mapster has provided the function of not copying the property when the value of the property is null. Can we extend this function to stop copying the property when the value of the property is a series of specific values? It is better to provide a general method (I am not sure which property and which type, but I am sure that the value cannot be these)? Determine whether a property field can be copied before it is copied
// Can you provide such a method
// Another framework, automapper, already provides similar functionality
// I don't care about the attribute name, but I care about the attribute value, and providing the attribute name is best when determining the attribute value
IgnoreMember((srcMember, destMember, srcValue, destValue) =>
if (srcValue is string srcValueTxt)
return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(srcValueTxt);
if (srcValue == destValue)
return true;
return false;