Use HTTPs GET to retrieve devices
Authorization: Bearer '{token}'
Data Format: JSON
The response body will construct in JSON format with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Description |
deviceId | String | Device ID |
deviceKey | String | Device Key |
name | String | Device Name |
description | String | Device Description |
product | Object | Product Info |
dataChannels | Object Array | Data Channels |
fw | Object | Firmware Info |
trustIpRange | String Array | Trusted IP range from where the device is allowed to conntect to MCS |
lastIp | String | Last IP the device seen from |
deviceImageURL | String | Device image URL |
isHeartbeating | Bool | Is the device currently online |
isVerified | Bool | Has the device registration been verified |
isActive | Bool | Is the device active |
isTest | Bool | Is the device a test device |
activatedAt | Number | Timestamp of the device activation |
deactivatedAt | Number | Timestamp of the device deactivation ( Default = null if the device is active and has not been deactivated ) |
tags | Object Array | Tags of the device |
privilege | String | User's privilege on the device |
Detailed Object Fields
Field Name | Type | Description |
prodId | String | Product ID |
prodVersion | String | Product Version |
name | String | Product Name |
description | String | Product Description |
displayConfigs | Object Array | A JSON format object indicatig how each data channel will be displayed |
chip | String | Product Chip |
Field Name | Type | Description |
dataChnId | Number | Data Channel ID |
isAvailable | Bool | Is the device normal |
name | String | Channel Name |
channelType | Object | Data Channel Type |
isHidden | Bool | Is the data channel hidden to end users? |
isControllable | Bool | Is the data channel controllable by cloud commands |
description | String | Data Channel Description |
unitType | Object | Data Unit Type |
format | String | Refer to confluence for content format |
Field Name | Type | Description |
fwId | String | Firmware ID |
name | String | Frimware Name |
description | String | Firmware Description |
version | Number | Firmware Version |
Field Name | Type | Description |
displayType | Number | How to display |
displayOrder | Number | The order of displaying the component |
dataChnIds | Number Array | ID of data channel that is being configured to display on the console |
Field Name | Type | Description |
tagId | Number | Tag ID |
name | String | Tag Name |
**Example: **
Request URL,d1234567891
Response Body
"apiVersion": "0.0.1",
"code": 200,
"message": "Request has succeeded",
"results": [
"deviceId": "DTRL0Knx",
"deviceKey": "Xcwe9T82ehPSN6dv",
"deviceName": "aa",
"deviceDescription": "aaa",
"trustIpRange": null,
"lastIp": "",
"deviceImageURL": null,
"isVerified": true,
"isActive": true,
"isTest": true,
"activatedAt": "2015-03-02T18:43:17.587Z",
"deactivatedAt": null,
"privilege": "owner",
"product": {
"prodId": "PydFXsArwtru",
"name": "11",
"description": "",
"displayConfigs": [
"format": {
"lowerbound": "1",
"upperbound": "5",
"unitTypes": 20
"displayType": 14,
"displayOrder": 1,
"streamTypeId": 1,
"dataChnIds": [
"showHistory": false,
"configs": {
"format": {
"lowerbound": "integer",
"upperbound": "integer",
"unitTypes": "category-units"
"format": {
"lowerbound": "1",
"upperbound": "20",
"unitTypes": 17
"displayType": 14,
"displayOrder": 2,
"streamTypeId": 1,
"dataChnIds": [
"showHistory": false
"chip": "LinkIt One (MT2502)",
"version": "111",
"privilege": "owner"
"fw": {
"fwId": "FvMNKIXNKbox",
"name": "Default Firmware",
"description": "Default Firmware",
"version": "0.0"
"dataChannels": [
"dataChnId": "aa",
"name": "aa",
"description": "aa",
"channelType": {
"dataChnTypeId": 1,
"name": "Integer"
"format": {
"lowerbound": "1",
"upperbound": "5",
"unitTypes": 20
"isHidden": false,
"isControllable": true,
"unitType": {
"unitTypeId": null,
"name": null
"dataChnId": "11",
"name": "11111",
"description": "111",
"channelType": {
"dataChnTypeId": 1,
"name": "Integer"
"format": {
"lowerbound": "1",
"upperbound": "20",
"unitTypes": 17
"isHidden": false,
"isControllable": true,
"unitType": {
"unitTypeId": null,
"name": null
When error is incurred, the response code will be non-200 and the response body will construct in JSON format with the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Error Code |
url | String | url to API Error detail page |
description | String | Error Description |
apiVersion: "0.0.1",
code: 401,
message: "401 Unauthorized",
errors: [
code: 401,
message: "401 Unauthorized"
"results": {
"code": 1002,
"url": "",
"description": "You do not have access right to this API"
statusCode: 401,
options: { }