stream.