The command server format of each data type is defined here. It is the format that the command server sent to the device to process.
**The timestamp is using the UNIX timestamp format.
The device will get the data as the following format from the command server, and the user can write a parser in the device to parse the data needed.
Here is an example of how to parse and extract the datachannelId, value, and period of a PWM.
Before the device can get the command from command server, you need to first connect the device to MCS.
Call the RESTful API: GET{deviceId}/connections to obtain the response value for Socket Server IP and Port. Command server respond format:
"ip": "ServerIp",
"port": "serverPort"
Open a tcp connection to the given ip and port and send a heartbeat message.
Heartbeat format:
deviceId, deviceKey, timestamp
After the TCP long connecion is built, the user can give command to the device via the MSC platform.
The command Format:
deviceId, deviceKey, timestamp, dataChnId, commandValue
deviceId,deviceKey,timestamp,dataChannelId,{0 or 1}
0 stands for OFF, and 1 stands for ON.
For example:
switch01,, 1
To turn the switch01 to on state, and do not give the timestamp.
deviceId,deviceKey,timestamp,dataChannelId,{Key Value}
The Key value will correspond to the Key name that you’ve set.
deviceId,deviceKey,timestamp,dataChannelId,{Hex value}
Hex is referred to hexadecimal value which only takes value from A-D and 0-9.
The range of latitude is from -90 to 90. 0 to 90 stands for North and 0 to -90 stands for South.
The range of longitude is from -180 to 180. 0 to 180 stands for East and 0 to -180 stands for West.
The range of altitude is from 0 to 20000 in meter.
deviceId,deviceKey,timestamp,dataChannelId,{0 ot 1}
0 stands for Low, and 1 stands for High.