if the "enable-experimental-web-platform-features" is enabled, either passed on the command-line as an argument, or set in "edge://flags/", ANY selected text inside devtools becomes invisible. It's like the selection colour is transparent, so you can't see what you've selected. The problem occurs everywhere, be it when selectors are selected on the Elements tab, or you type something into a filter window (on the console tab etc.) and try to select what you typed, it's invisible. Took me some time to find what causes it.
This part was moved to a new issue as asked by the admin
Also, your new devtools which can be enabled as an experimental feature features a lower pane which cannot be permanently disabled, every time devtools are re-opened, it's there again. I am not going to use the new version of devtools until you allow to disable it permanently, because it steals space, especially inside a Hyper-V terminal, which is small as it is.