"Include all of the decompressed Fixed Version binaries in your app package, to be deployed on the target machine during your app's installation."
The decompressed Fixed Version binaries are in multiple sub-folders. It is unclear if I should Add each file and then set each and every single file property Folder value to "FixedVersionRuntime" and then "FixedVersionRuntim\EBWebView\x86" and so forth. It will take a long time to find out if it works or doesn't work. Adding a small note here or a link to the relevant procedure would be very helpful and time-saving. Or a note saying that each file will need to have its Folder property set manually as the files are added.
Or I'm way off on what I should be doing. In the event this is true then these instructions are above my head or not clear enough.
Thank you.
Document Details
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- ID: 8a805f15-55ba-4ef4-aeda-22188a040c66
- Version Independent ID: 88de0955-526f-a4c9-efcc-d952281850e1
- Content: Distribute your app and the WebView2 Runtime - Microsoft Edge Development
- Content Source: microsoft-edge/webview2/concepts/
- Product: microsoft-edge
- Technology: webview
- GitHub Login: @MSEdgeTeam
- Microsoft Alias: msedgedevrel