MediaTek Cloud Sandbox (MCS) have exposed RESTful APIs allowing you to build applications and services that is able to make meaningful communications with MCS for DataPoint upload and retrieves as well as requesting MCS to make TCP socket commands. MCS also based on the communication data uploaded, especially for time-series based data, translate into visual charts for easier reading to the users.
MCS has made all its RESTful API access point as below:
Parameters follows right after the access point used to identify a specific resource as part of the URL construct:{deviceId}/retrieveDataPoints
In the example above, the deviceId was specified in the URL. For any requests, any parameters not included as part of the URL should be encoded as JSON or CSV with a content -Type
of application/json
or text/csv
Mediatek Cloud Sandbox (MCS) uses the standard HTTP status code to indicate if an API request is succussful or fail. Here states the standard HPPT status code the user may encounter:
200 OK - Request Successfully.
**201 Created **- The request has been fulfilled and a new resource is being created.
202 Accepted - The request has been accepted for processing, but the process has not yet been completed.
204 No Content - The server successfully processed the request, but is not returning any content. Usually used as a response to a successful delete request.
400 Bad Request - The server cannot process the request due to the client given parameter is not what the server expected to receive.
401 Unauthorized - Authotization is required and has failed or not been provided. A header for Authorization is required.
403 Forbidden - The server is refusing to respond to a valid request.
404 Not Found - The request resource could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed - The request was made of a resource using a not supported method.
500, 502 Server Error - Something went wrong with the MCS server.
The Mediatek Cloud Sandbox (MCS) provides the following types of API:
GET - Used for retrieving resource.
POST - Used for creating resouce.
PUT - Used for updating resource.
DELETE - Used for deleting resource.
All request sent to the API need to be authenticated. A Bearer token for Authentication
key in the HTTP header is required. If not provided, the server will respond with an Unauthorized message.
Each time a prototype is created, a data channel is created or a device is added, there will be an unique key assigned to each prototype, data channel or device. This unique key is not editable, but they can be used to access data which they are associated. They cannot access data from any other resource.
The developer can define which HTTP methods(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) can be used with each API key. For example, in the Sandnox API, if you need to GET data from a specific data channel or prototype, you will need to use the Key for the data channel and the prototype.
Following is a shortlist of useful terms of MCS:
The data channel is a logical placeholder in the cloud for data generated either coming from a specific component of a physical device, or a command coming from the cloud intended to push into a specific component of the connected physical device. Simply put, data channel is designed for one-way or two-way communications between the cloud and the connected physical device.
MCS provides several Sandbox API for the user to easily create data channel, retrieve data from the data channels and update the data channel.
We will have two types of devices in the MCS, the first kind is the test device. The test device is for the developer to use to test the functionality of the prototype before release. The second kind of device is the batch create devices created after a prototype is released and is used for the end user.
MCS also provides APIs for both develoer and the user. For example, to create device, retrieve data from device and remote contol using the device.
A prototype is the service that you are going to deliver as a deliverable in the end. The MSC also provides several APIs for the developers to make use of regarding the prototype. The developer will add data channels in a prototype and test the prototype by creating the test device before release.