[There are a few issue that I had while following the Getting started with the Data Grid control
Issue One. In Step 5. Add the control in your Loaded event:
- It does not stated how or where to add a Load Event
- The code provide about the Layout Root.Children.Add(dataGrid1)
needs to be clarified a bit more.
Issue Two. In the Binding a Data Grid to a data source section:
- In the Items Source property, it reference a Model View that is not created yet in the previous steps.
Can I get some clarification on how and where to create that.
Issue Three: In the Customizing columns section:
- The <controls:DataGrid.Columns>
tag gives me this following error message:
Error 1: "Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error XDG0012 The member "Columns" is not recognized or is not accessible. MyApp1
C:\Users\tc\source\repos\MyApp1\MyApp1\MainPage.xaml 17"
Error 2: "Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error XLS0415 The attachable property 'Columns' was not found in type 'Data Grid'. MyApp1
C:\Users\tc\source\repos\MyApp1\MyApp1\MainPage.xaml 17"
Thank you for helping me in my career endeavors ]
Document Details
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- ID: 978c3f37-6430-cf7d-09d4-74188eca70f0
- Version Independent ID: 4d1dcaff-3626-62be-e82a-bbae5593ad6b
- Content: How to - Add a DataGrid control to a page - Windows Community Toolkit
- Content Source: docs/controls/datagrid_guidance/
- Product: dotnet-communitytoolkit
- Technology: windows-community-toolkit
- GitHub Login: @harinikmsft
- Microsoft Alias: mhawker