Did you test the latest bugfix-2.1.x
Yes, and the problem still exists.
Bug Description
When not using Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN (I'm using Z_MAX, P1_29) and not using SERVER 0 in the BLTouch configuration (I'm using SERVO 3, P4_28) along with associated hardware connections, when leveling (B29) the Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN seems to be disabled and the printhead attempts to drill through the buildplate. The 3DTouch gets triggered (M119, Z_MAX and Z_MIN_PROBE) but there is a probing error reported in Pronsole. The Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN (Ender 3 switch) should stop the Z movement even if the probe fails but it doesn't. Outside of leveling, everything looks fine. M401 deploys the probe and M402 stows the probe. M119 shows open when it is deployed and TRIGGERED when it is stowed. When homing (B28), Z MIN ENDSTOP switch stops the Z movement.
I am not yet able to build 2.1.x. MKS doesn't or has not yet supported this board beyond 2.0.x. MKS SGEN V1.0. I get a no Motherboard when I try to autobuild using the configuration that works with 2.0.x.
Running a g28 (first time always works) followed by a m401 followed by a g28 will attempt to drill through the buildplate.
Bug Timeline
I've been running Bugfix 2.0.x for years without the 3DTouch. I the past weeks I've been trying to use the 3DTouch with the configuration that worked as a baseline.
Expected behavior
First, I expect the Z_MIN_ENDSTOP switch to always stop the -Z movement even if the probe fails when leveling like it does when homing which doesn't always stop either.
I expect the probe to stop the Z movement when it is triggered.
Actual behavior
Z movement doesn't stop when leveling until the printbed stops and the stepper grinds and stalls. It stops fine when homing.
The probe triggers when leveling but Pronsole reports a probing error. It doesn't appear to be read.
Running a g28 followed by a M401, followed by a G28 will also attempt to drill through the build plate. Both Z_MIN_PROBE and Z_MIN are triggered.
Reporting endstop status
x_min: open [37m 18°>←[00m
y_min: open [37m 18°>←[00m
z_min: TRIGGERED37m 18°>←[00m
z_max: TRIGGERED37m 18°>←[00m
z_probe: TRIGGEREDm 18°>←[00m
←[01m←[32mcom7←[37m 18°>←[00m
Had to power down to stop. This is after repowering.
Steps to Reproduce
- Using Z_MAX as the probe pin and Servo 3 as the BLTouch connections.
- run G28 and everything works normally. The printhead moves to the homing position and everything stops.
- run G29 and the printhead moves up and over to the first leveling location. then it lowers until the nozzle touches the bed and it starts to grind. The probe is triggered and the Z switch is triggered.
- Second error but probably related, Run a G28
- m401
- g28
Version of Marlin Firmware
SENDING:M115 FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (GitHub) SOURCE_CODE_URL: PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:Ender-3 EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff
Printer model
Creality Ender-3 Pro
MKS SGEN V1.0 3DTouch from Amazon
MKS TFT 32, Creality 12864 LCD doesn't seem to work with this board.
Other add-ons
3DTouch from Amazon
Bed Leveling
Your Slicer
Host Software
Don't forget to include
- A ZIP file containing your