The build steps described here: wiki/Project-Setup do not work anymore.
Somethings I did to actually build it.
- Mingw apparently does not work as explained there, and I could not make it work anyway.
- I could build ccls, building llvm from source, but I had to change somethings
- Make sure you do not have any clang in your path, be it from Visual Studio or llvm-binaries (I don't know if this step is necessary, but for me it was causing some conflict)
- Build llvm with:
git clone --depth=1
cd llvm-project
ninja -C Release clangFormat clangFrontendTool clangIndex clangTooling clang
Somethings to take note, the -H
flag does not exist anymore, it is now -S
, building llvm was pretty straight-forward if you knew about the flag deprecation.
- Build ccls with:
git clone
cd ccls
git submodule init
git submodule update
cmake -S. -BRelease -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang-cl -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-cl -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="E:/Aplicativos/llvm-project/Release"
ninja -C Release
I had to initialize and update the submodule to actually make it work. About the cmake
call, I had to change the -H
to -S
as stated before, and another relevant thing was setting both the CXX and C compiler to clang, since if you don't define CMAKE_C_COMPILER
it will automatically use MSVC and it will conflict and abort the build.
I don't know how to push a fix to wiki so I'm just submitting a issue with the fix that worked for me, if anyone wants to validate by trying to replicate it and update the wiki I'd be thankful.