OS: Mac OS X - 10.15.7 (19H2)
GPMDP Version: Google Play Music Desktop Player - Version 4.7.1 (4.7.1)
Issue Descriptions: I have GPM set up to start when I boot my iMac Pro. Right after I (re)start the machine a Terminal window opens up and never closes. It remains open unless I click on the red button (circle) to close the app. The app works fine if I leave that Terminal window open, but it is clear to me that that window is not meant to remain open. It should go away. Then, if I want to close the window, I can, but that also terminates the app completely. At this point, having terminated the app, if I open it back up again and it works as expected (It simply opens and I never even see the terminal window.) It's frustrating that I need to terminate the app every time it opens up due to a system startup or reboot. And yes, I do want for the app to open up when I start my Mac. But I want it to work properly (without the persistent Terminal window during startup).
I could not find the issue listed in any other post.
The instructions to create DEBUG information in a zip file did not work for me. On a Mac, I tried both Ctrl+Shit+G as well as Ctrl+Shift+Command. Neither one of the two key combinations do anything. I cannot create a DEBUG info zip file.
Here's the text that appears inside the Terminal widow (again, only when it starts up automatically with the system during startup):
Last login: Wed Oct 7 16:10:59 on console
raphael@iMacPro ~ % /Applications/Google\ Play\ Music\ Desktop\\ Play\ Music\ Desktop\ Player ; exit;
2020-10-07 16:11:06.951 Google Play Music Desktop Player[608:6155] *** WARNING: Textured window <AtomNSWindow: 0x7f9076c1c3d0> is getting an implicitly transparent titlebar. This will break when linking against newer SDKs. Use NSWindow's -titlebarAppearsTransparent=YES instead.
Starting Sentry
GVA encoder info: AMD performance mode : 2
GVA encoder info: deleteSCDMetalContext : texture cache hits: 0, misses: 0
2020-10-07 16:11:08.578 Google Play Music Desktop Player[608:6155] Warning: Window move completed without beginning
7 Oct 16:33:32 - uncaughtException: 66093006ac8142c2853fe24acc6ba787
Steps to reproduce:
1- Set up GPM to start up at login using "Login Items" in Users & Groups, in System Preferences.
2- Restart the Mac.
3- After I start or restart the Mac the terminal window opens and never closes with the text I indicated above. The app does work, but the window remains open unless I forcefully close it manually.
4- I then forcefully close the window, which causes the entire application to quit as well.
5- Then if I manually open it up back up, I do not see the problem with the Terminal window anymore. It's quite annoying.
Please advise. Thank you in advance. Best, Raphael